大学生读书计划 编者 1
中国文学宝库出版呼吁 APoem About a Cicada Written in Prison Luo Binwang 2
在狱咏蝉 骆宾王 3
Pavilion of Prince Teng Wang Bo 4
滕王阁 五勃 5
Bidding Deputy Magistrate Du Farewell Wang Bo 6
送杜少府之任蜀州 王勃 7
In the Mountains Wang Bo 8
山中 王勃 9
Following the Army to the Frontier Yang Jiong 10
从军行 杨炯 11
My Retreat by the Zhongnan Mountains Wang Wei 12
终南别业 13
Wei River Farm Wang Wei 14
渭川田家 15
A Farewell Wang Wei 16
送别 王维 17
Song About Xi Shi Wang Wei 18
西施咏 王维 19
An Autumn Evening in the Hills Wang Wei 20
山居秋螟 王维 21
Watching the Hunt Wang Wei 22
观猎 王维 23
The Gully of Twittering Birds Wang Wei 24
鸟鸣涧 王维 25
The Deer Enclosure Wang Wei 26
鹿柴 王维 27
The Luan Family Rapids Wang Wei 28
栾家濑 王维 29
The Bamboo Lodge Wang Wei 30
竹里馆 王维 31
Hibiscus Valley Wang Wei 32
辛夷坞 王维 33
Seeing Yuan the Second Off on a Mission to Anxi Wang Wei 34
送元二使安西 王维 35
The Sichuan Road Wang Wei 36
蜀道难 李白 37
Travelling Is Hard Li Bai 44
行路难(其一) 李白 45
A Visit to Sky-Mother Mountain in a Dream Li Bai 46
梦游天姥吟留别 李白 47
Seeing Meng Haoran Off from Yellow Crane Tower Li Bai 52
黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 李白 53
Evening Song(Ⅲ) Li Bai 54
子夜吴歌(其三) 李白 55
Evening Song(Ⅳ) Li Bai 56
子夜吴歌(其四) 李白 57
Thoughts in Spring Li Bai 58
春思 李白 59
Ascending Taibai Peak Li Bai 60
登太白峰 李白 61
Invitation to Wine Li Bai 62
将进酒 李白 63
A Farewell to Li Yun in the Xie Tiao Pavlion Li Bai 66
宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云 李白 67
To Wang Lun Li Bai 68
赠汪伦 69
Departure from Baidicheng at Dawn Li Bai 70
早发白帝城 李白 71
Looking at the Moon Li Bai 72
关山月 李白 73
Thoughts in the Silent Night Li Bai 74
静夜思 李白 75
Watching the Waterfall at Lushan Li Bai 76
望庐山瀑布(其二) 李白 77
On Hearing a Flute Melody in the Borderlands Gao Shi 78
塞上听吹笛 高适 79
Song of Yan Gao Shi 80
燕歌行燕序 高适 81
Song of Yingzhou Gao Shi 84
营州歌 高适 85
The Army Carts Du Fu 86
兵车行 杜甫 87
The Shihao Official Du Fu 90
石壕吏 杜甫 91
A Welcome Rain One Spring Night Du Fu 94
春夜喜雨 杜甫 95
My Thatched Hut Wrecked by the Autumn Wind Du Fu 96
茅屋为秋风所破歌 杜甫 97
Climbing the Yueyang Tower Du Fu 100
登岳阳楼 杜甫 101
Climbing a Terrace Du fu 102
登高 杜甫 103
The White Emperor's City Du Fu 104
白帝 杜甫 105
Thoughts When Travelling at Night Du Fu 106
旅夜书怀 杜甫 107
Dreaming of Li Bai(Ⅰ) Du Fu 108
梦李白(其一) 杜甫 109
Dreaming of Li Bai(Ⅱ) Du Fu 110
梦李白(其二) 111
Looking Out on Spring Du Fu 112
春望 杜甫 113
Marching Beyond the Great Wall(Ⅰ) Du Fu 114
前出塞(其一) 杜甫 115
Marching Beyond the Great Wall(Ⅱ) Du Fu 116
前出塞(其六) 杜甫 117
Return to Qiang Village(Ⅰ) Du Fu 118
羌村(其一) 杜甫 119
Return to Qiang Village(Ⅱ) Du Fu 120
羌村(其二) 杜甫 121
Return to Qiang Village(Ⅲ) Du Fu 122
羌村(其三) 杜甫 123
Song of White Snow to Secretary Wu's Return to the Capital Cen Shen 124
白雪歌送武判官归京 岑参 125
Song of Luntai to Chancellor Feng on the Westbound Expedition Cen Shen 128
轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征 岑参 129
Song of Walking-horse River to the Departure of the Army on the Westbound Expedition Cen Shen 132
走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征 岑参 133
The Old Peasant Zhang Ji 136
野老歌 张藉 137
The Cowherd's Song Zhang Ji 138
牧童词 张藉 139
The Boatman'Song Zhang Ji 140
水夫谣 王建 141
The Imperial Guard Wang Jian 142
羽林行 王建 143
Border Command Tower Xue Tao 144
筹边楼 薛涛 145
Two Poems on the Lingyun Temple Xue Tao 146
赋凌云寺(二首) 薛涛 147
To Wei After Being Exiled to the Borderland Xue Tao 148
罚赴边上韦相公 薛涛 149
Recalling the Past at Mount Xisai Liu Yuxi 150
西塞山怀古 刘禹锡 151
A Reply to Bai Juyi's Poem at Our Meeting in Yangzhou Liu Yuxi 152
酬乐天扬初逢席上见赠 刘禹锡 153
A Willow Ballad Liu Yuxi 154
杨柳枝词(其一) 刘禹锡 155
The old Charcoal Seller Bai Juyi 156
卖炭翁 白居易 157
Song of Eternal Sorrow Bai Juyi 160
长恨歌 白居易 161
Song of the Lute Player Bai Juyi 180
琵琶行 白居易 181
Walking by Qiantang Lake in Spring Bai Juyi 192
钱塘湖春行 白居易 193
Lodging in a Villge North of the Hill of the Purple Pavilion Bai Juyi 194
宿紫阁山北村 白居易 195
Song and Dance Bai Juyi 196
歌舞 白居易 197
The Brocade of the South Bai Juyi 198
缭绫 白居易 199
The Governor of Yanmen Li He 202
雁门太守行 李贺 203
Song of the Bronze Statue Li He 204
金洞仙人辞汉歌 李贺 205
The Old Man Quarrying Jade Li He 208
老夫采玉歌 李贺 209
A Parting Poem Du Mu 210
赠别 杜牧 211
The Golden-Valley Garden Du Mu 212
金谷园 杜牧 213
Thoughts About My Past Du Mu 214
遣怀 杜牧 215
Climbing Mount Qi on the Ninth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month Du Mu 216
九日齐山登高 杜牧 217
Inthe Rainy Season of Spring Du Mu 218
清明 杜牧 219
Mooring on the Qinhuai River Du mu 220
泊秦淮 杜牧 221
Travelling in the Mountains Du Mu 222
山行 杜牧 223
In the Autumn Night Du Mu 224
秋夕 杜牧 225
The Gorgeous Zither Li Shangyin 226
锦瑟 李商隐 227
Cicada Li Shangyin 228
蝉 李商隐 229
Untitled Li Shangyin 230
无题二首(其一) 李商隐 231
To Readers of the English Translations of Classical Chinese Prose and Poetry: Revisor 232
关于中国古典文学作品英译文的说明 校译者 236