1 Conflicts in grammars 1
1.1 Introduction:goals of linguistic theory 1
1.2 Basic concepts of OT 3
1.3 Examples of constraint interaction 14
1.4 The architecture of an OT grammar 18
1.5 Interactions of markedness and faithfulness 27
1.6 Lexicon Optimization 32
1.7 A factorial typology of markedness and faithfulness 34
1.8 On defining segment inventories 43
1.9 Conclusion 47
2 The typology of structural changes 52
2.1 Introduction 52
2.2 Nasal substirution and related effects 59
2.3 The typology of N? effects 78
2.4 Conspiracies of nasal substitution and other processes 83
2.5 Conclusion:a comparison with rule-based theory 86
3.1 Introduction 91
3 Syllable structure and economy 91
3.2 The basic syllable typology 92
3.3 Epenthesis and the conflict of well-formedness and faithfulness 98
3.4 Generalized Alignment 117
3.5 The quality of epenthetic segments 124
3.6 Coda conditions 130
3.7 Conclusion 139
4 Metrical structure and parallelism 142
4.1 Introduction 142
4.2 Word stress:general background 143
4.3 Case-study:rhythmic lengthening in Hixkaryana 148
4.4 A set of metrical constraints 161
4.5 Case-study:rhythmic syncope in Southeastern Tepehuan 177
4.6 Conclusions 189
5 Correspondence in reduplication 194
5.1 Introduction 194
5.2 Reduplicative identity:the constraints 201
5.3 From classical templates to generalized templates 216
5.4 From circumscription to alignment 223
5.5 'Classical'versus OT-based prosodic morphology:conclusions 229
5.6 Overapplication andunderapplicationin reduplication 230
5.7 Summary of Correspondence Theory 248
6 Output-to-output correspondence 257
6.1 Introduction 257
6.2 Identity effects in truncation 259
6.3 Identity effects in stem-based affixation 273
6.4 The cycle versus base-identity 277
6.5 Output-to-output correspondence:conclusions 293
7 Learning OT grammars 296
7.1 Introduction 296
7.2 Learning constraint rankings 297
7.3 Learning the Pintupi grammnar of stress 300
7.4 The learning algorithm:discussion 321
7.5 Learning alternations and input representations 324
8.2 OT and syntax 341
8.1 Introduction 341
8 Extensions to syntax 341
8.3 The structure of extended verbal projections in English 353
8.4 Typological consequences 366
8.5 Conclusions 369
9 Residual issues 372
9.1 Introduction 372
9.2 Opacity 372
9.3 Absolute ungrammaticality 400
9.4 Free variation 404
9.5 Positional faithfulness 407
9.6 Underlying Representations versus allomorphy 413
9.7 Conclusion:future perspectives 420
References 425
Index of languages 445
Index of subjects 447
Index of constraints 451
文库索引 453