1.Morphology of the Normal Liver Cell&M.H.Ma,S.Goldfisher and L.Biempica 1
2.Albumin Metabolism&Marcus A.Rothschild,Murray Oratz and Sidney S.Schreiber 19
3.Regulatory Effect of Amino Acids on Polyribosomes and Protein Synthesis of Liver&Herschel Sidransky 31
4.Lipoproteins and the Liver&O.Stein,H.Bar-On and Y.Stein 45
5.Physiology of Bile Flow&Serge Erlinger 63
6.Bile Salts and the Liver&William G.M.Hardison 83
7.Morphologic and Histochemical Aspects of Cholestasis&Valeer J.Desmet 97
8.Metabolic Differences Between Hepatitis and Cholestasis in Human Liver&Tore Scherstén 133
9.Microsomal Biotransformation System in Cholestasis&Ferenc Hutterer,Helmut Greim,Dietmar Trülzsch,Peter Czygin and John B.Schenkman 151
10.Hepatic Carcinogensis&Emmanuel Farber 173
11.Galactosamine-Induced Liver Injury&Karl Decker and Dietrich Keppler 183
12.Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Aspects of the Hepatic Hemodynamics&Rudolf Preisig,Johannes Bircher and Gustav Paumgartner 201
13.Radionuclides in the Investigation of Liver Disease&Richard P.Spencer and Mohamed A.Antar 217
14.Some Aspects of Circulatory Disturbances in Cirrhosis of the Liver&G.A.Martini,G.Baltzer and H.Arndt 231
15.Renal Failure in Advanced Liver Disease&William P.Baldus 251
16.The Rational Management of Ascites&Harold O.Conn 269
17.New Surgical Approaches to Portal Hypertension&Robert Zeppa 289
18.Hepatic Coma:Present Concepts of Pathogenesis and Therapy&Kerry J.Breen and Steven Schenker 301
19.The Treatment of Acute Liver Failure&Stuart J.Saunders,Rosemary Hickman,Robert MacDonald and John Terblanche 333
20.Hepatitis Virology&Joseph L.Melnick and F.Blaine Hollinger 345
21.The Nature of Australia Antigen:Infectious and Genetic Characteristics&Baruch S.Blumberg 367
22.Immunopathology of Liver Disease&Deborah Doniach and Geoffrey Walker 381
23.Gammopathy in Liver Disease&Marcel Eliakim,Avinoam Zlotnick and Shimon Slavin 403
24.Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis&Steven P.Mistilis and Kui Chun Lam 419
25.Liver Transplantation:A Clinical and Immunologic Appraisal&Roger Williams and Martin G.M.Smith 433
26.Photochemical and Biochemical Basis of the Treatment of Neonatal Jaundice&J.Donald Ostrow 447
27.The Liver in Inherited Metabolic Diseases of Childhood&Harvey L.Sharp,Robert J.Desnick and William Krivit 463
28.Encephalopathy and Fatty Liver(Reye's Syndrome)&William K.Schubert,John C.Partin and Jacqueline S.Partin 489
29.Evolution of the Hepatic Lesion in Wilson's Disease(Hepatolenticular Degeneration)&Irmin Sternlieb 511
30.Protein-Calorie Malnutrition and the Liver&Donald S.McLaren,John G.Bitar and Victor H.Nasser 527
31.Liver Fluke Infection and Infestation in Southeast Asia&Vikit Viranuvatti and Tinrat Stitnimankarn 537
32.Ethanol Metabolism in the Liver&Emanuel Rubin and Charles S.Lieber 549
33.Alcoholic Hepatitis:Its Therapy and Prognosis&John T.Galambos 567
34.Tetracycline and the Liver&Burton Combes,Peggy J.Whalley and Reuben H.Adams 589
35.Hepatic Drug Reactions&Victor Perez,Fenton Schaffner and Hans Popper 597
Index 626