《Rudyard Kipling's Verse》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:22 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:Hodder and Stoughton
  • 出版年份:1940
  • ISBN:0340011572
  • 页数:845 页

Absent-Minded Beggar,The 459

Advertisement,The 678

Akbar's Bridge 779

Alnaschar and the Oxen 759

American,An 184

American Rebellion,The 726

Anchor Song 111

"Angutivaun Taina" 667

Answer,The 373

Anvil,The 713

Appeal,The 827

Arithmetic on the Frontier 45

Army Headquarters 5

Arterial 677

"As the Bell Clinks" 52

Astrologer's Song,An 590

At His Execution 781

Ave Imperatrix! 169

Azrael's Count 789

"Back to the Army Again" 430

Ballad of Boh Da Thone,The 255

Ballad of East and West,The 234

Ballad of Fisher's Boarding-House,The 40

Ballad of Minepit Shaw,The 660

Ballad of the"Bolivar,"The 137

Ballad of the Cars,The 687

Ballad of the"Clampherdown,"The 138

Ballad of the King's Jest,The 247

Ballad of the King's Mercy,The 243

Ballad of the Red Earl,The 230

Ballade of Burial,A 31

Ballade of Jakko Hill,A 50

"Banquet Night" 750

Bee-boy's Song,The 593

Bees and the Flies,The 543

"Before a Midnight Breaks in Storm" 293

Beginner,The 684

Beginnings,The 673

Bell Buoy,The 294

Bells and Queen Victoria,The 731

Belts 414

Benefactors,The 340

Betrothed,The 47

Big Steamers 728

Bill 'Awkins 444

"Birds of Prey"March 432

Birthright,The 761

Blue Roses 633

"Bobs" 395

Bonfires,The 350

Boots 473

Bother,The 685

Boy Scouts' Patrol Song,A 273

Braggart,The 680

Bridge-Guard in the Karroo 205

British-Roman Song,A 547

Broken Men,The 96

Brookland Road 491

"Brown Bess" 724

Buddha at Kamakura 92

Burden,The 766

Burial,The 209

Butterflies 634

"By the Hoof of the Wild Goat" 629

Cain and Abel 580

Captive,The 532

Carmen Circulare 677

Carol,A 510

Cells 404

Centaurs,The 752

Certain Maxims of Hafiz 60

Changelings,The 749

Chant-Pagan 461

Chapter Headings 566

Beast and Man in India 566

Collected 570

Day's Work 570

Fringes of the Fleet 571

Jungle Books 642

Kim 569

Life's Handicap 568

Light That Failed 540

Many Inventions 570

Naulahka 536

Plain Tales from the Hills 503

Charm,A 500

Chartres Windows 803

Chil's Song 532

Child's Garden,A 689

Children,The 522

Children's Song,The 573

Choice,The 186

Cholera Camp 440

Christmas in India 54

"Cities and Thrones and Powers" 487

"City of Brass,The" 315

City of Sleep,The 611

"Cleared" 227

Clerks and the Bells,The 798

Coastwise Lights,The 171

Code of Morals,A 12

Coiner,The 778

Cold Iron 508

Columns 466

Comforters,The 615

Consolations of Memory,The 679

Contradictions 683

Conundrum of the Workshops,The 336

Counting-out Song,A 744

Covenant,The 320

Craftsman,The 348

Cruisers 141

Cuckoo Song 499

Curé,The 785

Dane-geld 712

Danny Deever 397

Darzee's Chaunt 670

Dawn Wind,The 717

Dead King,The 224

Death-Bed,A 286

Declaration of London,The 307

Bedication from"Barrack-Room Ballads" 83

Dedication-To"Soldiers Three" 637

Deep-Sea Cables,The 174

Delilah 7

Departure,A 742

Derelict,A 149

Destroyers,The 143

Dinah in Heaven 771

Dirge of Dead Sisters 218

Disciple,The 774

Divided Destinies 34

Doctors 565

Dove of Dacca,The 254

Dutch in the Medway,The 723

Dying Chauffeur,The 686

Dykes,The 305

'Eathen,The 451

Eddi's Service 513

Edgehill Fight 722

Egg-Shell,The 646

En-Dor 366

England's Answer 178

English Flag,The 221

English Way,The 822

Epitaphs of the War 386

Et Dona Ferentes 287

Evarra and His Gods 338

Exiles' Line,The 163

Expert,The 784

Explanation,The 371

Explorer,The 103

Fabulists,The 545

Fairies' Siege,The 520

Fall of Jock Gillespie,The 64

Fastness 683

Feet of the Young Men,The 270

Female of the Species,The 367

Files,The 351

Fires,The 82

First Chantey,The 159

Flight,The 562

Floods,The 498

Flowers,The 190

"Follow Me 'Ome" 446

"For All We Have and Are" 329

"for to Admire" 457

Ford o' Kabul River 423

Four Angels,The 672

Four-Feet 773

Four Points,The 679

Fox-Hunting 819

France 291

Frankie's Trade 663

French Wars,The 727

Friends,The 808

"Fuzzy-Wuzzy" 400

Galley-Slave,The 73

Gallio's Song 542

Gehazi 242

General Joubert 242

General Summary,A 4

Gentlemen-Rankers 424

Gertrude's Prayer 771

Gethsemane 98

Giffen's Debt 78

Gift of the Sea,The 374

Gipsy Trail,The 181

Gipsy Vans 760

Glories,The 813

Glory of the Garden,The 732

Gods of the Copybook Headings,The 793

Gow's Watch,Acts II,IV.,V 617

Grave of the Hundred Head,The 56

Great-Heart 577

Greek National Anthem,The 93

Gunga Din 406

Hadramauti 535

Half-Ballade of Waterval 478

Harp Song of the Dane Women 528

"Helen All Alone" 612

Heriot's Ford 662

Heritage,The 565

"His Apologies" 816

Holy War,The 289

Hour of the Angel,The 740

Houses,The 179

Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack 667

Hyaenas,The 318

Hymn before Action 325

Hymn of Breaking Strain 384

Hymn of the Triumphant Airman 817

Hymn to Physical Pain 787

Idiot Boy,The 682

If- 576

Imperial Rescript,An 284

In Springtime 78

In the Matter of One Compass 168

In the Neolithic Age 342

Instructor,The 472

Inventor,The 686

Irish Guards,The 196

Islanders,The 301

Jacket,The 449

James I 721

Jane's Marriage 757

Jester,The 584

Jobson's Amen 502

Jubal and Tubal Cain 554

Juggler's Song,The 664

Junk and the Dhow,The 738

Just So Verses 604

Justice 393

Justice's Tale,The 678

King,The 376

King and the Sea,The 825

King Henry Ⅶ.and the Shipwrights 657

King's Job,The 718

King's Pilgrimage,The 805

King's Task,The 648

Kingdom,The 494

Kitchener's School 202

La Nuit Blanche 28

Ladies,The 442

Lady Geraldine's Hardship 684

Lament of the Border Cattle Thief,The 268

Land,The 601

Landau,The 682

Last Chantey,The 160

Last Department,The 21

Last Lap,The 741

Last Ode,The 765

Last of the Light Brigade,The 200

Last Rhyme of True Thomas,The 377

Last Suttee,The 238

"Late Came the God" 753

Law of the Jungle,The 558

Legend of Mirth,The 516

Legend of the Foreign Office,A 8

Legend of Truth,A 762

Legends of Evil,The 354

L'Envoi to"Departmental Ditties" 81

Lesson,The 299

Lichtenberg 476

Liner She's a Lady,The 158

Lollius 800

London Stone 804

Long Trail,The 165

Looking-Glass,The 609

Loot 410

Lord Roberts 204

Lost Legion,The 195

Love Song of Har Dyal,The 637

Lovers' Litany,The 30

Lowestoft Boat,The 653

"Lukannon" 589

McAndrew's Hymn 120

MacDonough's Song 561

Man Who Could Write,The 17

Mandalay 418

Mare's Nest,The 39

Marrèd Drives of Windsor,The 691

Married Man,The 474

"Mary Gloster,"The 129

"Mary,Pity Women!" 455

Mary's Son 373

Masque of Plenty,The 35

Master-Cook,The 739

Memories 821

"Men that Fought at Minden,The" 438

Merchantmen,The 151

Merrow Down 597

Mesopotamia 300

M.I 463

Mine Sweepers 631

Miracles,The 88

Moon of Other Days,The 63

Moral,The 690

Morning Song in The Jungle 632

Mother o' Mine 638

Mother-Lodge,The 444

Mother's Son,The 777

Mowgli's Song Against People 640

Mulholland's Contract 127

Municipal 20

My Boy Jack 216

My Father's Chair 716

My Lady's Law 635

"My New-Cut Ashlar" 511

My Rival 22

Naaman's Song 776

Native-Born,The 192

Nativity,A 217

Natural Theology 343

Necessitarian,The 582

Neighbours 784

New Knighthood,The 524

"Non Nobis Domine!" 512

Norman and Saxon 714

North Sea Patrol,The 665

Nurses,The 743

Nursing Sister,The 636

Ode:Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance 189

Old Issue,The 296

Old Men,The 321

Old Mother Laidinwool 599

Old Song,An 58

Oldest Song,The 158

One Viceroy Resigns 69

Only Son,The 639

Oonts 408

Open Door,The 811

"Our Fathers Also" 546

"Our Fathers of Old" 563

Our Lady of the Sackcloth 514

Our Lady of the Snows 182

Outlaws,The 322

Outsong in the Jungle 526

Overland Mail,The 33

Pageant of Elizabeth,A 611

Pagett,M.P 26

Palace,The 385

Pan in Vermont 356

parade-Song of the Camp-Animals 574

Parting of the Columns,The 468

Peace of Dives,The 278

Penalty,The 788

Pharaoh and the Sergeant 198

Philadelphia 585

Pict Song,A 548

Piet 479

Pilgrim's Way,A 371

Pink Dominoes 18

Pirates in England,The 711

Playmate,The 775

Plea of the Simla Dancers,The 51

"Poison of Asps" 811

"Poor Honest Men" 551

Portent,The 758

Poseidon's Law 651

Possibilities 43

Post that Fitted,The 11

"Power of the Dog,The" 591

Prairie,The 501

Prayer,The 673

Prayer of Miriam Cohen,The 614

Preface to Land and Sea Tales 737

Prelude to"Departmental Ditties" 3

Press,The 534

Private Ortheris's Song 427

Pro-Consuls,The 107

Prodigal Son,The 579

Progress of the Spark,The 680

Prophets at Home 554

Public Waste 14

Puck's Song 488

Puzzler,The 533

Queen's Men,The 610

Quest,The 521

Question,The 327

Rabbi's Song,The 592

Rahere 754

Rebirth 583

Recall,The 487

Recantation,A 369

Recessional 328

Rector's Memory,A 799

Reeds of Runnymede,The 715

Reformers,The 319

Return,The 485

Return of the Children,The 596

Rhodes Memorial,Table Mountain 210

Rhyme of the Three Captains,The 332

Rhyme of the Three Sealers,The 113

"Rimini" 550

Rimmon 312

Ripple Song,A 634

River's Tale,The 709

Road-Song of the Bandar-Log 544

Roman Centurion's Song,The 710

Romulus and Remus 641

Route Marchin' 426

Rowers,The 282

Run of the Downs,The 491

Runes on Weland's Sword,The 669

Runners,The 109

Rupaiyat of Omar Kal'vin,The 25

Russia to the Pacifists 277

Sack of the Gods,The 493

Sacrifice of Er-Heb,The 263

St.Helena Lullaby,A 530

Samuel Pepys 349

Sappers 435

Scholars,The 795

School Song,A 556

Screw-Guns 403

Sea and the Hills,The 110

Sea-Wife,The 94

Second Voyage,The 156

Secret of the Machines,The 729

Sepulchral 677

Sergeant's Weddin',The 447

"Servant when he Reigneth,A" 560

"Service Man,The" 458

Sestina of the Tramp-Royal 87

Settler,The 212

Seven Watchmen 394

shillin' a Day 429

Shiv and the Grasshopper 519

Shut-Eye Sentry,The 453

Sir Richard's Song 495

Smuggler's Song,A 655

"Snarleyow" 412

"Soldier an' Sailor Too" 433

Soldier,Soldier 401

Song at Cock-Crow,A 326

Song in Storm,A 148

Song in the Desert,A 807

Song of Bananas,A 809

Song of Diego Valdez,The 153

Song of French Roads,A 801

Song of Kabir,A 510

Song of Seven Cities,The 594

Song of Seventy Horses 786

Song of the Banjo,The 98

Song of the Cities,The 175

Song of the Dead,The 172

Song of the Dynamo 810

Song of the English,A 170

Song of the Fifth River 572

Song of the Galley-Slaves 671

Song of the Lathes,The 310

Song of the Little Hunter,The 616

Song of the Men's Side 668

Song of the Old Guard,The 313

Song of the Red War-Boat 629

Song of the Sons,The 175

Song of White Men,A 282

Song of Wise Children 90

Song of the Women,The 46

Song of Travel,A 586

Song to Mithras,A 523

Sons of Martha,The 382

South Africa 207

Spies' March,The 101

Stellenbosch 477

Storm Cone,The 824

Story of Ung,The 345

Story of Uriah,The 10

Stranger,The 549

Study of an Elevation,in Indian Ink 6

"Such as in Ships" 810

Supplication of the Black Aberdeen 814

Supports,The 767

Survival,The 756

Sussex 213

Tale of Two Cities,A 76

Tarrant Moss 494

That Day 437

Things and the Man 210

Thorkild's Song 666

Thousandth Man,The 529

Three-Decker,The 330

Three-Part Song,A 490

Threshold,The 782

"Tin Fish" 648

To a Lady,persuading Her to a Car 679

To James Whitcomb Riley 598

To Motorists 681

To the City of Bombay 179

To the Companions 751

To the True Romance 85

To the Unknown Goddess 24

To Thomas Atkins 394

"Together" 720

Tomlinson 360

Tommy 398

Totem,The 773

Tour,The 681

"Trade,The" 647

Translation,A 588

Tree Song,A 497

Troopin' 420

Truce of the Bear,The 274

Truthful Song,A 654

Two Kopjes 470

Two Months 80

Two Races 812

Two-Sided Man,The 587

Ubique 483

Ulster 232

Undertaker's Horse,The 67

Untimely 764

Vampire,The 220

Verdicts,The 142

Verses on Games 358

"Very many People" 813

Veterans,The 305

Vineyard,The 749

Virginity,The 353

Voortrekker,The 555

Wage-Slaves,The 308

Waster,The 525

Way Through the Woods,The 490

We and They 763

Wet Litany,The 659

What Happened 15

What the People Said 66

When Earth's Last Picture is Painted 226

"When 'Omer Smote 'Is Bloomin' Lyre" 351

"When the Great Ark" 553

"When the Journey was intended to the City" 681

White Horses 145

White Man's Burden,The 323

Widow at Windsor,The 413

Widow's Party,The 421

Widower,The 613

"Wilful-Missing" 482

Winners,The 530

Wishing-Caps,The 628

With Drake in the Tropics 719

With Scindia to Delhi 250

Young British Soldier,The 416

Young Queen,The 187

Zion 91