
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:何菊英编著
  • 出 版 社:太原:山西人民出版社
  • 出版年份:1980
  • ISBN:7088·890
  • 页数:107 页

1.Stressing the Importanceof Basic Training 1

Ⅰ.强调基本功训练的重要性 1

Contents 1

目录 1

1.开始上课 4

Ⅱ.课堂教学 4

Ⅱ.Teaching in class 4

1.Beginning a Class 4

2.有关课文用语 6

2.Expressions in Con-nection with the Text 6

3.Vocabulary Work 13

3.词汇教学 13

4.有关语法用语 20

4.Expressions in Con-nection with Grammar 20

5.Phonetic Exercisesand Reading Practice 27

5.语音练习和 27

朗读练习 27

6.Concluding a Class 36

6.宣布下课 36

1.Pattern Drills 39

Ⅱ.Doing Exercises in Class 39

Ⅲ.课堂练习 39

1.句型训练 39

2.对话练习 43

2.Practising Dialogues 43

3.问答练习 45

3.Questions and An-swers 45

4.讲故事 48

4.Story-telling 48

6.Asking Students toWrite on the Biack 50

5.Look and Say 50

5.看图说话 50

6.让学生在黑 52

板上做练习 52

board 52

7.听写 55

7.Dictation 55

Ⅳ.Commendation and Cri-ticism 58

1.Oral Comments inClass 58

1.课堂上口头评语 58

Ⅳ.表扬与批评 58

2.Written Comments onStudents'Exercises 61

2.书面评语 61

V.Assigning Homework 64

V.布置作业 64

Ⅵ.总复习与考试 68

Ⅵ.General Review andExamination 68

1.The Importance ofExtracurricular Ac-tiv:ties 71

Ⅶ.Extracurricular Activities 71

Ⅶ.课外活动 71

1.课外活动的重要性 71

2.讨论会 72

2.A Discussion Meeting 72

3.录音和听力训练 74

3.Recording and AuralTraining 74

4.唱歌 77

4.Singing 77

5.英语晚会 79

5.English Evening 79

6.电影 82

6.Film Show 82

7.Wall Newspaper 83

7.墙报 83

8.Recitation Contest 84

8.朗诵比赛 84

Appendices 85

附录 85

1.一般教学用语 85

1.Useful Words andExpressions in Teaching 85

2.常用语法、语音术语 87

2.Common Grammati- cal and Phonetic Terminology 87

3.各门课程名称 97

3.Names of Schoo Subjects 97

4.Organizations,Titlesand Degrees 98

4.学校组织、职称、学位 98

5.Stationery 100

5.文具 100

6.电化教育 102

6.Audio-visual Educa- tion Programme 104

7.Names of Some Col- leges and Schools(inShanxi province) 104

7.一些大学、中等学校名称(山西省) 104