Introduction by Major Alexander Seversky 11
Ⅰ Kitty Hawk to Montclair 21
Ⅱ Montclair to Kitty Hawk 43
Ⅲ "From OUr Crushed Bodies" 53
Ⅳ "Money Isn't Everything!" 65
Ⅴ Mars Tests His Wings 80
Ⅵ "The Greatest Risk Is Starvation" 96
Ⅶ Aeromarine 108
Ⅷ New York Is Bombed 123
Ⅸ The Eagle's Wings Are Broken 141
Ⅹ What the Court-Martial Could Not Halt 158
Ⅺ Young Lindbergh 172
Ⅻ The Distance Smashers 189
ⅩⅢ The Distaff Side 207
ⅩⅣ Knowledge Is Power 222
ⅩⅤ Twenty Years Later 247
ⅩⅥ The Rubber Cows-and the Crooked Cross 257
ⅩⅦ The Boy Grew Older 289
ⅩⅧ The Next Ten Years 304
Appendix 315
Index 329