
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:孙冰编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787811230772
  • 页数:173 页
图书介绍:本教材为餐饮(饭店)管理英语的入门教程,主要以英语介绍餐饮管理方面的基础知识和行业知识的应用,涉及餐饮行业方方面面的知识,包括菜单设计、厨房布局、前厅服务、采购与储存、成本控制、服务方式等。本教材共10个单元,每个单元由两部分构成:Part I为术语,介绍餐饮管理中常见的术语;Part II为课文,每单元两篇(Text A 、Text B),提供关于餐饮管理方面的阅读材料,兼有语言学习和知识传授两种功能。其中,第一篇课文主要介绍理论知识,第二篇课文则侧重具体的应用实例。本教材参考了国外这方面的优秀教材,并结合中国餐饮行业的特点进行编写,具有理论和实践相结合的特点,既有知识部分,又有实际应用部分。

Unit One 1

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 1

Part Ⅱ Text 3

Text A Foodservice and Restaurants in General 3

Text B Franchising 8

Unit Two 13

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 13

Part Ⅱ Text 15

Text A Operation and Personnel 15

Text B Assigning Stations 20

Unit Three 24

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 24

Part Ⅱ Text 26

Text A Dinning Room Organization 26

Text B Quality Control System in a Dining Room 31

Unit Four 35

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 35

Part Ⅱ Text 37

Text A Service Styles 37

Text B Table Settings 43

Unit Five 49

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 49

Part Ⅱ Text 50

Text A Kitchen Design 50

Text B French Cuisine 56

Unit Six 61

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 61

Part Ⅱ Text 62

Text A Menu Designing 62

Text B Presenting the Menu and Taking the Orders 67

Unit Seven 71

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 71

Part Ⅱ Text 72

Text A Purchasing and Storing 72

Text B Food Protection 79

Unit Eight 82

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 82

Part Ⅱ Text 85

Text A Cost Control 85

Text B Sales Income Control 93

Unit Nine 96

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 96

Part Ⅱ Text 99

Text A Beverage Service 99

Text B Responsible Beverage Service 106

Unit Ten 110

Part Ⅰ Terms to Know 110

Part Ⅱ Text 112

Text A Merchandising and Sales Promotion 112

Text B Satisfying Needs and Expectations 117

Appendix A 121

New Words and Expressions 121

Appendix B 142

Terms 142

Appendix C 158

西式食品、饮料举例 158

Appendix D 170

中式菜谱举例 170

参考文献 173