ROBERT F. SCHWENKER, JR., and ROBERT K. ZUCCARELLO: DifferentialThermal Analysis of Synthetic Fibers 1
R. M. SCHULKEN, JR., R. E. BOY, JR., and R. H. Cox: Differential ThermalAnalysis of Linear Polyesters 17
PHILIP E. SLADE, JR., and LLOYD T. JENKINS: Thermal Analysis of Polyurethane Elastomers 27
H. WILSKI and T. GREWER: The Specific Heat of Poly-1-butene 33
BERT H CLAMPITT and RICHARD H.HUGHES: Differential Thermal An-alysis of Polybutene-1 43
H. W. HOLDEN: A Differential Thermal Analysis Study of the Effectsof Thermal History on Polyethylene 53
WALTER K. TANG and WAYNE K. NEILL: Effect of Flame Retardants onPyrolysis and Combustion of a-Cellulose 65
F. H. MULLER und H. MARTIN: Kalorimetrische Messungen der Kristalli-sations- und Schmelzvorgange an Polymeren 83
H. J. DONALD, E. S. HUMES, and L. W. WHITE: Crystallization of Poly-propylene Measured by Differential Thermal Analysis 93
E. HELLMUTH, H. G. KILIAN, und F. H. MULLER: Differentialkalorim-etrische Messungen an verschieden verzweigten und verschieden chlorier-ten Polyathylenen in Verbindung mit Rontgenmessungen 101
JAMES M. O'REILLY, FRANK E. KARASZ, and HARVEY E. BAIR: Thermo-dynamic Properties of Lexan Polycarbonate from 110-560 °K 109
F. H. MULLER und N. WEIMANN: Kalorimetrische Messungen vonWarmeeffekten bei Verstreckung 117
JOHN K. GILLHAM and ARMAND F.LEWIS: Studies of the Thermal Be-havior of Polymers by Torsional Braid Analysis 125
BERNARD WUNDERLICH and DAVID M. BODILY: Dynamic Differential Thermal Analysis of the Glass Transition Interval 137
ISMAT ABU-ISA, V. A. CRAWFORD, A. R. HALY, and MALcoLM DOLE:Specific Heat of Synthetic High PolymersⅩⅠ The Glass Transitionin Isotactic Polypropylene 149
K. EIERMANN: Thermal Conductivity of High Polymers 157
J. HENNIG and W. KNAPPE: Anisotropy of Thermal Conductivity inStretched Amorphous Linear Polymers and in Strained Elastomers 167
HUGH C. ANDERSON: Thermogravimetry of Polymer Pyrolysis Kinetics 175
HENRY L. FRIEDMAN: Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Char-Forming Plastics from Thermogravimetry. Application to a Phenolic Plastic 183
C. GEACINTov, R. S. ScHOTLAND, and R. B. MILES: Form Ⅲ to Form ⅡPhase Transition of Polybutene-1 197
H. W. HOLDEN: The Low-Melting Crystalline Modifications of Isotactic Polybutene-1 209
Author Index 213
Subject Index 214