老人和他的儿子们(The Old Man and His Sons) 1
风和太阳(The Wind and the Sun) 4
老鹰和狐狸(The Eagle and the Fox) 7
两头山羊(The Two Goats) 11
麦叩里神和樵夫(Mercucy and the Woodman) 13
农人和鹳(The Husbandman and the Stork) 17
男孩和荨麻(The Boy and the Nettle) 20
口渴的鸽子(The Thirsty Pigeon) 22
葫芦和松树(The Gourd and the Pine) 24
挤牛奶的姑娘(The Milkmaid) 27
披着狮皮的驴子(The Ass in the Lion s Skin) 31
儿童水浴(The Boy Bathing) 33
公鸡和宝石(The Cock and the Jewel) 35
老猎狗(The Old Hound) 37
爱虚荣的寒鸦(The Vain Jackdaw) 40
渔人和小鱼(The Fisherman and the Fish) 43
独眼的母鹿(The One-Eyed Doe) 46
野兔(The Hares) 48
老鹰、鹞鹰和鸽群(The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons) 52
鹧鸪和捕鸟人(The Partridge and the Fowler) 54
箭猪和蛇(The Porcupine and the Snakes) 56
狗熊和两个旅行人(The Bear and the Two Travelers) 59
狼和牧羊人(The Wolf and the Shepherd) 62
失去尾巴的狐狸(The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail) 65
披着羊皮的狼(The Woll in Sheep s Clothing) 68
阿拉伯人和他的骆驼(The Arab and His Camel) 70
伤害人的狗(The Mischievous Dog) 74
鹰和箭(The Eagle and the Arrow) 77
马和骑手(The Horse and His Rider) 80
公牛和青蛙(The Ox and the Frog) 83
猫和狐狸(The Cat and the Fox) 87
老鼠和象(The Rat and the Elephant) 90
猫头鹰和蚱蜢(The Owl and the Grasshopper) 93
患病的公鹿(The Sick Stag) 96
两个旅行人(The Two Travelers) 99
驴子和他的影子(The Ass and His Shadow) 102
瞎子和跛子(The Blind Man and the Lame Man) 105
猴子和猫(The Monkey and the Cat) 108
牛群和车轴(The Oxcn and the Axletrees) 110