
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:齐丽霞主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7561116764
  • 页数:379 页

议论文 2

The Advantages and Disadvantages of China’s Entry into the WTO/中国加入世贸组织的得与失 2

Man and Nature/人类与自然 5

Fake Diplomas/假文凭 9

Is Outer Space Worth Exploring/值得探索太空吗 12

The Advantages of Hunting for Jobs on Internet/网上求职的好处 15

Family and Personal Development/家庭与个人发展 18

The Population Explosion/人口爆炸 21

Brain Drain/人才外流 23

UN,a Success or a Failure/联合国,成功或失败 26

My Idea of Internet/因特网之我见 29

Why do People Like to Buy Lottery/人们为什么喜欢买彩票 33

Is Honesty out of Style/诚实过时了吗 36

Popular Travel on National Day/国庆节旅游热 39

Private Cars in China/中国的私家车 42

Competition/竞争 45

Cloning,a Frightening Thing/克隆,令人恐惧吗 47

Laid-off Workers Need Help/下岗工人需要帮助 51

Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports/体育运动的积极和消极因素 55

On Responsibility/论责任感 57

Blood Donation/献血 60

Computer/计算机 63

On Discount/打折 66

Traffic and Population/交通与人口 69

How to Solve the Energy Shortage/如何解决能源短缺问题 72

Anti-drug Campaign/禁毒运动 76

Housing Problem in Big Cities/大城市的住房问题 80

Motives/动机 83

Health,Wealth and Happiness/健康、财富与幸福 86

Welcome the New Century/欢迎新世纪 90

Advantage and Disadvantage of Tourism Development/旅游业发展的利与弊 93

Private School/私立学校 96

Protection of Environment/保护环境 99

Future of China’s Football/中国足球的未来 102

The Problems of Plastic Bags/塑料袋问题 106

Unemployment/失业 109

Knowledge Economy/知识经济 112

How to Meet the Challenge of the 21st Century/如何迎接21世纪的挑战 116

No Smoking/不许吸烟 119

On Failure/论失败 123

The Positive and Negative Effects of Computer Network/计算机网络的正负面影响 125

Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of Style/雷锋精神过时了吗 129

How to KeeP Fit/如何保持健康 132

On Women/论女性 135

Challenges/挑战 138

Treasure Water/珍惜水 141

Intelligence and Diligence/聪明与勤奋 144

Ability and Good Looks/能力与相貌 147

Social Practice in Education/教育的社会实践 150

Study Abroad/出国留学 153

Getting to Know the World Outside of Campus/了解校园外的世界 156

On Test and Test Taking/论考试 160

Attending College at One’s Own Expense/自费上大学 163

On Choosing Careers/论择业 166

Is Computer Instruction Replacing Human Teaching/计算机教学能取代人类教学吗 170

The Importance of Confidence/信心的重要性 174

Popular Music/流行音乐 177

The Importance of Education/教育的重要性 180

Youth Is a Golden Age/青春季节 183

More Aeademic Pressure Does Harm to Health/过多的学业压力有害健康 186

Advantages of a Job Interview/求职面试的优越性 189

The Benefit of Reading Books/读书的好处 192

Punctuality/守时 194

Changing Criteria for Good College Students/优秀大学生的新标准 198

Whv a Sense of Humor is Important/幽默感为何重要 201

My View on Opportunity/论机遇 204

Grades and Ability/分数与能力 207

Knowledge and Diploma/知识与文凭 210

On Part-time Jobs/论兼职 213

College English Teaching in China/中国的大学英语教学 216

No More Video Games/告别电子游戏 219

On Grades/论分数 223

The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life/集体生活的利与弊 226

The Good Teacher-student Relationship/良好的师生关系 229

On Developing Speaking Ability/培养口语能力 232

College Life/大学生活 235

College Students:No Longer Free/大学生:不再免费 238

“Only-children”Face the Challenge of University/独生子女面临大学生活的挑战 242

说明文 247

Campus Activities/校园活动 247

How to Face up to Your Difficulties/如何面对困难 250

Fast Food Restaurants/快餐馆 253

Thunderstorm/雷雨 255

Losing Weight/减肥 258

Pleasure in Reading/阅读的乐趣 261

Telecommunication Brings Convenience to Modern Life/电信给现代生活带来了便利 264

The Problems I Have in My English Study/英语学习中的问题 268

My Major/我的专业 271

Electricity and Our Daily Life/电与日常生活 274

Top Students/优等生 276

The Dictionary/辞典 279

What I Want to Be/我想做什么 282

The Best Way to Enlarge One’s Vocabulary/扩大词汇量的最佳办法 285

图表作文 290

Rising Divorce Rates in China/中国的离婚率在上升 290

Number of Scholarships/奖学金人数 294

A Traffic Accident/一场交通事故 297

What Students Need English for/学生需要英语做什么 300

Telephone Goes into Hundreds of Thousands of Homes/电话走进千家万户 303

Why Many TV Viewers Like to Watch Sports/为什么许多电视观众喜欢看体育节目 306

Overseas Investment in Chinese Mainland/在中国大陆的海外投资 310

Income Sources of College Students/大学生的收入来源 315

Changes in Methods of Traffic/交通手段的变化 318

书信体作文 323

Résumé/简历 323

An Inquiry Letter/一封咨询信 325

A Letter of Complaint/一封投诉信 328

A Family Letter/一封家信 331

A Letter to a Friend/一封给朋友的信 334

An Application Letter/一封申请信 337

A Letter of Thanks/一封感谢信 340

A Letter of Recommendation/一封推荐信 342

A Letter of Invitation/一封邀请信 346

A Business Letter/一封商业信函 348

A Letter of Congratulation/一封祝贺信 351

描写文 355

My Wish/我的愿望 355

My Mother/我的母亲 358

When Autumn Comes/秋天来临 360

My Roommate/室友 363

The Early Summer/初夏 365

Our Campus Library/我们的校园图书馆 368

My Hometown我的家乡 371

记叙文 375

My Respected Teacher/我尊敬的老师 375

A Visit to an English Corner/英语角一游 377