Contents 1
1.Can animals understand each other? 1
2.Do animals laugh or cry? 3
23.Why do salmon go upstream to spawn? 5
3.Can animals taste ? 5
4.What is the fastest four-legged animal? 7
5.What animals live the longest? 9
6.Why do animals hibernate? 11
7.When was the cow domesticated? 13
8.Why does a cow chew its cud? 15
9.Why do cows give milk? 17
10.How are seeing-eye dogs trained? 19
11.When were cats domesticated? 21
12.From what animal is the horse descended? 23
13.Why is the lion called“king of beasts”? 25
14.Are all apes equally intelligent? 27
15.Why do birds have feathers? 29
16.Why do birds sing? 31
17.What is the largest flying bird? 33
18.Why do geese fly in formation? 35
19.What keeps a duck afloat? 37
20.Why is the owl considered wise? 39
21.Can a hummingbird stand still in mid-air? 41
22.How do flying fish fly? 43
24.How can a snake move without legs? 47
25.Which snakes are poisonous? 49
26.Do rattlesnakes rattle before they strike ? 51
27.How does the rattlesnake rattle? 53
28.What is the largest snake in the world? 55
29.Do sharks eat people? 57
30.Why does a whale spout? 59
31.What happens to frogs in the winter? 61
32.What is the difference between frogs and toads ? 63
33.How do snails get their shells ? 65
34.What is a shell? 67
35.What is a sponge? 69
36.How do insects breathe ? 71
37.How many kinds offlies are there ? 73
38.What is the fruit fly ? 75
39.What is the purpose ofa firefly’s light ? 77
40.How many bees in a beehive ? 79
41.How do bees make honey ? 81
42.How do bees communicate ? 84
43.Do bees die after they sting ? 86
44.How does a caterpillar become a butterfly ? 88
45.How do silkworms makesilk ? 90
46.Why aren’t spiders caught in their own webs ? 92
47.What is the spider’s web made of? 93
48.What do wasps use to build nests ? 96
49.What do ants eat? 98
50.How do earthworms eat? 100
51.Why do moths eat wool? 103
52.Why do mosquito bites itch? 105
53.Why do crickets sing? 107
54.How did dinosaurs come to be? 109
55.Was there ever such a bird as the dodo? 111
56.Why do elephants have trunks? 113
57.What is a vampire bat? 115
58.How do bats see? 117
59.What is a lemming? 119
60.What is a platypus? 121
61.How does a chameleon change its colors? 123
62.Do crocodiles attack human beings? 125
63.Why does a bull charge at a red cloth? 127
64.Does an ostrich hide its head in the sand? 129
65.What makes a skunk smell? 131
66.Do raccoons wash their food ? 133
67.Why do jellyfish sting? 135
68.Can groundhogs predict weather? 137
69.Why does the kangaroo have a pouch? 139
70.Why does the giraffe have a long neck? 141
71.What is protoplasm? 143
72.What is cellulose? 146
73.What is chlorophyll? 148
74.What is a seed? 150
75.How do trees grow ? 152
76.What gives flowers their scent and color ? 154
77.Why do leaves have different colors in the fall? 157
78.How can cacti live without water? 159
79.What is moss? 161
80.How do algae grow 163
81.What is mildew? 165
82.What are fungi? 167
83.How can you tell poisonous mushrooms? 169
84.What is a germ? 171
85.Where do bacteria come from? 173
Glossary 175