Preface 3
Ⅰ.He Was a Man…………By Mich?el Goll 5
Ⅱ.Greatness and Modesty……By Puvel Dmil?ievich malkov 12
Ⅲ.Lenin's Death…………………………By harry Polli? 18
Ⅳ.Gettysburg Address………By Abraham Lincolh 27
Ⅴ.Letter to Mrs.Bixby……By Abraham Lincolh 30
Ⅵ.O Captain! My Captain!……By Walt Whit?an 32
Ⅶ.The Salvaging of the Big Barge………By Maxim Gorky 35
Ⅷ.Maxim Gorky and Soviet Literatu?e………By Alexanaty Myasnikov 42
Ⅸ.Mission to Athens………By Alan Max 52
Ⅹ.The Song of the Wage Slave………………By Ernest Jones 56
Ⅺ.The Rise of World Socialism…………By William Z.Foster 75
Ⅻ.What Life Means to Me……By Jack Londoe 88
ⅫⅠ.Above the Dnieper……By O Dewehenho 105
ⅩⅣ.The Day Is Coming………By William Morris 127
ⅩⅤ.In Italy…………By James Aldridge 134
ⅩⅥ.The Young Noblemen of T?theboys Hall………By Charles Dick?s…………………15?ⅩⅦ.The Characteristic Features of Language……By Joseph Sta? 162