《英语语言分析入门 英语语法教学问答》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:汤廷池著
  • 出 版 社:台湾学生书局
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:545 页

1.从语音、语法与语意三方面来讨论缩写的原则 1

2.“This is a new student,not old”是否正确? 3

3.“Stand up,please,Mary”是否妥当? 5

4.“Tom and Mary are brother and sister”是否正确? 6

5.“both”在句中的位置 8

6.进行式与宾语名词的单数或复数应无关系 10

7.“Who are playing in the park?”是否正确? 11

8.“Good morning,teacher”是否合於习惯用法? 12

9.“Good-bye”、“So long”、“See you later”、“See you tomorrow”在用法上有何区别? 13

10.“it”可以笼统地指天气,但是不一定能以“the weather”来代替 14

11.“A,B and C”与“A,B,and C”,那一种写法较普遍? 16

12.如何回答“Are there two cats in this house?” 19

13.“check”、“check on”与“check up on”的用法 21

14.单一性集合名词与复数性集合名词 24

15.“at breakfast”与“for breakfast”之区别 28

16.“many”,“much”,“a lot of”“与lots of”的用法 30

17.“a lot of”与“lots of”的修饰语用法 33

18.“not much”与“few”的对照用法 36

19.“a few”与“any”是否可以在疑问句中互相代用? 37

20.何时使用过去进行式? 39

21.“begin in”与“begin with”的区别 41

22.“be going to”後面的动词“go”是否该省略? 44

23.“shall”与“will”应如何使用? 46

24.“next Monday afternoon”是否可以说? 50

25.“have a picnic”与“go on a picnic”的意思是否相同? 51

26.“be going to+V”是否可出现於表时间或条件的副词子句里? 52

27.“ask”在“I'll ask a question of you”中是否属於授与动词? 53

28.“much”在“The baby cuckoo often eats very much”中是副词还是名词宾语? 55

29.“ever”可用於那几种时式? 57

30.无定冠词“a(n)”的三种意义及其可接应的代名词 59

31.“why to do it”为什麽不能用? 63

32.“children in all places”是否正确? 67

33.“He's already been there”在语义上是否妥当? 68

34.“Why do you not take a rest?”是正式的用法? 69

35.为什麽“I gave the boy it”是错误的说法? 70

36.“Tom is giving her a present”是否能表示未来的行为? 72

37.食物名词的可数与不可数问题 73

38.“any”後面是接单数动词或复数动词? 77

39.如果“the Wilson family=the Wilsons”,那么“the James family=?” 79

40.“a friend of mine”是否等於“one of my friends”? 80

41.“each boy and each girl”应接应单数或复数动词? 82

42.“after class”与“after school”有何区别? 85

43.“make from”、“make of”与“make with”有何区别? 86

44.“He went to Tainan by way of Taichung”与“He went to Tainan from Taichung”有何区别? 89

45.表示原因或理由的不定词 90

46.“a new pair of shoes”比“a pair of new shoes”较多人使用 92

47.“other wise”的一些用法 94

48.关系代名词的所有格与关系形容词有何区别? 96

49.“What time is it,do you know?”与“What time it is,do you know?”何者正确? 99

50.“I am finished with my work”是否等於“I have finished my work”? 100

51.为什麽有时候说“the settimg sun”,有时候说“a set-ting sun”? 103

52.代表数量的复数名词做主语时,动词用单数或复数? 104

53.关系代名词的前行语以“the only,the same,no,any,all”修饰时,关系代名词是否必须用“that”? 107

54.名词後面的不定词,做何用途? 108

55.“Must you go?”该如何回答? 109

56.“appearance”是否有复数形? 110

57.“no sooner…than…”所连接的两个句子用何种时式? 111

58.“The other one had much more(big cities)”,为何不妥? 112

59.被动式“be+V-en”可能表示状态 114

60.“be prepared”与“have prepared”的不同 115

61.“be prepared”与“prepare”的不同 116

62.“plan/planning”与“work/working”的意义及用法的不同 117

63.“The great opportunity either did not come or he did not see it”是否不妥? 119

64.“what book”与“which book”有何区别? 120

65.频度副词出现於助动词前面时,该助动词常重读 121

66.「that-子句」里的“that”在何种情况下可省略? 123

67.“Here your ticket is”是否妥当? 126

68.“(n)either…(n)or…”连接两个以上的主语时,谓语动词单复数的决定问题 127

69.“It doesn't seem to bother him”可能有两种解释 130

70.在?引句的後面用“said the teacher”或”the teacher said”有何区别? 131

71.“run over”是「可分动词」还是「不可分动词」? 132

72.名词後面可以用形容词修饰吗? 135

73.“I think he won't come”与“I don't think he will come”,在意义上有何区别? 136

74.在?from kindergarten through high school中的“through”作何解释? 138

75.“You have to be there,and your brother has,too”是否正确? 139

76.“and…either”与“and neither…”在用法上有何区别? 143

77.“Don't let him go,”的附加问句是“all right”或“will you”? 145

78.“aren't”是否也是“am not”的简缩式? 147

79.“sorry”或“glad”後面的子句在句法上应如何分析? 148

80.“His class was having a visitor from the United States”是否正确? 150

81.“Alien”除了做姓以外,还可当男人的名字用 152

82.在“It is on December 25th”中,“on”是否必要? 153

83.“I found the coffee sweet”是否等於“I found(that)the coffee was sweet”? 154

84.在“the things that I should see if…”中,“the things”与「that-子句」的关系如何? 155

85.“as if”或“as though”後面所引导的子句中动词可用何种时态? 157

86.及物动词“fail”与不及物动词“fail in”在意义及用法上有否区别? 159

87.在“If he went to New York tomorrow,…”中“tomorrow”是否妥当? 160

88.否定句里的“or”在语意上等於“and not” 162

89.「时态」可以反映不同的心理感受 163

90.在四季的名字前面,为什麽有时候加定冠词“the”,有时候却没有? 164

91.“the earth”前面有介词“on”时,“the”可省略 166

92.“corner”前面的介词何时用“in”,“on”或“at”? 168

93.“radio waves”是指什麽? 170

94.「所有格」的“of”不一定表示所有 172

95.名词“explanation”後面用介词“for”或“of”得看上下文 174

96.“one day in the forest”的词序是否妥当? 176

97.“Who do you think he is?”与“Do you think who he is?”,在句法与文意上有何区别? 177

98.“when”与“while”在语意上与用法上的一些比较 179

99.“When she will come,do you know?”是否妥当? 181

100.条件句及疑问句中“some”或“any”的区别 183

101.“He was in bed at home”是否正确? 185

102.“for”能否用“because”来代替? 186

103.“for”与“because”在语法与语意上有什麽不同? 188

104.“on the train”与“in the train”有何区别? 191

105.“not”与“never”在分词结构中出现的位置 192

106.「动名词+名词」做主语未必就与单数动词连用 194

107.“Tom is very interested in this game”是否正确? 196

108.过去分词形容词与“very”及“much”的连用 197

109.“very afraid”还是“much afraid”? 200

110.“start”与“begin”在用法上有何异同? 202

111.过去的两个动作发生的先後次序已交代清楚时,动词可用过去单纯式 206

112.“what”或“all”引导的名词子句做主语,「be动词」後的“to”常省略 209

113.一些使役动词的用法 211

114.“TV dinner”指的是什麽? 213

115.“When V-ing…”是怎么产生的? 214

116.“require”後面为什麽要用V-ing式? 215

117.“lobster”是否单、复数同形? 216

118.直接叙述句的引号内是否只限用现在式? 217

119.“one of复数名词”未必以单数动词接应 218

120.“It has changed the pattern of our life”是否妥当?(主语与补语的单复数照应) 221

121.“too”前面不一定要加逗号 224

122.“a good time”与“a fine time”是否有区别? 225

123.“Care killed the cat”中的“cat”是否有特殊含意? 226

124.“sore”与“ache”在意义与用法上有何区别? 228

125.“Where are you going to?”与“What place are you going?”是否正确? 230

126.“some”与“any”後面所接的名词应该是单数或复数? 233

127.“All boys are lazy”的否定句是否应为“No boys are lazy”? 235

128.英语的否定问句应该如何回答? 236

129.“usually”是否等於“as usual”? 240

130.“They lived here for five years from 1960 to 1965”是否妥当? 241

131.“one”与无定冠词“a(n)”在用法及意义上有何区别? 242

132.“You need say nothing about it”是不是一个否定句? 246

133.“He told me what the matter with you is”妥当吗? 247

134.“John has a cake baking”与“John has a tooth missed”是否正确? 249

135.“I found her seated/sitting at the desk”是否正确? 251

136.“at school”与“in school”在意义与用法上有何区别? 252

137.“begin with”、“begin in”与“begin on”有何区别? 255

138.Autumn begins“with”还是“in”August? 257

139.“on the street”与“in the street”有何区别? 259

140.回答命令句应注意说话的对象或不同的情景 262

141.“He got back soon after five”与“He got back just after five”是否?义? 263

142.“sleep”是否有复数形? 265

143.“He didn't come back until 9 o'clock last night”是否等於“It was until 9 o'clock that he did not come back”? 267

144.“time”,“rain”与“noise”前面是否可加无定冠词“a”? 268

145.抽象名词的可数与不可数不是绝对的 269

146.〔s〕後面的〔p·t·k〕的发音 271

147.重读的“al”在英语中可能的读音 273

148.语意是决定句重音或词组重音的重要因素 275

149.“and so on”的重音应落在何处? 277

150.“How are you?”与“What is he?”的主重音在那个字? 278

151.“Whose glove is the one over there?”的句重音应落在何处? 279

152.“The ears of the dog are long”中的“the”应该如何念? 280

153.“realize,theater,idea”是由几个音节构成的? 281

154.「非限制性关系子句」的前後都应加逗号 282

155.“genuinely”中的〔j〕是否与前面的〔n〕合念? 283

156.“Park Street”的重音应落在那个音节上? 284

157.“an English class”的那一个字要重读? 285

158.“English lesson”的那一个字重读? 286

159.“She put her coat on”的句重音是落在那一个字上? 288

160.介副词与重音的问题 290

161.「双字动词」的重音应落在那一个字上? 292

162.“John met her two years ago”的句重音是否在“two”? 293

163.“We walk to school every morning”的句重音应落在何处? 294

164.“Would you like tea or coffee?”的句重音是“tea”或“cof-”? 295

165.“How old is John?”与“What is it?”的语调应该如何? 296

166.“John caught up with Mary”与“John caught up with her”的语调轮廓应是如何? 297

167.附加问句的「升调」与「降调」有何区别? 298

168.“How do you do,Mr.Wilson?”的语调轮廓应是如何? 299

169.一些比较好的英语语调参考书 300

170.假设法条件句中“if”的省略问题 301

171.“A week has seven days”是否正确? 302

172.集合名词的单复数形 303

173.处所副词移到句首时,主语与动词的倒序问题 304

174.“The boy being not yet fully grown,the trousers were too long”是否通顺? 306

175.在“such…that”的结构中,复数名词是否可用? 308

176.“while”之後是否一定要用进行式;“when”之後是否一定要用简单式? 309

177.“When seeing her,I shouted with joy”是否正确? 311

178.分词片语在句中的位置不能决定动作发生的时间 313

179.“She speaks French fluently,living long in Paris”与“She has lived long in Paris,speaking French fluently”是否正确? 315

180.“the house to be let”与“the shoes need being washed”为何不妥? 318

181.“He is not so well educated that he doesn't understand it”是否正确? 321

182.在“I don't think he will come”中“not”原来可能的位置 323

183.“not one of them”与“none of them”有何区别? 325

184.“It's time for us to go”与“It's time we went”的意思是否一样? 327

185.“A policeman accompanied her to go to the station”是否正确? 328

186.“What do you think of the new chairman?”该如何回答? 330

187.“find”与“find out”在用法上之区别 331

188.「可分双字动词」之宾语的位置 335

189.动名词前面介系词的省略 343

190.“leap-year”之翻译 347

191.“Fish abounds the lake”是否正确? 348

192.「空间」之英译 351

193.“second cousin”之中译 352

194.为什麽“That man is impossible to work with”合乎语法,而“That man is possible to work with”却不合语法? 353

195.在“He is wearing the same hat__I am wearing”中的空格内,“as”、“that”,“which”都可以填,但最好是不填 358

196.“Strange to say,he should have passed the final examination”究竟有没有通过考试? 362

197.名词“problem”与介词“for”或“to”连用时,语意上有何区别? 364

198.“round”与“around”的用法有何区别? 366

199.介系词可以出现於句首疑问词的前面 369

200.“clothing”是集合不可数名词,不用复数 373

201.「that-子句」中的“that”何时可省略? 375

202.“I am sure that…”是不是“I am sure of the fact that…”之省略? 377

203.“than”前後动词在形式上的对称 380

204.“in the night”与“at night”有何区别? 382

205.“by night”、“for the night”与“during the night”有何区别? 385

206.“I am sorry,but I forgot buying the candy you wanted”是否恰当? 388

207.“be accustomed to”後面是否只能接动名词或名词? 390

208.“in the home”与“in the homes”有何区别? 391

209.“health”前面是否要加“the”? 392

210.“I am starving to death”与“I am starved to death”的用法 393

211.“Don't expect too much of us”的用法 394

212.“He is thought to come early”是否正确? 395

213.“as”、“than”、“except”与“but”後面的代名词该用什么格? 397

214.“except,except for”等在用法上的差别 400

215.“We spoke of no one besides you”中“besides”的用法 404

216.“I don't love her because she is beautiful”的中译 405

217.可与“congratulate”或“congratulation”连用的介词有那些? 407

218.如何决定双字动词是可分或不可分? 409

219.“He is the last man that I want to see”的中译 414

220.「三个月的旅行」的英译 415

221.“going up to”的解释 416

222.“Flies are a nuisance”是正确,为何“Horses are a useful animal”却不正确? 417

223.“(im)possible与“(un)likely”的用法有何区别? 419

224.The cubs stay in the den,doing little more than sleep”是否不妥? 421

225.“No one of them like coffee,do they?”是否正确? 423

226.「不定词子句」及「动名词子句」与「片语」有何区别? 425

227.“but”的一些习惯用法 427

228.“listen to”也是知觉动词 430

229.一些发音问题的解答 432

230.英文单字之音节如何划分? 434

231.“writing”中的〔t〕何时变成「触音」〔?〕? 436

232.“He hasn't been home for a week”的两种读音及其意义 438

233.“complete,perfect,unique,chief,extreme”等形容词是否有比较级与最高级? 439

234.“much”的词性与倒装句 441

235.发音与拼字之间一些有规则的关系 444

236.「有钱能使鬼推磨」的各种英译 447

237.“The rain prevented him going”是否正确? 449

238.“a quite good player”是否正确? 451

239.“Tennis is more active a sport than golf”是否正确? 453

240.“as best as one can”是否通顺? 454

241.“glance”与“glimpse”在意义与用法上的区别 456

242.“umpire”与“referee”的区别何在? 458

243.“She will make him a good wife”的语法分析 459

244.“Did you go to New York or Boston last week ?”当作一般问话时,其语调如何? 460

245.“what do you think of it?”中“what”的词性如何? 462

246.“He was a foreigner as I know from his accent”中的“as”可否换成“which”? 464

247.动名词之前的介词省略 466

248.“I was refused admittance”中的“admittance”是直接宾语 467

249.“Below the girl's name,as it appeared on the posters,was the information that she was a pupil of Liszt”中“was”的主语是什么? 468

250.「the+形容词」也可能表示单数名词 469

251.“It is freezing cold here”中的“freezing”是加强词 471

252.“have+宾语”後面接动词原式或现在分词,语意上有何区别? 472

253.“of no use”是比“no use”更正式的说法 474

254.“beyond one's power”与“on the sunny side of”应作何解释? 476

255.使用“have(has)got”时应注意的一些问题 477

256.“but”的关系代名词用法与从属连接词用法 484

257.“China,China's,Chinese”之不同用法 488

258.「假祈使句」与「表非难的不定词」的探讨 492

259.“coke”是专有名词还是普通名词? 496

260.“take a little time off”的“off”是介系词还是介副词? 497

261.关於复合名词与其重音问题 498

262.“always,sometimes”与其否定 500

263.“always”等於“all the time”吗? 501

264.“never”在句子中出现的位置 503

265.“no”与“not”的区别 505

266.再谈“need”的否定 506

267.“ever”与“never”;“some”类词语与“any”类词语 509

268.“What did you say was the matter?“与”Did you say what was the matter?” 514

269.“when”、“what time”与“at what time” 517

270.“who”与“which”在意义与用法上的区别 519

271.John's picture,the picture of John,the picture of John's,a picture of John,a picture of John's等几种说法在意义与用法上的区别 522

272.my father's picture,a picture of my father,a picture of my father's及my picture,a picture of me,a picture of mine在意义与用法上的区别 524

273.“Handsome is that handsome does”这一句格言如何解释? 527

274.“Care killed a cat”这一句格言如何解释? 530

275.“Roman law is one of the greatest systems that have ever existed.”是否正确? 532

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