The New Progress in Research of The Contraceptive Agents 1
The Chemistry of Contraceptives 3
L-10492 & L-10503,Non-steroidal & Non-hormonal Antifertility Agents 9
Effect of L-10503 (A Novel Antifertility Compound) on the Synthesis & Metabolism of Prostaglandins in vivo & in vitro in the Pregnat Rat Placenta,Ovary,Kidneyand Lung,in Rat Diciduoma 10
Effects of RMI 12936,A Synthetic Antiprogestational Steroids,in the Rat 19
The Effect of RMI 12936,A Synthetic Antiprogestational Steriods,on Ovarian Steroidogenesis in the Rat 27
Termination of Pregnancy by Sheep Anti-LHRH Gamma Globulin in Rats 32
Regulation of Female Mammalian Fertility with Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) & Related Analogues 39
Suppression of Gonadotropin Release & Ovulation in Animals by Inhbitory Analogs of Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone 57
The Influence on the Pituatary-Ovaian Function,Cervical Mucus & Vaginal Cytology of A New Progestational Compound 73
Ovulation Inhibition by a New Low-Dose Progestagen 84
Blastocidal & Contraceptive Actions by An Extract & Compounds from&Endod (Phytolacca Dodecandra) 92
Implantation of Pure Crystalline Pellets Estrodiol for Conception Control 105
The Biological Effects of A New Modified Sequential Oral Contraceptive 110
The Effect of Contraceptive Steroids on Hypothalmic-Pituitary Function 123
Contraceptive Efficacy of Once-Weekly Oral Administration of 25mg R 2323 138
The Pharmacokinetics of Ethynyl Estrogens,A Review 148
The Research of the Safety in Continuously Using of Contraceptive Agents 178
Current Status of Oral Contraceptive Steroids 179
Komplikation und Spātfolgen der Kontrazeption einschliesslicher Sterilisation 201
Podiumsgesprach zum Thema Komplikationen und Spātfolgen der Kontrazerption Einschliesslicher Sterilisation 222
Is"The Pill"Safe Enough to Continue Using? 225
Erqubnisse Zytologischer und histologischr Untersuchungen der Cervix Uteri nach langrer Einnahmer Hormonaler Kontrazeption 237
Carcinoma of the Cervix in Oral Contraceptive Steroid & IUD Users & Nonusers 245
Leberfunktionsuntersuchungen Unter den Einfluss von Sequentialtherapien mit Athinyl-Ostradiol-Norathisteronazetat und Athinyl-Ostradiol-Chlormadionazetat 252
Association of Liver Tumor with Oral Contraceptive 258
Etiological Factors in the Pathogenesis of Liver Tumors Associated with Oral Contraceptives 265
Maintenance of Lactation by Means of Continuous Low-Dose Progestogen Given Post-Partum As a Contraceptive 271
Elevation of Serum Prolactin during Application of Oral Contraceptives 277
Effect of Contraceptive Steroids on Human Lactation 285
The Effect of An Oral Contraceptive on the Pulmonary Functions 290
Effect of Oral Contraceptives on Nutrients III:Vitamins B6,B12 & Folic Acid 303
Dose-Dependent Inhibition by Oral Contraceptives of the Pituitary to Realese LH & FSH in Response to Stimulation with LH-RH 310
Gonadotropin,Prolactin,and Steroid Hormone Livels after Discontinuation of Oral Contraceptives 321
Phytohemagglutin-Induced Lymphocyte Transfermation in Oral Contraceptive Users 326