• 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:0415184983
  • 页数:612 页

1 The evolution of international trade theory and policy 1

An intellectual history of international trade theory and policy 1

An institutional history of international trade policy 17

2 The basic elements of the GATT/WTO, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the European Union 25

The General Agreement on Tarffs and Trade (GAT T) 25

The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 38

The framework of economic integration in the European Union 44

Harmonization 47

3 Dispute settlement 51

Introduction 51

The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) 58

Dispute settlement in the NAFTA 80

Conclusion 94

4 Trade, exchange rates, and the balance of payments 95

Introduction 95

Liquidity, adjustment and substitutability 99

Volatility 104

Macroeconomic policy coordination and proposals for managed exchange rates 106

The European Monetary System (EMS) 108

Conclusion 111

5 Tariffs, the MFN principle, and regional trading blocs 112

The economic effects of a tariff 112

The Most Favoured Nation principle 114

Alternative bargaining structures 116

Outstanding tariff issues 119

Domestic administration of tariffs 124

Multilateralism versus regionalism 129

6 Trade policy and domestic health and safety regulation and standards 135

Introduction 135

Legislative history 138

Standards setting bodies 150

Selected case-law 152

Future policy directions 160

Conclusions 163

7 Antidumping laws 166

Introduction 166

The GATTprovisions on antidumping 167

Antidumping laws: Canada, the United States and the EU 172

Theoretical rationales for antidumping laws 177

Reforming antidumping laws 188

8 Subsidies, countervailing duties, and government procurement 190

Introduction 190

GATT provisions on subsidies 191

Domestic administration of countervailing duty laws 205

Rationales for countervailing duty laws 213

Reforming subsidy laws 217

9 Safeguard regimes and domestic adjustment policies 226

The GATT safeguard regime 226

Domestic adjustment assistance policies 239

Conclusion 245

10 Trade in agriculture 246

Introduction 246

Trade in agriculture and the pre-Uruguay Round GATT 247

The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 251

Rationalesfor differential treatment of the agricultural sector:a critical overview 252

Instruments of agricultural protection 254

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture 258

Dispute settlement and the Agreement on Agriculture 264

Conclusion 268

11 Trade in services 270

Introduction 270

The nature of services 271

Barriers to trade in services 273

International agreements for the liberalization of trade in services 275

Financial services 292

Telecommunications 299

Conclusion 305

12 Trade-related intellectual property (TRIPs) 307

Introduction 307

Trade theory and intellectual property rights 310

The pre-Uruguay Round international legal framework 312

Aggressive unilaterialism: US trade remedy law and the EUnew trade policy instrument 317

Intellectual property provisions in trade agreements 319

Post-Uruguay Round developments 330

Conclusion 334

13 Trade and investment 335

Introduction 335

Foreign investment and trade theory 337

Economic rationalesforgovernment incentives and disincentives toforeign investment 338

Non-economic rationales and effects of investment policies: sovereignty and the foreign firm 342

Alternative approaches to international discipline of foreign investment measures 347

The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) 357

Conclusion 365

14 Trade and developing countries 367

Introduction 367

The legal and institutionalframeworkfor developing country trade 368

Trade and development: theory and policy 379

Policy options and prospects for the future 386

Conclusion 394

15 Trade and the environment 395

Introduction 395

The GATT 397

The North American Free Trade Agreement 432

Conclusion 440

16 Trade and labour rights 441

Introduction 441

A conceptual framework for understanding the trade and labour rights debate 442

The existing and evolving legal and institutionalframework 456

Conclusion 462

17 Trade and competition policy 464

The basic economic function of competition laws 464

International dimensions of competition laws 467

Application of framework to specific aspects of competition policy 474

Trade policy implications 481

18 The international movement of people 484

Introduction 484

Immigration policy in historical perspective 486

The values 487

The welfare implications of immigration 491

Implicationsfor immigration policy 496

Conclusion 498

19 Conclusion: the future of the global trading system 500

Introduction 500

Trade liberalization and the regulatory state: managing the interface 500

Strengthening the legal and institutionalfoundations of open markets 516

Multilateralism versus regionalism 519

Notes 523

Index 595