• 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出版年份:1976
  • ISBN:354007774X
  • 页数:279 页

The Properties and Applications of the Hg1-xCdx Te Alloy System&By R.Dornhaus and G.Nimtz.With 98Figures 1

1. Introduction 1

2. The Crystal 3

2.1 Basic Properties 3

2.2 Phase Diagram and Crystal Growth 5

2.3 Imperfections 7

2.3.1 Dislocations and Native Point-Defects 7

2.3.2 Foreign Atoms 9

3. Band Structure 10

3.1 Band Structure Calculation 11

3.1.1 KKR-Model Calculations 12

3.1.2 Pseudopotential Calculations 15

3.1.3 Tight Binding Model 20

3.2 The Semimetal-Semiconductor-Transition 22

3.3 The Band Edge-Characteristics 23

3.3.1 The Three Level Model of a Small-Gap Semiconductor 23

3.3.2 Statistics 27

3.3.3 Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Results 29 The Dependence of the Energy Gap Eo on Composition x,Temperature T and Pressure p 29 Effective Masses 31 g-Factor of Conduction Electrons 34 Higher Interband Energy Gaps 35

3.4 Temperature Dependence of the Band Gap 40

3.5 Pressure Effects on the Band Structure 45

3.6 The Disorder Problem in Pseudo Binary Alloys 48

4. Transport Properties 54

4.1 Hall Coefficient,Intrinsic Carrier Density 54

4.2 Carrier Mobility,Scattering Mechanisms 61

4.3 Magnetoresistance 65

4.4 Magnetic Quantum Effects 69

4.4.1 Shubnikov-de Haas Effect 70

4.4.2 Magnetophonon Effect 73

4.4.3 Cyclotron Resonance 73

4.4.4 Electron-Spin and Combined Resonance 76

4.4.5 Spin-Flip Raman Scattering 78

4.4.6 Various Other Quantum Effects 79

4.5 Hot Carrier Properties 80

4.6 Thermoelectric Effects 82

4.7 Magnetic Susceptibility 84

5.Optical Properties 86

5.1 Fundamental Reflectivity and Absorption 86

5.1.1 Reflectance and Absorption 86

5.1.2 Magnetoreflectance 89

5.1.3 Electroreflectance 89

5.2 Optical Phonons 90

5.3 Free Carrier Absorption and Reflectance 94

6.Infrared Devices 95

6.1 Recombination Mechanisms and Carrier Lifetime 95

6.2 Photoconductivity 99

6.3 Photovoltaic Effects 101

6.4 Infrared Radiation Sources 103

Acknowledgements 106

Notes Added in Proof 106

List of Important Symbols 109

Numerical Values of Important Quantities 111

References 112

Resonant Raman Scattering in Semiconductors&By W.Richter.With 54 Figures 121

1.Introduction 121

2.Electric Susceptibility 123

2.1 Direct Transitions 124

2.2 Indirect Transitions 130

2.3 Excitons 131

3.Light Scattering 133

3.1Scattering Cross Section 133

3.2Transition Susceptibility (Raman Tensor) 136

3.2.1 Phenomenological Treatment 136

3.2.2 Microscopic Theory 140

3.3Selection Rules 145

4.Experimental Methods 150

4.1Apparatus 150

4.1.1 Laser 152

4.1.2 Monochromators 154

4.1.3 Light Detection 155

4.2Evaluation of Cross Sections 157

4.2.1 The Scattered Power as a Function of the Optical Constants 157

4.2.2 The Determination of the Cross Section and Its Frequency Dependence 164

5.One-Phonon Deformation Potential Scattering 170

5.1Diamond- and Zincblende-Type Semiconductors 173

5.1.1 Deformation Potentials 177

5.1.2 E0-Gap 183

5.1.3 E1-Gap 196

5.1.4 E1-Gap Under Uniaxial Stress 205

5.2Wurtzite-Type Materials 213

5.3VIb-Semiconductors 217

5.4Vb-Semimetals 221

5.5Mg2X-Compounds (X = Si,Ge,Sn,Pb) 224

5.6Other Materials 228

6.Infrared-Active LO Phonons 228

6.1Frohlich Interaction 230

6.2Allowed LO Scattering 232

6.3Forbidden LO Scattering 233

6.3.1 Forbidden LO Scattering at Fundamental Gaps 234

6.3.2 Forbidden LO Scattering at Higher Gaps 236

7.Multiphonon Scattering 244

7.1Second-Order Raman Scattering 245

7.2Microscopic Theory of the Two-Phonon Raman Processes 248

7.3 Two-Phonon Deformation Potential Scattering in Diamond-Zincblende-Type Semiconductors 250

7.3.1 E0-Gap 253

7.3.2 E1-Gap 255

7.3.3 Evaluation of Two-Phonon Deformation Potentials 258

8.Conclusions 262

Acknowledgements 264

List of Symbols 264

References 267

Subject Index 273