《大学三年级英语课本 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:南京大学外文系三年级英语教材编纂委员会编
  • 出 版 社:时代出版社
  • 出版年份:1960
  • ISBN:9013·282
  • 页数:330 页

Ⅰ.The Great Leap Forward&By R.Page Arnot 3

Ⅱ.China Overtakes Time&By Ella Winter 12

Ⅲ.Letter to Mao Tse-tung&By William Z.Foster 18

Ⅳ.Joe Hill-Martyred Troubador of Labor&By Elizabeth Gurley Flynn 36

Ⅴ.The Soul of a Landlord&By Michael Gold 43

Ⅵ.Three Poems&By Martin Carter 62

(1)Death of a Slave 62

(2)Letter 1 64

(3)I Clench My Fist 65

Ⅶ.Life Seen at Ninety&By W.E.B. DuBois 67

Ⅷ.Foreword to Here I Stand&By Paul Robeson 72

Ⅸ.Salute to Paul Robeson&By William Gallacher 79

Ⅹ.The Secret&By Thomas Frost 88

(1)Ernest Rodwell 88

(2)The Ten 93

Ⅺ.He Who Is Not With Us Is Against Us&By John Watkins 102

Ⅻ.Four Poems 108

(1)One and All&By "F" 108

(2)To Working Men of Every Clime&By William S.Villiers Sankey 109

(3)Revenge&By William James Linton 110

(4)The Men of "Forty-Eight"&By Gerald Massey 111

ⅩⅢ.The Forty Thieves.The Battle:Brigands Versus Bandits&By Robert Tressell 116

ⅪⅤ.A Wreath for Volunteers&By Joseph North 129

ⅩⅤ.Love of Life&By Jack London 148

ⅩⅥ.The Dead End&By William Gallacher 176

ⅩⅦ.The Country Doctor&By Theodore Dreiser 190

ⅩⅧ.Three Poems&By Walt Whitman ? 218

(1)To a Foil'd European Revolutionaire 218

(2)Song of Myself(10) 219

(3)I Sit and Look Out 221

ⅩⅨ.Mrs.Warren's Profession&By George Bernard Shaw 223

ⅩⅩ.The Son's Veto&By Thomas Hardy 251