
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:冯长甫主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787215061101
  • 页数:245 页

Unit One 1

Text This Is a Cheque 8

Phonetics 音标、音节、单词重音、读音规则 8

Unit Two 8

Text What Are These? 16

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Parts of Speech词类 16

Ⅱ.Demonstrative Pronoun指示代词 16

Phonetics -re音节,字母组合的读音 16

Unit Three 16

Text We Are Both Bankers 25

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Personal Pronoun人称代词 25

Ⅱ.Verb“to be”动词“be” 25

Phonetics A Summary of Vowels and Consonants(元音及辅音小结) 25

Unit Four 25

Text Whose Cheque Cards Are These? 32

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Possessive Pronoun物主代词 32

Ⅱ.The General Questions and the Special Questions一般疑问句和特殊疑问句Phonetics Ⅰ.The Pronunciation of Verb“to be”动词“be”在句中的读音Ⅱ.Intonation of General Questions一般疑问句的语调Ⅲ.Intonation of Special Questions特殊疑问句的语调Unit Five 32

Text Bank Cards 40

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Verb“to have”动词“have” 40

Ⅱ.The Article冠词 40

Phonetics The Pronunciation of Verb“to have”(动词“have”在句中的读音)Unit Six 40

Text A Bank's Business Hall 47

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.“there be”结构 47

Ⅱ.非人称it 47

Phonetics Ⅰ.The Intonation of Enumeration列举事物时的语调 47

Ⅱ.Consonant Cluster辅音连缀 47

Unit Seven 47

Text The Busy Bank Staff Members 56

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Present Indefinite Tense一般现在时 56

Ⅱ.Present Continuous Tense现在进行时 56

Ⅲ.Exclamatory Sentences感叹句 56

Phonetics 连读(Liaison) 56

Unit Eight 56

Text My Friend,Zhang Hua 65

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Kinds of Sentences句子种类 65

Ⅱ.The Past Indefinite Tense一般过去时 65

Phonetics Sense Groups and Pauses意群和停顿 65

Unit Nine 65

Text Our Bank 73

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Nouns名词 73

Ⅱ.The Future Indefinite Tense一般将来时 73

Phonetics Strong and Weak Forms强读与弱读 73

Unit Ten 73

Text Susan,a New Secretary 81

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Kinds of Verbs动词的种类 81

Ⅱ.Modal Verbs can,may,must & need情态动词can,may,must和need 81

Unit Eleven 81

Text What Is Money? 89

Grammar Focus The Present Perfect Tense现在完成时 89

Unit Twelve 89

Text The History of Money 97

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Members of the Sentences句子成分 97

Ⅱ.Preposition and Prepositional Phrase介词和介词短语 97

Unit Thirteen 97

Text The Services of a Bank 105

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.The Past Future Indefinite Tense过去将来时 105

Ⅱ.The Future Perfect Tense将来完成时 105

Unit Fourteen 105

Text Banks in Britain and Their Functions 115

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.The Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs形容词和副词的比较级Ⅱ.The Infinitive动词不定式Ⅲ.“疑问代词或疑问副词+不定式”结构Unit Fifteen 115

Text A Bank Account 123

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.The Types of Sentences句子类型 123

Ⅱ.The Adjective Clause形容词从句 123

Unit Sixteen 123

Text Investment Banking Companies 133

Grammar Focus The Numerals数词 133

Ⅰ.Cardinals基数词 133

Ⅱ.Ordinals序数词 133

Unit Seventeen 133

Text Developments in the Twentieth Century 143

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.The Noun Clause名词从句 143

Ⅱ.The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时 143

Unit Eighteen 143

Text Other Services of a Bank(Ⅰ) 151

Grammar Focus The Adverbial Clause副词从句 151

Unit Nineteen 151

Text Other Services of a Bank(Ⅱ) 161

Grammar Focus V-ing Form & Past Participle动词的-ing形式和过去分词Ⅰ.The V-ing Form动词的-ing形式Ⅱ.The-ed Participle-ed分词Unit Twenty 161

Text Other Services of a Bank(Ⅲ) 170

Grammar Focus Passive Voice被动语态 170

Unit Twenty-one 170

Text The Difference Between Cheque Card and Credit Card 182

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Imperative Sentence祈使句 182

Ⅱ.Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引语和间接引语 182

Unit Twenty-two 182

Text A Financial Market 191

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.“n.+-ing Form/-ed Participle”Construction“n.+-ing形式/-ed分词”结构Ⅱ.The Passive Form of“n.+-ing Form”Construction“n.+-ing形式”结构的被动式Unit Twenty-three 191

Text The Foreign Exchange Market 199

Grammar Focus Sentences of Unreal Condition虚拟条件句 199

Unit Twenty-four 199

Text Law of Value 211

Grammar Focus Ⅰ.Ellipsis and Substitution省略和代替 211

Ⅱ.Inversion倒装 211

Supplementary Reading Materials 211

主要参考书目 245