《Rypins' Medical Licensure Examinations Topical Summaries and Questions Ninth Edition》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:22 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:J.B.Lippincott Company
  • 出版年份:1960
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:805 页



2.ANATOMY&J.E.Markee,Ph.D 21

Head 21

Neck 38

Bones and Joints of the Upper Extremity 45

Blood Supply of the Upper Extremity 49

Nerve Supply of the Upper Extremity 51

Axilla 53

Spine 53

Thorax 54

Mediastinum 57

Heart 58

Larynx 60

Lungs 60

Thoracic Duct 61

Mammary Glands 61

Diaphragm 62

Abdomen 62

Genitourinary System 72

Pelvis 76

Bones and Joints of the Lower Extremity 76

Blood Supply of the Lower Extremity 80

Nerves of the Lower Extremity 81

Skin 82

Questions in Anatomy 82

3.PHYSIOLOGY&Arthur C.Guyton,M.D 93

Introduction 93

Basic Organization of the Body and"Homeostasis 93

Function of the Cell 94

The Body Fluids 96

Kidneys 101

Blood and Immunity 105

Nerve and Muscle 110

Heart 114

Circulation 117

Respiratory System 131

Central Nervous System 138

The Somatic Sensory System 143

Eye 152

Ear 154

Chemical Senses 155

Gastrointestinal Tract 156

Metabolism and Energy 159

Endocrine Glands 166

Questions in Physiology 177

4.BIOCHEMISTRY&Howard W.Robinson,B.S.,M.S.,Ph.D 185

The Chief Materials of Living Matter 185

Composition of Individual Tissues 208

Blood Analysis(Principles) 218

Enzymes 222

The Chemistry of Digestion 224

Metabolism 227

Energy and Basal Metabolism 243

The Chemistry of Respiration 244

Liver Function 248

Cerebrospinal Fluid 250

Lymph 252

Urine 252

Milk 256

Chemistry of Nutrition 257

Questions in Biochemistry 259

5.MICROBIOLOGY&Martin Frobisher,Jr.,Sc.D 270

Immunology 270

General Microbiology 281

Antibiotics 292

Men Prominent in Early Development of Microbiology Specific Microbiology 307

Bacterial Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract 309

Infections Due to the Colon Bacilli and Related Organisms 316

The Streptococci 317

Infections Due to Staphylococci 322

Infections Due to the Neisseria 324

Undulant Fever 326

Pertussis and Related Diseases 328

Influenza Bacilli 329

Chancroid 330

Bubonic Plague(Pasteurellosis) 330

Tularemia 331

Diphtheria 332

Tuberculosis 335

Leprosy 339

Diseases Caused by Sporeforming Anaerobes 339

Anthrax 342

Spirochetal Diseases 342

Fungal Infections(The Mycoses) 348

Animal Parasites 350

Questions in Microbiology 358

6.PATHOLOGY&Harry Goldblatt,M.D 367

Degeneration and Infiltration 367

Necrosis 369

Circulatory Disturbances 370

Inflammation 372

Infectious Disease 375

Infectious Granulomata 377

Noninfectious Granulomata 383

The Pathologic Effects of Chemical Poisons 383

Vitamin Deficiency 384

Systemic Fibrinoid(Collagen)Disease 385

Tumors 386

Circulatory System 396

Diseases of the Blood 402

Respiratory Tract 404

Gastrointestinal Tract 406

Genitourinary System 412

Ductless Glands 417

Nervous System 419

Bones and Joints 423

Questions in Pathology 424

7.PHARMACOLOGY&Robert P.Walton,Ph.D.,M.D 429

General Types of Drug Names 429

General Anesthetics 430

Other Central Nervous System Depressants 436

Hallucinogens 444

Local Anesthetics 445

Central Nervous System Stimulants 447

Autonomic Drugs 449

Drugs Acting on the Circulatory System 458

Diuretics 464

Parenteral Fluids 465

Therapeutic Gases 469

Drugs That Act Locally(Topically) 471

Cathartics 473

Antacids and Adsorbents 474

Emetics and Antemetics 474

Expectorant and Cough Preparations 475

Oxytocics 475

Drugs Affecting Blood Coagulation 477

Drugs Used for Their Effect on Blood Cells 480

Antiseptics 482

Sulfonamides 483

Antibiotics 486

Antimycotic Agents 491

Amebicides 492

Antimalarials 493

Anthelmintics 495

Antiluetics 497

Chemotherapy of Rickettsial and Viral Infections 500

Chemotherapy of Malignancy 500

Radioactive Compounds 502

Hormones 504

Vitamins 510

Special Poisonings 510

Rodenticides and Insecticides 513

Questions in Pharmacology 514


8.SURGERY&L.Kraeer Ferguson,M.D F.A.C.S.and LeRoy H.Stahlgren,M.D.,F.A.C.S 523

The Extremities—General 523

Wounds 528

Osteomyelitis 530

Acute Subdeltoid Bursitis 530

Fractures and Dislocations 530

Surgery of the Head 538

Ear 539

Throat 540

Neck 540

Tongue 541

Lips 541

Larynx 542

Nose 542

Thyroid 542

Parathyroids 543

Surgery of the Thorax 543

Surgery of the Abdomen 548

Hernia 560

Pediatric Surgery 562

Surgery of the Genitourinary System 563

Questions in Surgery 568

9.INTERNAL MEDICINE&Willis M.Fowler,M.D.,F.A.C.P 571

Diseases of the Circulation 571

Diseases of the Hematopoietic System 583

Diseases of the Lung 589

Diseases of the Kidneys 594

Diseases of the Esophagus,the Stomach and the Intestines 595

Diseases of the Spleen and the Liver 599

Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases 602

Infectious Diseases 606

Diseases of the Skin 610

Collagen Diseases 615

Arthritis 617

Diseases of the Nervous System 619

Mental Diseases 624

Questions in Internal Medicine 628


Obstetrics 631

Anatomy and Physiology of Female Sex Organs 631

Pregnancy 637

Physiology and Conduct of Labor 640

Anesthesia and Analgesia in Labor 641

Postpartal Care of Mother 643

Pathology of Pregnancy 643

Pathology of Labor and Puerperium 654

The Newborn 664

Gynecology 668

Inflammation 668

Tumors 673

Gynecologic Endocrinopathies 684

Infertility 687

Abnormal Sexual Development 688

Questions in Obstetrics 689

Questions in Gynecology 691

11.PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH&Ernest L.Stebbins,M.D.and Charles M.Wylie,M.D 693

Public Health Administration in the United States 693

National Health Services in the United States 694

The U.S.Public Health Service 695

The Children's Bureau 696

The State Health Organization 697

Local Health Services 698

Summary of Public Health Administration 698

Public Health Activities and Functions 699

Vital Statistics 699

Environmental Sanitation 703

Control of Water Supplies 703

Sewage Disposal 707

Milk and Food Sanitation 708

Control of Insects and Animals 712

Disposal of Solid Wastes 714

Abatement of Nuisances 714

Control of Atmospheric Pollution 714

Housing 715

Accidents 716

Industrial Hygiene 717

Public Health Laboratory Services 725

Communicable Disease Control 726

Maternal and Child Health Services 736

Public Health Nursing Services 741

Health Education 742

Mental Hygiene 743

Miscellaneous(Adult Hygiene,Medical Care,Civilian Defense,Air) 743

International Health Problems 743

Questions in Preventive Medicine and Public Health 747


The Social Aspects of Psychiatry 750

The Scope of Clinical Psychiatry 751

Classic Descriptions of Psychiatric Systems 751

Standard Texts in Psychiatry 752

Glossary of Psychiatric Terms 752

History of Psychiatry 766

Etiology of Psychiatric Disorders 767

Methods of Psychiatric Therapy 771

Psychoanalysis and Its Dynamic Therapeutic Variants 775

Psychiatric Syndromes 777

Questions in Psychiatry 786

Index 789