PRELUDE:On the Worth of Living 3
Ⅰ.My Father and I Discuss Matters 7
Ⅱ.My Prejudices and Prepossessions 17
Ⅲ.The Great Unlearning 42
Ⅳ.The Low-down on Authorities,Including Psychiatrists 50
Ⅴ.Woman,the Authorities'Scapegoat 70
Ⅵ.Social Ambivalence 84
Ⅶ.The Liabilities of Language 98
Ⅷ.The Illusion of Individuality 117
Ⅸ.Heredity and Environment 129
Ⅹ.Genius 143
Ⅺ.Survival of the Fit 155
Ⅻ.Sterilization 164
ⅩⅢ.Desire and Mental Health 191
ⅩⅣ.Mind and Body 209
ⅩⅤ.Concerning Intelligence 222
THE GROWTH OF THE BOOK.Excerpts from Correspondence between Abraham Myerson and Alfred A.Knopf 234
ABRAHAM MYERSON,A Biographical Note 253
BIBLIOGRAPHY of the Works of Abraham Myerson 277