
  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:徐晓冬主编;曾祥娟,金郁副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787122025173
  • 页数:96 页

Unit 1 Going Close to E-commerce 1

E-commerce—It's More Than Buying and Selling 1

The Interdisciplinary Nature of E-commerce 2

The Partnership Between the Internet and Business 2

Unit 2 A Brief History of E-Commerce and EDI Standard 7

Brief History of E-commerce 7

EDI Standard 8

Problems Among the Traditional Information Interchange 8

Can EDI Solve the Problems? 9

How does EDI Work? 10

The Benefits of EDI 11

Unit 3 Typical Business Models in Doing E-commerce 17

E-commerce Models 17

B2C:Business-to-Consumer 17

B2B:Business-to-Business 18

C2C:Consumer-to-Consumer 18

G2C:Government-to-Consumer 18

Online Auctions 18

Unit 4 E-commerce Success Stories 23

eBay——The World's Largest Auction Site 23

Why Can eBay Get Success? 25

Unit 5 The Internet and the World Wide Web 31

The Internet 31

The World Wide Web 32

Differences Between the Internet and World Wide Web 32

The Web and E-commerce 33

Unit 6 Buying Online 39

Buying Online 39

Finding the Good Life on the Internet 40

Making the Purchase 40

Unit 7 Doing Business on the Web 47

Presale 47

Taking the Order 48

Delivering the Products 48

Postsale 49

Unit 8 Digital Advertising 55

Listing Your Products on Your Website 55

Banner Advertising 56

Promoting Your Site 58

Unit 9 E-mail Application in E-commerce 65

How to Writting an E-mail 65

Inquiry and Quotation 66

Putting a Purchase Order 66

Making Complaints 66

Unit 10 Global E-commerce 71

Doing Business Anywhere,Anytime 71

Lowering Geographic Barrier 71

Asynchronous Worldwide Activities 72

Online International Business Information 72

Unit 11 Creating your Web Site 79

Your Electronic Commerce Web Site 79

Making Your Web Debut 79

Components of a Web Site 80

Website Features 82

Unit 12 The Future of E-commerce 89

E-commerce—the Present 89

E-commerce—the Future 90

Reference 96