《英语作文 双色版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:文彬主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国戏剧出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:710401702X
  • 页数:260 页

说明英语作文 1

An Electron Pet 电子宠物[曹正] 1

Aloes 芦荟[张倩] 2

The World Park 世界公园[杨嬛] 3

Planting Cabbages 种白菜[张驰] 5

Welcome to the Beijing Zoo 北京动物园欢迎您[辛任春] 7

My Light 台灯[武丹] 8

A Lovely Dog 可爱的狗[王娅] 9

Hong Kong Island 香港岛[张锐] 10

Protect Pandas 保护大熊猫[林子轩] 12

Money 钱[栗捷] 13

Bridges in Suzhou 苏州的桥[杨明] 15

The Great Pyramids 金字塔[夏瑜] 16

Lugou Bridge 卢沟桥[岳文] 17

Computers 电脑[瞿镭] 19

Computer--People s Helper 电脑--人们的好帮手[王俊] 20

Oriental Chemies 樱花[赵磊] 21

The Spring Festival 春节[侯吉] 23

The Origin of April Fools s Day 愚人节的来历[孟榛] 25

Television 电视[王蔷] 26

My Motherland 我的祖国[岳虹] 28

My Lovely Dog 可爱的玩具狗[张薇] 30

Qingdao 青岛[王唤龙] 31

Bicycle 自行车[赵猛] 32

Computers 电脑[许嘉] 34

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节[李贝卡] 35

Wisdom Toothbrush 智慧牙刷[李娜] 36

The Olympic Games 奥运会[李佳] 38

A Dog 狗[张倩] 39

The Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼[夏丽君] 41

描述英语作文 43

An unforgettable Day 难忘的一天[高瑞虹] 43

A Lovely Pig 可爱的“小猪”[武丹] 44

The Autumn of the Beijing Western Suburb 北京西郊的秋天[赵苑] 45

The Mantis 英武的螳螂[徐斌斌] 47

A Painting 一幅油画[张莹] 48

A Bad Shop Assistant 一个服务态度极差的售货员[萨啸飞] 49

My little Dog Dolly 小狗多莉[李遥] 50

Beautiful Autumn 美丽的秋天[韩芳] 52

A Policeman in the Train 乘警[朱宁] 53

Playing Chess 下棋[严嘉] 54

Sunset 落日[赵明] 56

A Visit to Xi an 游西安[荆海燕] 57

Beautiful and Rich Jinyang Lake 美丽富饶的晋阳湖[瞿红强] 58

Make a Snowman 堆雪人[李茗] 60

A Lantem Show 灯展[李玉媛] 61

Mount Jiuhua 九华山[高原] 63

Making Sandwiches 做三明治[卢娇] 64

Moonlight 月光[严明玉] 66

An Unpleasant Experience 一次不愉快的经历[冯哲] 67

The First Snow 第一场雪[胡琴琴] 68

I Like Stamp Collecting 我喜欢集邮[郑楠] 69

Sunset Glow 晚霞[王萌] 71

The Sailing Boat 帆船[梁婷婷] 72

Bungee Jumping 蹦极[唐娅] 73

Clouds in my Hometown 故乡的云[刘媛媛] 75

A Beautiful Car 漂亮的“小汽车”[杨瑛] 76

My Computer World 我的电脑天地[陆成亮] 77

Mother Looks Young 漂亮妈妈[崔宁] 78

Typhoon 台风[赵林] 80

The Last Children s Day 最后一个儿童节[周晓军] 81

My Sister-in-law 我的嫂子[乔志娟] 83

A Small Brook 一条小溪[范志娟] 84

A Plan for Mother s Day 母亲节的计划[肖燕] 85

An Interesting Story about Grandfather 爷爷趣事一则[石垒] 87

Wind 四季风[李丹] 88

Grandmother,I Love You 奶奶,我爱你[孟小雨] 90

Watch the Rain 看雨[李琦] 91

A Football Fan 足球迷[齐恒] 92

Ice Lantern 冰灯[高齐] 94

On My Grandpa s Birthday 给爷爷过生日[李雅彬] 95

应用英语作文 97

To Mary[安永峰] 97

My Truant Experience 我的逃学经历[史项明] 98

谢帮助 100

谢款待 101

谢探病 102

Kite-Flying Match 风筝比赛[任明亮] 103

谢送花 105

谢医生 106

接受邀请参加×××会 107

Mother,I Love You!妈妈,我爱您![顾逊] 108

为遗失所借物品道歉 109

NOTICE 通知 110

请假条 111

招领启事 112

Announcement 口头通知[向哲隽] 112

Mother s Day in U.S.A. 美国的母亲节[成文斌] 113

Traveller Trees 旅行家树[张洁婷] 115

The First Day of the Vacation 放假第一天[张悦] 116

The Globe 地球仪[王中烨] 118

“I Won t Set off the Fireworks”“我不放炮了”[赵焕利] 119

A Boy to Remember 难忘的男孩[李红] 120

Night Scenery 夜色[徐思青] 122

谢馈赠 123

Rainbow 彩虹[李静] 124

Saving Water 节约用水[沈玉秀] 125

The Man Who Could Not Sleep 不睡觉的人[安亚宏] 127

Try to Do it Today 今日事今日毕[苏梅] 128

A Teacher Who Never Smiles 不笑的老师[葛强智] 129

恭贺圣诞 131

恭贺新年 131

给病中的友人 132

贺生日 133

“A Blindman”“盲人”[李杨] 134

贺获奖 136

贺升学 137

谢贺生日 138

How I was Fooled 我被愚弄了[彭鹏] 139

A Happy Day 快乐的一天[唐晶] 140

A Clever Farmer 聪明的农夫[陈晓莉] 142

My Father 我的爸爸[赵欣] 143

A Visit to the Prairie 草原之旅[胡潇华] 145

Go to Peter s Hamburger Shop 去彼得汉堡店就餐[王小刚] 146

Not Again 再也不了[范涛] 147

Teacher Is Late 老师迟到了[李勤] 148

My Hometown 我的家乡[李玮] 150

Others First 助人为乐[段云飞] 151

On National Day 国庆节[陈峰] 152

An Interesting Answer 一个有趣的回答[鲁海良] 154

The Summer Holidays 暑假生活[王佚] 155

A Good Deed 一件好事[张筠] 156

A Warm-hearted Worker 热心肠的工人[王启明] 158

A Day In Zhao Village 赵村一日[赵勇] 159

A Purse 钱包[李欣] 160

A Retired Doctor 退休名医[张鹏] 162

Grandpa s Exam 爷爷的考试[田文静] 163

Helping Li Hui with His Lessons 给李辉补课[君军] 164

Work Comes First 工作第一[王力伟] 165

Planting Trees 植树[温婷] 167

To Be a Mother 做一次母亲[白冰] 168

She s Late for School 迟到[李姚] 170

Li Jie Helps Me with My English 李洁帮我学英语[孟昊] 171

A Picnic 野餐[霍学晨] 173

Voices in the Room 房间里的声音[文涛] 174

Leam to Play Erhu 学二胡[林丽] 175

Leaving 分别[李遥] 177

A Silly Man 愚蠢的人[李云飞] 178

Hands Christian Andersen 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生[崔毅] 179

The First Evening Alone 第一个独自在家的夜晚[赵君] 180

A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 患难见真情[聂静萍] 181

An Answer Given at Once 立即得到的答复[原帅] 183

Making a Scrambled Egg 煎鸡蛋[姚宇] 184

Visiting the Great Wall 游长城[杜润华] 185

My Elder Brother 我的哥哥[赵津] 187

Mark Twain 马克·吐温[苏芳] 188

My Naughty Brother 顽皮的弟弟[张晓玫] 190

Hand in Hand 手拉手[赵建红] 191

A Football Match 一场足球赛[李莉君] 193

My beloved Teacher 我爱戴的老师[陈琳琳] 194

Deng Xiaoping 邓小平[周鸿雁] 195

Stamp Collecting 集邮[崔盈] 197

Funny Funny 有意思的Funny[汪洋] 198

My School 我的学校[邢仁冬] 199

A Folk Dance Picking Tea 采茶舞[陈洁] 201

My Good Friend 我的好朋友[李凯] 202

One Day in School 学校里的一天[任春梦] 204

Skin-diving 潜水[程曦] 205

My English Teacher 我的英语老师[叶毅] 207

Mei Lanfang 梅兰芳[隗炜] 208

A Great Mother and a Great Son 伟大的母亲,伟大的儿子[关小玉] 209

Hong Kong s Yesterday and Tomorrow 香港的昨天和明天[宁娜] 211

She s Forgetful 健忘[许红艳] 212

Taiyuan City-My Home Town 太原[温羽军] 213

Kind But Strict 宽严有度[江涛] 215

My Home Village 我的家乡[张霞] 216

Is It an Accident?是意外的事吗?[肖云] 217

看图英语作文 220

I Will Be Late 我要迟到了[陈睿] 220

Asking for Trouble 自找麻烦[吴丽婷] 224

I Am Not a Thief 我不是贼[白丽君] 225

A Report about Lele 关于熊猫乐乐的报道[李洁] 226

A Lost Bag 一只丢失的旅行包[张霞] 232

The Bag Is Retumed 旅行包回来了[孟丽] 233

The Hope School 希望小学[赵璧] 235

Give Poor Children a Hand 给贫穷的孩子以帮助[辛任春] 239

A Great Deed 善意之举[孙小静] 240

Jump the Queue 插队[王莉霞] 242

An Unhappy Experience 一次不愉快的经历[王志义] 246

An Earthquake 一场地震[杨颖] 247

Saved in an Earthquake 震中得救[杨嬛] 250

Saving the Boy 勇救男孩[杨旭峰] 252

Who Give the Boy Life Again? 谁给了男孩又一次生命?[樊阳阳] 255