范例篇 1
Unit 1 1
Passage 1.Heroic Teacher Recalls German School Bloodbath 德校园枪击事件惊魂未定,英勇教师回忆生死瞬间 1
Passage 2.Pisans Toast Tower s Improved Posture 比萨人欢庆比萨斜塔“正身” 3
Passage 3.Court Reverses Break-up of Microsoft 微软垄断案出现重大转折,一分为二的判决被推翻 4
Passage 4.Children s Novel Tells Taliban Tale 《养家的人》:为孩子们讲述塔利班的故事 6
Unit 2 11
Passage 1.Euro Coins Could Cause Skin Disease 硬币引发皮肤病,欧元健康环保受到质疑 11
Passage 2.Japan Holds Breath as Royal Baby Due Any Day Now 为迎接小太子诞生,日本举国屏气凝神 12
Passage 3.Giving China the 2008 Olympics Gives Businesses a Boost? 申奥成功会给北京带来滚滚财源吗? 14
Passage 4.In Times of Terror,Teens Talk the Talk 美国青少年创造9·11俚语 16
Unit 3 21
Passage 1.Clinton s Daughter in Love 克林顿的女儿在恋爱 21
Passage 2.How I Learned Not to Underestimate George W.Bush? 我是怎么学会不小瞧小布什的 22
Passage 3.Saddam s Romantic Novel to Hit the Stage 萨达姆的浪漫爱情小说将要被搬上舞台 24
Passage 4.9 Rules For on-line Dating 网上约会的九大规则 26
Unit 4 31
Passage 1.The15-year-old Anti-Taliban Commander in Afghanistan 15岁的阿富汗反塔军事首领 31
Passage 2.Cupid s Arrow Finds Its Mark-in Cyberspace 爱神丘比特之箭射向网络聊天室 33
Passage 3.President Bush s Niece Makes Fashion Debut 布什总统侄女的首次时装表演 34
Passage 4.Harry Potter and the Sad Grown-ups 哈里·波特和可悲的大人 37
Unit 5 44
Passage 1.The Value of the Old 老年人的价值开始被认识 44
Passage 2.Two Aspects of Women s Well-being 女人幸福的两个方面 45
Passage 3.Apple s Efforts to Stay Ahead of IBM 苹果公司继续努力保持对IBM的优势 47
Passage 4.Is Nuclear Power a Devil? 核能真的那么可怕吗? 49
Unit 6 53
Passage 1.The Negative Aspects of Being Attractive 美丽也有不好的一面 53
Passage 2.Is War Inevitable? 战争可以避免吗? 54
Passage 3.Difference of Three New English Dictionaries 三本新出的字典的不同之处 56
Passage 4.The True Life of Police 警察的真实生活 58
实战篇 63
Unit 7 63
Passage 1.Computer Criminals: Just Do It! 计算机罪犯乐逍遥 63
Passage 2.Communicate With Your Eyes 用眼睛交流 64
Passage 3.Please Use Your Money in America 请到美国来花钱 66
Passage 4.Does The Hi-tech Do Good to All of Us? 高科技真的让每个人都受益了吗? 68
Unit 8 72
Passage 1.The Paradox of the Protection of Nature 保护大自然?这个很难 72
Passage 2.How Do We Live without Emotion? 生活在一个没有感情的世界里会是什么样子? 73
Passage 3.The Comparison of Two TV Talk Shows 两档电视脱口秀节目的比较 75
Passage 4.How Do Birds Sleep? 鸟儿是怎样睡觉的? 77
Unit 9 82
Passage 1.Noise is a Danger to Our Hearing 噪音是对我们听力的一大威胁 82
Passage 2.Who Are to Blame for Cheating in School? 学生作弊谁之错? 83
Passage 3.The Reform of the Housing Distribution System 分房制度的改革 85
Passage 4.The New Use of Greenspace 绿地新用途——休闲娱乐 87
Unit 10 91
Passage 1.The Curse on TV 电视,万恶之源 91
Passage 2.The New Discovery on High Blood Pressure 关于高血压病的新发现 92
Passage 3.Why Is It Difficult to Ban Alcohol in America? 在美国禁酒为什么就这么难? 94
Passage 4.Work Hard and Never Give Up to Get What You Want 努力工作,永不放弃才能达到目标 96
Unit 11 100
Passage 1.Speaking by Instinct 语言是人类的本能 100
Passage 2.Get Water from Icebergs 向极地冰山取所需淡水 101
Passage 3.Have You Got Your Own Status? 你是什么身份? 103
Passage 4.Let Take Bicycle! 让我们骑自行车吧! 104
Unit 12 109
Passage 1.The Change of Women s Life 妇女生活方式的改变 109
Passage 2.Legal Murdering:Driving after Drinking 酒后驾车——合法的谋杀 110
Passage 3.The Career of Picasso as an Artist 毕加索的艺术生涯 112
Passage 4.Every Kind of Culture Has Its Own Reason of Existence 每一种文化都有它存在的理由 113
Passage 1.Let the Children Know The truth of Death 让我们的孩子知道什么是死亡 117
Unit 13 117
Passage 2.Salt Is Also Dangerous 科学告诉我们,吃盐也要小心 118
Passage 3.What Can Science Really Do? 科学的最大的作用在于解释,而不是发现 120
Passage 4.Eat as Much as You Want 新型食品让你放心地吃,不用担心变胖 121
Unit 14 126
Passage 1.Recognize Somebody through His Face 通过脸来识别人 126
Passage 2.Two Different Statistical Methods 两种不同的统计方法的比较 127
Passage 3.Combine Computer and Experts Together 专家系统:计算机技术和其他专门技术的共同结晶 129
Passage 4.The Disadvantage of Women 女人之所以不如男人 131
Unit 15 136
Passage 1.Be Special to Be Creative 独特才能有所创新 136
Passage 2.The New Life of Eskimo 爱斯基摩人的新生活 137
Passage 3.The Application of The Retroreflector 反向反射器原理的应用 139
Passage 4.The Conflicts between the U.K.and Ireland 北爱分裂运动的历史原因 141
Passage 1.The Auctioneer s Role in an Auction 拍卖中拍卖者的作用 145
Unit 16 145
Passage 2.How to Consume More Ironrich Food 如何才能摄入更多的矿物质 146
Passage 3.Which Is More Important, Energy or Environment? 能源和环境哪个更重要? 148
Passage 4.There Is No Wrong to Science 谁的错,科学吗?不是 149
强化篇 154
Unit 17 154
Passage 1.Take Action to Protect the Ocean 爱护海洋,从我做起 154
Passage 2.Material Culture 你知道什么是物质文化吗? 156
Passage 3.Not All Drop-outs Are “Bad” Students 博士辍学为那般? 157
Passage 4.For Long Term or for Short Term? 长痛不如短痛 160
Unit 18 165
Passage 1.How Much Should We Show Our Sympathy to Criminals? 同情,就因为他们是罪犯? 165
Passage 2.The Influence of Flicker on Us 闪光对我们的影响 167
Passage 3.Wired City? Yes, We ll Get It 城市联网不是梦 168
Passage 4.How Do We Design Our City? 如何更好的规划我们的城市呢? 170
Unit 19 176
Passage 1.Cultural Activities in the U.S.A. 美国人的文化活动 176
Passage 2.The Development of Hotel Industry in Europe 欧洲旅馆业的发展历程 177
Passage 3.The New Discovery on the Reason of the Circulation of the Ocean s Water 对海水循环原因的新发现 179
Passage 4.Who Get the Outcome of the Development of Technology 谁真正享有科技发展的成果 181
Unit 20 186
Passage 1.Only Man Have the Number Sense? 只有人类对数字敏感吗? 186
Passage 2.Acid Rain 面对酸雨,我们怎么办呢? 187
Passage 3.Has Hierarchy Been The Past? 等级制度已成为过去吗? 189
Passage 4.To Make Your House Wonderful 让你的屋子亮起来 191
Unit 21 196
Passage 1.Special Design of the Broadway 百老汇的独特设计 196
Passage 2.Something We Don t Know about Tv 一些关于电视的鲜为人知的故事 197
Passage 3.Adder, a Kind of Snake Common in Britain Adder,一种在英国非常普遍的蛇 199
Passage 4.The Future of Robot Industry 机器人工业的前景 200
Unit 22 204
Passage 1.Doing for Nothing or for Anything 不是每一种行为都必须以某种物质上的获取为代价的 204
Passage 2.Problems Created by the Use of Liquid Hydrogen as Fuel 以液氧代替汽油是个不错的注意,但还有很多问题 205
Passage 3.Society Is Becoming a Big Factory 我们的社会正变成一个庞大的工厂 207
Passage 4.The Importance of Water to Plant 水对植物的重要性 209
Unit 23 214
Passage 1.Be Careful to the Sunshine 小心太阳光,可能诱发皮肤癌 214
Passage 2.How Can We Classify People We Know? 我们是如何对认识的人分类的 215
Passage 3.Attract All but His Wife 能让万千着迷,唯独妻子不解 217
Passage 4.The Indians and the Railroads 印第安人和美国的西部大开发 218
Unit 24 224
Passage 1.Two Good Hands 两心相印,两手相连 224
Passage 2.Jane Austin 一个伟大的作家,Jane Austin 225
Passage 3.Go Back to Mecca 回到麦加 227
Passage 4.To Be More Efficient 经过多年改进,美国完善基础设施建设决策体系 228
Unit 25 233
Passage 1.Take It Easy, OK? 放松点,什么都好说 233
Passage 2.Another Form of Literature 另类文学形式 234
Passage 3.The Development of Europe Town 欧洲小城镇的发展简史 236
Passage 4.The Contributions of African Slavery Artists 非洲黑奴艺术家对美国文化的贡献 237