Part Ⅰ Essential Formulae 基本格式 1
1.Meeting 会面 1
2.Visiting 拜访 6
3.Commencing a Conversation 开场 10
4.Addressing 称谓 14
5.Greeting 问候 18
6.Introducing People 介绍 22
7.Finding Conversation Topics 寻找话题 26
8.Interrupting People 搭话 30
9.Listening and Cutting in 听话与插话 33
10.Making Negative Response 否定性回答 37
11.Making Skeptical Response 怀疑性回答 41
12.Making Appointments 约会 45
13.Canceling or Changing Appointments 取消或改变约会 50
14.Coneluding a Conversation 结束谈话 55
15.Leave-taking 道别 58
Part Ⅱ Ordinary Occasions 普通场合 63
16.Apologizing 道歉 63
17.Arguing 争辩 67
18.Asking About and Expressing Intention 询问表达意图 71
19.Asking and Offering Permission(Ⅰ) 请求允许(一) 75
20.Asking and Offering Permission(Ⅱ) 请求允许(二) 80
21.Complaining 抱怨 84
22.Complimenting 称赞 87
23.Compromising 妥协 91
24.Congratulating 祝贺 95
25.Consoling 安慰 99
26.Contradicting 反驳 103
27Correcting 纠正 108
28.Criticizing 批评 113
29.Disbelieving 怀疑 117
30.Expressing Boredom 表达无聊 121
31.Expressing Curiosity 表达好奇 125
32.Expressing Disagreement 表达不同意 130
33.Expressing Disappointment 表达失望 133
34.Expressing Irritation 表达恼怒 139
35.Expressing Preference 表达偏爱 143
36.Expressing Sympathy 表达同情 148
37.Getting and Expressing Opinions(Ⅰ) 征求意见(一) 152
38.Getting and Expressing Opinions(Ⅱ) 征求意见(二) 156
39.Giving Advice and Suggestions(Ⅰ) 提供意见和建议(一) 160
40.Giving Advice and Suggestions(Ⅱ) 提供意见和建议(二) 164
41.Inviting 邀请 168
42.Offering Help 提出帮助 172
43.Persuading 劝说 176
44.Pointing Out Misunderstandings 指出误解 181
45.Requesting Help 请求帮助 185
46.Thanking 致谢 189
47.Threatening 威胁 193
48.Urging 催促 197
49.Using Euphemism 使用委婉语 201
50.Warning 警告 205
51.Worrying 担心 209
Part Ⅲ Special Occasions 特殊场合 214
52.Birthday Party 生日晚会 214
53.Dance 跳舞 219
54.Wedding 婚礼 224
55.Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会 228
56.Banquet 大型宴会 232
57.Funeral 葬礼 235
58.Present-giving 馈赠礼物 239
59.Christmas 圣诞节 243
60.New Year 新年 248
61.Making a Business Phone Call 打工作电话 253
Part Ⅳ Making a Phone Call 打电话 253
62.Answering a Business Phone Call 回工作电话 257
63.Getting the Caller to Leave Some Message 请通话人留言 261
64.Talking to a Caller Who Refuses to Leave a Message 与拒绝留言的通话人讲话 266
65.Talking to anAnswering Machine 打录音电话 270
66.Terminating a Lengthy Phone Call 终止冗长的交谈 274
67.Talking to a Disorganized Person 与缺乏条理的人谈话 278
68.Calling a Hospitalized Supervisor or Co-worker 与住院的上司或同事通话 281
Part Ⅴ Working 工作 285
69.Reminding a Co-worker of Embarrassing Things 提醒同事尴尬之事 285
70.Talking to a Forgetful Boss 与健忘的老板交谈 289
71.Responding About Your Personal Things 对有关自己私事的反应 292
72.Talking to a Co-worker Who Has Prejudice 与有偏见的同事交谈 295
73.Talking to a Disorganized Co-worker 与做事凌乱的同事交谈 298
74.Refusing to Share Personal Romance with Others 不想与别人谈自己的浪漫史 301
75.Talking to a Person About to Receive a Call 与要接电话的人交谈 304
76.Talking to a Fired Co-worker 与被解雇的同事交谈 308
77.Handling Vulgar Language 对付说脏话的同事 312
78.Stopping Gossiping 制止流言蜚语 315
79.StoppingHarassment 制止骚扰 319
80.Refusing to Run Errands 拒绝跑腿 322
81.Offering Service to Customers 为顾客服务 325
Part Ⅵ Organizing a Meeting 组织会议 330
82.Announcing a Meeting Open 宣布会议开始 330
83.Introduction to a Speaker 介绍发言人 333
84.Calling on the Participants to Speak 号召与会者发言 336
85.Reminding the Speaker 提醒发言人 339
86.Moderating the Dispute 缓和争执 342
87.Generalizing the Points 归纳要点 345
88.Keeping the Allotted Time 维持规定时限 348
89.Thanking the Speaker 感谢发言人 351
90.Adjourning orClosing a Meeting 宣布休会或会议结束 354
Part Ⅶ Making a Speech 发言 358
91.Beginning a Speech 开始口头发言 358
92.Turning to a New Topic 启转话题 361
93.Highlighting Ideas 强调重点 364
94.Amending a Slip ofthe Tongue 修正口误 367
95.Ending a Speech 结束发言 369