Ⅰ.General Considerations 2
1.Introduction 2
2.Stresses and Strains 4
3.The Moduli of Elasticity and Compliance 7
a.Traditional Elasticity 7
b.Tensor Notation and Equations of Motion 10
c.The Definition and Meaning of the Elastic Constants 12
4.Atomistic Theories of Elastic Constants 14
5.Other Tensor Properties 31
6.Interrelation with Other Physical Studies 40
Ⅱ.Experimental Methods 44
7.Static Measurements 45
8.Dynamic Measurements 47
9.Methods Involving Lattice Interaction with Radiation 60
Ⅲ.Elastic Constants for Various Materials 61
10.Alkali Halides 67
11.Monovalent Metals 75
12.Multivalent Metals 79
a.Aluminum 79
b.Indium 82
c.Beta-Brass 82
d.Hexagonal Metals 84
13.Crystals with Diamond or Zincblende Lattice 87
14.Rare Gas Solids 91
15.Ferromagnetic Materials,the △E Effect 93
16.Piezoelectric Materials 98
17.Polycrystalline Materials 104
Ⅳ.Variation with Temperature and Pressure 108
18.Résumé of Experimental Results 108
19.Theory of the Equation of State 113
Ⅴ.Influence of Composition,Phase Changes,and Relaxation Phenomena 118
20.Anelastic Effects 118
21.Certain Alloy Systems and Mixtures 120
22.Influence of Dilute Alloying 123
23.Effect of Phase Changes on Elastic Constants 126
24.Effect of Superconductivity 129
25.Effect of Dislocations 130
26.Effect of Radiation Damage 133
27.Electron Relaxation at Low Temperature 135
Ⅵ.Acknowledgments 136
Ⅶ.List of Symbols 137