《新概念英语 第3册教学参考书》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:浙江大学语言系“NCE(Ⅲ)教学参考书”编写组编
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:9337·003
  • 页数:731 页

21 Daniel Mendoza 279

22 By Heart 295

23 One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison 310

24 A Skeleton in the Cupboard 325

25 The'Cutty Sark' 339

26 Wanted:a Large Biscuit Tin 354

27 Nothing to Sell and Nothing to Buy 369

28 A Pound too Dear 384

29 Funny or Not? 400

30 The Death of a Ghost 414

31 A Lovable Eccentric 426

32 A Lost Ship 438

33 A Day to Remember 450

34 A Happy Discovery 463

35 Justice Was Done 475

36 A Chance in a Million 488

37 The Westhaven Express 502

38 The First Calendar 518

39 Nothing to Worry About 532

40 Who's Who 544

41 Illusions of Pastoral Peace 556

42 Modern Cavemen 567

43 Fully Insured 578

44 Speed and Comfort 589

45 The Power of the Press 602

46 Do It Yourself 615

47 Through the Earth's Crust 630

48 The Silent Village 642

49 The Ideal Servant 653

50 New Year Resolutions 665

51 Automation 677

52 Mud is Mud 686

53 In the Pubic Interest 697

54 Instinct or Cleverness? 713

55 From the Earth:Greetings 722