亚当·斯密《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》 1
Selections from Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth lf Ntions 6
大卫·李嘉图《政治经济学及赋税原理》 26
Selections from David Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation 31
马歇尔《经济学原理》 56
Selections from Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics 60
熊彼特《经济发展理论——对于利润、资本、信贷、利息和经济周期的考察》 79
Selections from Joseph Alois Schumpeter's The Theory of Econo-mic Development—An Inquiry into Profits,Capital,Credit,Interest,and the Business Cycle 83
庇古《福利经济学》 107
Selections from Arthur Cecil Pigou's The Economics of Welfare 111
俄林《区际贸易与国际贸易》 132
Selections from Bertil Ohlin's Interregional and International Trade 136
康芒斯《制度经济学》 155
Selections from John Rogers Commons'Institutional Economics 160
凯恩斯《就业、利息和货币通论》 194
Selections from John Maynard Keynes'The General Theory of Employment,Interest,and Money 198
萨缪尔森《经济分析基础》 221
Selections from Paul Anthony Samuelson's Foundations of Economic Analysis 225
哈耶克《个人主义与经济秩序》 257
Selections from Friedrich August von Hayek's Individualism and Economic Order 261
刘易斯《劳动无限供给条件下的经济发展》 282
Selections from William Arthur Lewis's Economic Development with Unlimited Suppliers of Labour 286
舒尔茨《改造传统农业》 314
Selections from Theodore William Schultz's Transforming Traditional Agriculture 318
里昂惕夫《投入产出经济学》 338
Selections from Wassily W.Leontief's Input-output Economics 342