
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:韩国荣编
  • 出 版 社:成都:天地出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7806246142
  • 页数:186 页

An Abstract Drawing 一幅抽象画 1

Very Long Absence 长时间缺席 4

Typing 打字 7

The Swimmer 游泳者 10

Leading Questions 诱导性的提问 13

Overcrowded Moon 拥挤的月亮 16

The Professor's Lunch 教授的午餐 19

Keys?Kiss? 钥匙还是接吻 22

I Will Forget It 我会忘记的 25

A Strange Computer 一台奇怪的计算机 28

An Interesting Answer 趣答 31

What Does Johnson Want to Borrow? 巧借网球拍 34

A“Hero” 一位“英雄” 37

Both Are Busy 彼此都很忙 40

Keep it a Secret 保密 43

She Is Not Good at Playing the Piano 她不擅长弹钢琴 46

Is He Bald? 他是秃子吗? 49

Are You Going to Dance? 你要跳舞吗? 52

That's the Hog's Room 那是猪舍 55

Where Are His Fingers? 他的手指在哪儿? 58

Biscuit and Rock 饼干和岩石 61

Why Do You Want an Elephant? 你为什么需要一头大象? 64

Not Enough Money 钱不够 67

I'm Not a Veterinarian 我不是兽医 70

I Hope So 我希望如此 73

A Dirty Restaurant 肮脏的饭馆 76

You Forgot to Eat 你忘了吃饭了 79

I'm Not Fussy 我不挑剔 82

Two Economists 两位经济学家 85

It Caught Fire 被火烧了 88

I Can't Eat Eight Pieces 我吃不了8块 91

The Spider Will Eat It 蜘蛛会把它吃掉 94

Eleven Inches Long 11英寸长 97

Is He Somebody? 他是大人物吗? 100

All Languages Spoken 讲各种语言 103

Three Dollars for Two Pigs 2头猪3美元 106

A Miracle 奇迹 109

That's What Makes It So Rare 这就是其珍贵之处 112

Columbus'Telephone Number 哥伦布的电话号码 115

Lightning 闪电 118

The Biggest in the World 世界上最大的 121

An Entrance Examination 入学考试 124

She Is Too Fat 一个顶俩 127

Improvement 进步 130

You Can't Fly 不会飞 133

I Don't Feel like Getting into an Argument 我不想争论 136

The Dean's Words 院长的话 139

Lady First 女士优先 142

The Fish Net 鱼网 145

When Do People Talk Least? 人什么时候话最少 148

I Left It with the Dentist 我把它留在牙医那儿了 151

A Special Football Match 特殊的足球赛 154

How Many Rabbits? 多少只兔子? 157

Half or Five Tenths? 半个还是十分之五 160

Logic Reasoning 逻辑推理 163

Taken for Granted 理所当然 166

Do You Have a Good Memory? 你的记忆力好吗? 169

A Careless Barber!! 粗心的理发学员 172

When Was Rome Built? 罗马是什么时候建成的? 175

He Knows the Answer 他知道答案 178

Big Head 大脑袋 181

The Teacher and Tom 老师和汤姆 184