《Sources and Documents Illustrating The American Revolution 1764-1788 and The Formation of The Federa》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:Oxford University Press
  • 出版年份:1929
  • ISBN:0195002628
  • 页数:380 页


From the Royal Proclamation on North America,7 October 1763 1

From James Otis's Rights of the British Colonies,1764 4

A Remonstrance from the Pennsylvania Frontier,1764 9

The Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act,30 May 1765 14

1.Patrick Henry's Speech,from different sources 14

2.The Resolves 17

Soame Jenyns's Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies by the Legislature of Great Britain,briefly consider'd,1765 18

From Daniel Dulany's Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies...by Act of Parliament,1765 24

Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress,19 October 1765 32

From Dickinson's Farmer's Letters,1767-8 34

Indian Diplomacy.From the Proceedings of a Congress of the Six Nations...before Sir William Johnson,March 1768 54

From the Report of the Board of Trade and Plantations on the Western Problem.7 March 1768 62

The Acts of Trade and Navigation.Instructions by the Commissioners of the Customs in America,February 1769 74

The Regulator Movement in North Carolina.Petition of a Frontier County.1769 83

Proceedings of the Town of Boston,October-November 1772 87

Additional Instructions to the Colonial Governors,1774 97

The Massachusetts Government Act,20 May 1774 100

From the Quebec Act,22 June 1774 103

From James Wilson's Considerations on the Authority of Parliament,August 1774 104

Joseph Galloway's Plan of Union,28 September 1774 116

Declaration and Resolves of the Continental Congress,1774 118

The Association.20 October 1774 122

From John Adams's Novanglus,No.Ⅶ.January 1775 125

Franklin on the Galloway Plan and North Resolution,1775 137

Letters of Joseph Warren to Arthur Lee,1775 139

Declaration of Causes of Taking up Arms.6 July 1775 141

Approaching Independence 146

(a)John Adams to James Warren,22 April 1776 146

(b)Congress recommends the formation of State Governments.10-15 May 1776 148

Virginia Bill of Rights,12 June 1776 149

Constitution of Virginia,29 June 1776 151

Declaration of Independence,4 July 1776 157

Constitution of Pennsylvania,28 September 1776 162

Concord Town Meeting demands a Constitutional Convention,21 October 1776 176

Articles of Confederation,1777(1781) 178

Royal Instructions to the Peace Commission of 1778 186

Resolution of Congress on Public Lands and New States,10 October 1780 203

Ordinance of Congress on Public Lands,20 May 1785 204

Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty,October 1785 206

The Background of Shays's Rebellion,1786 208

(a)Petition from the Town of Greenwich,Mass 208

(b)Petition of a County Convention 210

Letters on the Internal Situation,1786-7 214

(a)John Jay to Washington,27 June 1786 214

(b)Washington to John Jay,1 August 1786 215

(c)Washington to Henry Lee,31 October 1786 217

(d)The French charge d'affaires at New York to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs,September-October 1786 219

Northwest Ordinance,13 July 1787 226

Selections from Debates in the Federal Convention,May-September 1787 233

(a)The Randolph or Virginia Resolutions,29 May(Madison) 233

(b)Democracy and the Lower House,31 May(Madison) 238

(c)Monarchy and the Executive,1 June(Madison) 241

(d)Safety and the Senate,7 June(Madison) 244

(e)The New Jersey Plan.Small States v.Large States,16 June(Madison) 250

(f)Alexander Hamilton's Ideas,18 June(Yates) 254

(g)Corruption and Government,22 June(Yates) 261

(h)Senators'Term of Office,26 June(Yates) 262

(i)Sectional Interests and the Federal Ratio,11 July(Madison) 266

(j)Qualifications for Suffrage,7 August(Madison) 274

(k)Foreigners and the Senate,9 August(Madison) 279

(l)Slave Trade and Navigation Acts,22-29 August(Madison) 282

Constitution of the Untied States,17 September 1787 292

Gouverneur Morris to Washington,30 October 1787 305

Selections from Debates in the Virginia Ratifying Convention,June 1788 307

(a)The General Issue,4-6 June 307

(b)John Marshall on the Judiciary,20 June 340

(c)Personalities,23 June 347

(d)Previous v.Subsequent Amendments,24-27 June 352


Amendments to the Federal Constitution,1791-1920 363

Index 371