Theodore Dreiser 1
The Second Choice 5
Edith Wharton 25
The Other Two 27
Willa Cather 48
Neighbor Rosicky 50
Sherwood Anderson 81
I Want to Know Why 84
F.Scott Fitzgerald 94
Winter Dreams 97
Ernest Hemingway 120
Sinclair Lewis 122
[The American Fear of Literature] 124
John Dos Passos 138
From USA 141
From 42nd Parallel,1919,The Big Money 141
Thomas Wolfe 156
From Of Time and the River 158
From You Can't Go Home Again 164
John Steinbeck 172
The Leader of the People 174
James T.Farrell 190
A Jazz-Age Clerk 192
Katherine Anne Porter 200
Flowering Judas 201
Eudora Welty 215
Keela,the Outcast Indian Maiden 216
William Faulkner 225
Eugene O'Neill 227
The Hairy Ape 229
Critical Voices 272
Eugene Jolas 278
Manifesto:The Revolution of the Word 278
Irving Babbitt 280
The Critic and American Life 280
H.L.Mencken 297
From Prejudices:Third Series 297
From "On Being an American" 297
Southern Agrarians 309
From I'll Take My Stand 309
Edmund Wilson 317
The Historical Interpretation of Literature 317
Edwin Arlington Robinson 330
The House on the Hill 332
Credo 333
George Crabbe 333
John Evereldown 334
The Children of the Night 335
Luke Havergal 336
Cliff Klingenhagen 337
Richard Cory 337
Miniver Cheevy 338
Cassandra 339
Eros Turannos 340
Flammonde 342
Bewick Finzer 344
The Man Against the Sky 345
The Mill 353
Mr.Flood's Party 354
New England 355
Karma 356
Amy Lowell 357
Patterns 358
Lilacs 361
Edna St.Vincent Millay 365
Euclid Alone Has Looked on Beauty Bare 366
I Know I Am But Summer to Your Heart 367
Justice Denied in Massachusetts 367
O Sleep Forever in the Latmian Cave 368
Vachel Lindsay 370
General William Booth Enters into Heaven 372
Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight 374
The Santa-Fé Trail 375
Carl Sandburg 380
Nocturne in a Deserted Brickyard 382
Fog 382
Chicago 383
To a Contemporary Bunkshooter 384
I Am the People,the Mob 386
Grass 387
From The People,Yes 387
[The People Will Live On] 387
Robert Frost 390
Mowing 392
Reluctance 393
The Death of the Hired Man 394
Mending Wall 399
After Apple-Picking 400
The Road Not Taken 401
Birches 402
The Oven Bird 403
The Need of Being Versed in Country Things 404
Fire and Ice 405
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 405
Once by the Pacific 406
Spring Pools 406
Tree at My Window 407
Two Tramps in Mud Time 407
Neither Out Far Nor In Deep 409
Desert Places 410
Departmental 410
Come In 412
The Gift Outright 412
Stephen Vincent Benét 414
American Names 416
From John Brown's Body 417
Ezra Pound 423
A Virginal 426
In a Station of the Metro 427
The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter 427
From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 428
E.P.Ode pour L'Election de son Sépulchre·Yeux Glauques·Envoi(1919) 428
T.S.Eliot 433
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 436
Morning at the Window 440
Sweeney Among the Nightingales 441
Gerontion 442
The Waste Land 444
Animula 460
From Four Quartets 462
Burnt Norton 462
Tradition and the Individual Talent 467
Wallace Stevens 475
The Worms at Heaven's Gate 477
A High-Toned Old Christian Woman 477
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 478
Sunday Morning 478
A Postcard From the Volcano 482
Of Modern Poetry 483
Robinson Jeffers 484
Shine,Perishing Republic 486
To the Stone-Cutters 487
Boats in a Fog 487
Roan Stallion 488
Hurt Hawks 504
John Crowe Ransom 506
Piazza Piece 507
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter 508
Antique Harvesters 508
The Equilibrists 510
William Carlos Williams 512
Tract 513
Queen-Ann's-Lace 515
The Yachts 516
E.E.Cummings 518
in Just spring 520
Thy fingers make early flowers 521
Buffalo Bill's defunct 521
O Thou to whom the musical white spring 522
"next to of course god 522
somewhere I have never travelled 523
i sing of Olaf 523
anyone lived in a pretty how town 525
Hart Crane 527
Voyages:Ⅱ 529
From The Bridge 530
Proem:To Brooklyn Bridge·Van Winkle·The River·Cutty Sark 230
Marianne Moore 540
Poetry 541
The Fish 542
A Grave 543
Archibald MacLeish 545
You,Andrew Marvell 547
American Letter 548
Speech to Those Who Say Comrade 551
Allen Tate 553
Death of Little Boys 554
Ode to the Confederate Dead 555
Robert Penn Warren 558
The Last Metaphor 560
Bearded Oaks 561
Revelation 562
Eight Contemporary Poets 564
Kenneth Fearing 568
Dirge 568
Richard Eberhart 569
The Fury of Aerial Bombardment 569
Theodore Roethke 570
Dolor 570
The Waking 570
Delmore Schwartz 571
Starlight Like Intuition Pierced the Twelve 571
The True-Blue American 573
Karl Shapiro 574
Troop Train 574
The Conscientious Objector 575
Randall Jarrell 576
Losses 576
Robert Lowell 577
Mr.Edwards and the Spider 577
Richard Wilbur 579
Juggler 579
Index 580