《读者文摘 英汉对照选集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:读者文摘远东有限公司编
  • 出 版 社:读者文摘远东有限公司
  • 出版年份:1975
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:496 页

The Boy Who Plunged Over Niagara  怒瀑余生记 8

The Doctor,His Wife and the Clock  医生夫人闹钟 20

Could You Have Loved as Much?  死心塌地爱到底 28

India's Incredible Snake Charmers  印度弄蛇奇谈 34

Your Move,Hungarian!  伴弈逃亡记 44

Dusk—The Magic Hour 夕阳无限好 56

"Operator—Operator!" 「接线生!接线生!」 62

Unforgettable Stanley Stein  奇人史坦因 68

Once in a Blue Moon 异遇 80

My Dark Journey Through Insanity  余悸犹存忆发狂 90

Great Grandma's Book 曾祖母的书 102

"Yonder's My Best Friend" 好友 110

The Case of the Distinguished Corpses 人不知鬼不觉 118

The Butter and Egg Lady 葛大娘 130

Ron Woodcock's Long Walk Home 归路迢迢 140

Crow Hoilow Crisis 生死谏 152

A Piece ofString 一根绳子 160

The Corpse at the Table 木屋怪尸 172

My Aunt Batty 蓓蒂姨 180

Going Home 归来 190

Rendezvous of Love 爱之约会 196

I Led the Attack on Pearl Harbor 我带头偷袭珍珠港 204

How MrNoah THPorter Launched My Career 额外栽培 216

The Furnished Room 吉屋招租 226

My Mother Breaks Her Pearls 母亲的珠链断了 236

The Stranger Who Taught Magic  沙丘上的陌生人 244

Detective's Holiday  警探的假期 252

My Wonderful Lousy Poem  我的绝妙坏诗 260

A Bouquet for Miss Benson  痴心一片 266

"I Will Not Let You Steal My Shoes" 「我不能让你抢我的鞋」 274

Granpa and the Trolley Car 老当益壮 284

The Lesson of the Fire Flowers 火球花的教训 294

Francesco's Debt of Honor 义债 304

Life and Death of a Twisted Genius 聪明误 314

My Unforgettable Father 我难忘的父亲 326

First Love 初恋 336

The Legendary Triumph of Helmer Aakvik 海默·亚维克的胜利 344

Uncle By's Two Wives 柏姑父的两个太太 356

A Question of Insight 有见识的人 368

A True Story Haunted Him 梦寐难忘的往事 374

The Day We Met Our Son 初逢义子 382

The Strange Wedding of Widow Ward 别开生面的婚礼 394

The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met 我最难忘的人物 402

"So You Are Kate's Girl!" 凯蒂的女儿 412

The Case of the Guilty Alibi 谎供自构的冤狱 420

The Date Father Didn't Keep 父亲失约 436

The Hand on the Latch 风雪夜归人 440

Meta 难忘的阿梅 446

October and June 十月与六月 456

The Middlest Boy of All 最中间的男孩子 462

GiftofUnderstanding 知心的礼物 476

My Pride,My joy,My Little Girl 天伦四章 484