• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:232 页

Ⅰ.Introduction 11

Ⅱ.Thermodynamic Data 14

1.Equilibrium data for the system H2-N2-NH3 14

2.Various physical data 17

a.Heat of reaction 17

b.Specific heat of hydrogen,nitrogen,and ammonia 19

c.Viscosity and thermal conductivity of reactants 20

d.Compressibility factors 21

e.Vapor concentration in compressed hydrogen-nitrogen 22

(1)Ammonia 23

(2)Water 23

f.Solubility of gases in liquid ammonia 24

Ⅲ.Experimental Procedures 26

1.High pressure conversion measurements 26

Ⅳ.Conversion Effioiency of Ammonia Catalysts at Different Reac-tion Conditions 35

1.Introductory remarks 35

2.Dependence upon temperature 37

3.Dependence upon pressure 43

4.Dependence upon space velocity 46

5.Dependence upon composition of synthesis gas 54

a.Ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen 54

b.Content of inert gases 56

c.Content of ammonia in entrance gas 58

Ⅴ.Evaluation of Rate Constants and their Application to Ammonia Reactor Design 60

1.Basic principles and fundamental equations 60

2.Critical discussion of the conversion measurements 69

a.Deviation from isothermal conditions 69

b.Diffusion restriction 74

c.Filamentous flow 80

d.Wall effect 82

e.Intrinsie catalyst activity versus catalyst particle size 83

3.Presentation of reaetion rate data 84

4.Application of rate data in ammonia reactor design 101

Ⅵ.Some Factors Decisive for the Industrial Exploitation of Ammonia Catalysts 107

1.Ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen 107

2.Influenbe of inert gases 108

3.Thermoresistancy of catalysts 109

4.Influence of eatalyst poisens on activity and life time of catalysts 112

a.Oxygen compounds 114

b.Sulfur,phosphorus,arsenic compounds 120

c.Chlorine compounds 122

5.Reduction procedure for ammonia catalysts 122

6.Stabilization of ammonia catalysts 131

7.Choioe of particle size of catalyst 134

8.Physical properties of catalysts 137

9.Some generalizd reflections on synthesis conditions 138

Ⅶ.χ-Ray Examinations of Iron Catalysts for the Synthesis of Ammonia 140

1.Introductory remarks on earlier work on ammonia cata-lysts and related structures 140

2.χ-ray technique 144

3.Examination of the unreduced catalysts by the powder method 145

4.Line broadening in the diagrams of the unreduced oxides 148

5.Single crystal exposures of unreduced oxides 152

6.Discussion of the structure of the unreduced catalysts 154

7.Examinations of the reduced oatalystsby the powder method 163

8.Line broadening in the diagrams of reduced catalysts 165

9.Discussion of the structure of the reduced catalysts 167

10.Theory of the reduction process 169

Ⅷ.Surface Properties and Promoter Effect 172

Ⅸ.Kinetics of the Synthesis and Decomposition of Ammonia 136

1.Isotopic exohange on iron catalysts 136

2.Kinetic equations for ammonia synthesis and deoomplsi-tion 189

Résumé en Francais 197

Kurzreferat auf Deutseh 207

General Bibliography 218

Author Tndex 228