
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赖世雄等编著
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7562441049
  • 页数:220 页
图书介绍:本书内容系依出国旅游可能遇上的情境编写,内容涵盖搭机、入关、饭店住宿、购物等旅游全程所可能用到的实况对话。读起来犹如身临其境,且对白简易语法实用, 融合当地文化与口语用法。

Unit 1 Check in办理登机手续 1

Unit 2 At the Airline Counter在航空公司柜台 4

Unit 3 Bourding准备登机 7

Unit 4 Asking the Flight Time机舱内询问飞行时间 11

Unit 5 Asking the Time Difference飞机上询问时差 15

Unit 6 Trading Seats in the Plane在机舱内与人换位子 18

Unit 7 Airsiekness机舱内晕机用语 22

Unit 8 May I Have a Magazine请给我一本杂志 26

Unit 9 Asking for a Blanket向空乘员要毯子 29

Unit 10 After the Mcul在机上用餐后 33

Unit 11 Going Through Immigration入境询问 37

Unit 12 To Meet sb.at the Airport机场接人 41

Unit 13 Transit机场过境 43

Unit 14 Asking sb.to look after the luggage请人照顾行李 46

Unit 15 Making a Phone打电话 48

Unit 16 Getting on a Train搭火车 50

Unit 17 On the Train列车上 52

Unit 18 Buying a Bus Map买公交车路线图 54

Unit 19 During the Tour市内观光途中 57

Unit 20 At the Bus Terminal在公交车总站 61

Unit 21 At the Ticket Window在车站售票口 64

Unit 22 Looking for a Seat找座位 67

Unit 23 Getting on the Wrong Bus(Ⅰ)搭错车(Ⅰ) 70

Unit 24 Getting on the Wrong Bus(Ⅱ)搭错车(Ⅱ) 73

Unit 25 Missed the Stop坐过站 75

Unit 26 Taking a Taxi to the Airport搭车到机场 77

Unit 27 Something Wrong wigh the Meter计程表有问题 79

Unit 28 Keep the Change零钱免找 82

Unit 29 Renting a Car向租车中心租车 84

Unit 30 Parking In the Wrong Place马路上临时停车 87

Unit 31 At the Gas Station在加油站 89

Unit 32 Hotel Reservation by Phone电话预约旅馆 92

Unit 33 Booking a Room订房间 95

Unit 34 Changing a Reservation更改预订房间 98

Unit 35 Check-in at the Hotel办理住宿登记 101

Unit 36 Exchanging Money换钱 103

Unit 37 Depositing Valuables寄存贵重物品 106

Unit 38 At the Hotel counter在饭店柜台 108

Unit 39 Asking the Bell Captain for help with the Luggage向领班请求派人拿行李 111

Unit 40 Coing Out at Night晚上从饭店外出 114

Unit 41 In the Hotel Room在饭店房间 116

Unit 42 Asking for An Opinion征求意见 119

Unit 43 Morning Call起床电话 123

Unit 44 Asking for a Transfer请转接电话 125

Unit 45 Asking for Help(Ⅰ)求助(Ⅰ) 128

Unit 46 Asking for HelP(Ⅱ)求助(Ⅱ) 131

Unit 47 Looking for sb.找人 133

Unit 48 Having sb.Paged广播找人 135

Unit 49 Mailing a Letter in the Post Office到邮局寄信 138

Unit 50 See You Tomorrow明天见 141

Unit 51 Hire a Limoustine租车观光 144

Unit 52 Enjoying the Local Food想吃本地菜 147

Unii 53 Chef's Steak Speeial牛排特餐 149

Unit 54 It's not My Order服务生送错了菜 152

Unit 55 Having Breakfast吃早餐 154

Unit 56 Having Lunch吃午餐 157

Unit 57 Having Dinner in a Restaurant在餐厅用晚餐 159

Unit 58 Restaurant Reservation餐厅订座 161

Unit 59 Steak牛排 164

Unit 60 Ordering Take-out买外带食物 167

Unit 61 Asking for Directions问路 170

Unit 62 What Time do You Close何时打烊 172

Unit 63 In a Shop在商店内 174

Unit 64 Shopping购物 176

Unit 65 Exotic Shop舶来品店 179

Unit 66 In a Stationary Store在文具店 182

Unit 67 Buying a Pen买钢笔 185

Unit 68 Buying Presents买礼品 189

Unit 69 Shopping商店购物 192

Unit 70 Paying the Bill结账 194

Unit 71 Short-Changed找错零钱 197

Unit 72 Asking for a Refund要求退款 200

Unit 73 Vending Machine自动售货机 203

Unit 74 Being Lost迷路 206

Unit 75 Finding the Way out找出口 208

Unit 76 Art Gallery美术馆内 210

Unit 77 Taking a Picture in the Park在公园拍照 212

Unit 78 Take a Picture猎取镜头 214

Unit 79 Out of the Museum在博物馆外 217

Unit 80 Buying A Souvenir在商店买纪念品 219