《中医典故 3 汉英对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许敬生编著;夏昀总主译
  • 出 版 社:郑州:河南科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787534977053
  • 页数:221 页

名句箴言 1

药弗瞑眩,厥疾弗瘳 2

No Strong Medicine, No Cure 3

上医医国 3

The Top Doctors Treat the State 5

良药苦口,忠言逆耳 6

Good Medicine Tastes Bitter and Sincere Advice Sounds Unflattering 7

非其人勿教 8

Do not Teach Someone Who Does not Deserve to Master the Art of Medicine 9

精神内守,病安从来 10

Inner Peace and Lack of Desires Keep the Diseases Away 11

不治已病治未病 11

Prevention of Diseases Is Superior to Any Treatment 12

神圣工巧(仁圣工巧) 13

The Four Levels of Mastering Diagnosis 14

有病不治,常得中医 15

Leaving the Diseased Body Alone Is Better than Going to a Quack 16

医者意也 17

Being a Doctor Requires Thinking with Heart and Understanding with Care 18

用药如用兵,用医如用将 19

A Doctor Is like a General, and Using Medicine Is like Dispatching Soldiers 20

静者寿,躁者夭 21

A Dormant Person Lives Longer than a Restless One 22

服药百裹,不如独卧 22

Sleeping Alone Is Better for One’s Health Than a Hundred Doses of Medicine 23

治病三年,无方可用 24

There Is No Ready-Made Prescription 25

小大方圆 26

A Doctor Should Be Discreet, Brave, Upright and Flexihle 27

病从口入,祸从口出 28

Disease Results from Careless Diets and Disasters from Inappropriate Words 29

不为良相,愿为良医 29

If I Cannot Be the Prime Minister, I Wish to Be a Good Doctor 31

臓腑而能语,医师色如土 32

If Diseases Can Be Easily Diagnosed and Treated, Doctors Would Be Out of Job 33

宁治十婦人,莫治一小儿 34

A Small Child Is the Most Challenging Patient 35

学医不精,不若不学 36

A Bad Doctor Is Worse Than No Doctor 37

人有三宝精气神 38

Essence, Qi and Spirit Are a Person’s Three Treasures 39

宁可食无馔,不可饭无汤 40

Soup Is the Essential Course for a Meal 41

医不三世,不服其药 42

Three Classics a Doctor Must Read 43

大医精诚 45

大医之心 46

The Compassion of a Great Doctor 48

大医之体 49

How a Great Doctor Behaves 51

为医之法 52

The Principles of Being a Doctor 53

钱乙孝亲 54

The Filial Doctor Qian Yi 56

医不食色 57

A Doctor Cannot Be Bought Off by Sex 58

王李二医 59

Doctor Li and Doctor Wang 61

张锐起死回生 63

Zhang Rui Brings a Patient Back to Life 65

丹溪习医 66

Sir Danxi’s Dedication to the Study of Medicine 67

丹溪拜师 69

Danxi’s Pursuit of Superior Knowledge 71

范彬救危 72

Fan Bin’s Principle of Saving the Most Needy 74

不失医尊 76

Maintaining a Doctor’s Dignity 77

錾方石碣 78

A Prescription Engraved on Stone 79

大医高潔 80

The Virtuous and Incorruptible Doctor Li Gao 82

师徒情深 83

The Affection Between Master and Disciple 85

灵胎诚懇谢病人 86

What Makes a Good Patient 87

叶桂拜师 88

Ye Gui Learning Medicine From a Monk 92

生死一言 95

A Life or Death Verdict 96

市药求真 97

Prescribing Genuine Drugs Only 99

辨证论治 100

华子病忘 101

Hua Zi’s Disease of Non-Caring and Non-Action 102

病万变,药亦万变 104

Medication Changes According to the Variation of Diseases 105

仓公治难产 106

Chunyu Yi’s Treatment of Dystocia 107

千般疢难 108

Etiology of TCM 109

对症下药 110

Suit the Prescription to the Specific Disease 111

华佗巧治婴儿泻痢 112

Hua Tuo Treated a Baby with Diarrhea 113

华佗切脈诊死胎 114

Hua Tuo’s Diagnosis Revealed a Dead Fetus Inside 115

华佗治咳 116

Hua Tuo Treated a Bad Cough 117

华佗治内疽 118

Hua Tuo Treated Disease Caused by Parasites 119

除疾之道 120

Chu Cheng Discussed the Way of Eliminating Diseases 121

姚僧垣用大黄 122

The Application of Rhubarb by Doctor Yao Sengyuan 124

钱乙巧用黄土汤 125

Doctor Qian Yi’s Unconventional and Effective Prescription 127

君臣佐使 128

Maximization of Medical Effects 129

以意处方 131

Prescribing Medicine Based on Experiences and Instinct 133

溺井怨伯益,失火怨燧人 134

Differentiating the Treatments for Various Febrile Diseases 136

景岳用药 137

Zhang Jingyue’s Rules of Making Prescriptions 138

儿号即儿歌 139

How to Deal with a Crying Baby 141

养生健身 142

五福六极 143

Five Blessings And Six Misfortunes 143

知止不殆 144

Be Moderate in One’s Pursuits 145

仁者寿 146

Benevolence Leads to Longevity 147

君子三戒 148

Three Restraints for a True Gentleman 149

孔子饮食之道 149

Confucius’s Dietary Principles 151

卫生之经 152

The Law of Life Cultivation 153

凡食之道,无饥无饱 154

Following a Moderate Diet 155

圣人适欲 155

Sages Always Restrain Their Desires 157

贵生之术 158

The Methods to Value Life 159

修节制欲 159

The Importance of Controlling One’s Desires 160

毕数之务,在乎去害 161

Avoid Harms to Live a Full Lifespan 162

养生三患 163

Three Hidden Dangers for One’s Life-cultivation 165

法於阴阳,和於术数 166

Learning from the Course of Nature and Developing a Life-cultivating Routine 167

德全不危 168

Hold on to the Way, and Stay Away from Harms 169

春夏养阳,秋冬养阴 169

Invigorating Yang in Spring and Summer, and Nourishing Yin in Fall and Winter 170

春月养生 171

Spring Is the Season to Nourish 172

夏月养长 172

Summer Is the Season to Grow 173

秋月养收 174

Fall Is the Season to Harvest 175

冬月养藏 175

Winter Is the Season to Store 176

顺时安处 177

Go Along with Seasonal Changes and Suit Oneself to the Surroundings 177

耇老接阴食气之道 178

The Economics of Sex According to a Wise Old Man 179

舜之接阴治气之道 180

Emperor Shun’s Principle of Practicing Sex Economics 181

八益七损 182

What to Do and Not to Do in the Inner Chamber 185

生命猶燃烛 186

Life Is like a Burning Candle 188

神龟虽寿 189

Although a Turtle Can Live Long 191

三叟 192

Three Old Men 193

养生五难 194

Five Challenges for Life-Cultivation 195

守之以一,养之以和 195

Abide by the Way and Nourish Body with Harmonious Qi 197

修性保神,形神相亲 198

Cultivate One’s Disposition to Reach the Harmony Between Body and Spirit 199

一人之身,一国之象 199

Governing One’s Body Like a Kingdom 201

欲求长生,积善立功 202

The Key to Longevity Is to Do Good Deeds 203

善养生,除六害 203

Six Hazards Must Be Eliminated to Cultivate Life 204

健身拜 205

Bowing for Health-Keeping 206

丹溪论治未病 207

Doctor Danxi on Disease Prevention 208

因马念车,因车念蓋 209

The Greed of the Elderly 210

医具三昧 212

Grasping the Gist of Medical Science 213

无价之药 214

The Priceless Medicines 215

伤食伤饮 216

Harm Done by Improper F ood and Drink 217

过得七月半,便是铁罗汉 217

Mid-July Is a Dangerous Time of a Year 218

参考书目 219