
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:束光辉主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社;北京交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7810829807
  • 页数:247 页
图书介绍:本书共分14个单元,本书包括下列内容: 外贸函电的文体、结构和原则,与对方建立商务关系函,询购函,答复函,报价函,订购与确认函,付款函,包装函,装运函,保险函,索赔投诉函,代理函等。本书全部用英文编写。所有信函文本均来自进出口实务的各个环节,同时文本的选择还兼顾了外贸函电的得体性,在用词方面能不卑不亢,应宽时宽,应严时严,表现了文本作者的写作目的和期望所达到的效果。本书所收录的信样较为详尽,信函种类丰富,新颖实用,写作风格多样,能让学生学到真实的函电写作技巧。同时书中对各种写作技巧的介绍也非常详尽,它们均采用国外较新的函电写作材料并体现了国内商务函电的写作特点。同时,本书对这些信函及文本的典型句型进行了提炼和总结,有利于学生更好地掌握和应用。本书的主要读者对象为具有较好英语基础的经贸专业的学生和英语专业二、三年级的学生,也可用作外企的白领阶层自学用书。

Unit 1 An Overview of Business Letter Writing 1

1.1 The Principles for Effective Writing 1

1.1.1 Completeness 1

1.1.2 Clearness 2

1.1.3 Conciseness 3

1.1.4 Consideration 5

1.1.5 Courtesy 5

1.1.6 Concreteness 7

1.1.7 Correctness 7

1.2 The Style and Tone of Business Letter Writing 8

1.2.1 Conversational Style 8

1.2.2 Avoid the Archaic Language of Business 8

1.2.3 Use Positive Language and Avoid Anger 9

1.3 Preparation before Writing 9

1.3.1 Studying Your Reader's Interest 9

1.3.2 Planning What You Will Write and Writing Effectively 9

1.3.3 Deciding to Adopt the Proper Layout,Tone and Style 10

1.4 Writing Naturally and Sincerely 10

Unit 2 The Shucture and Styles of Business Letters 17

2.1 Principal Parts 18

2.1.1 Letterhead 18

2.1.2 Date 18

2.1.3 Inside Address 18

2.1.4 Salutation 19

2.1.5 Body of the Letter 19

2.1.6 Complimentary Close 20

2.1.7 Signature 20

2.2 Optional Elements 20

2.2.1 Attention Line 20

2.2.2 Subject Line 21

2.2.3 Enclosure 21

2.2.4 Copy Notation 21

2.2.5 Postscript 21

2.3 Styles of a Business Letter 22

2.3.1 Indented Style 22

2.3.2 Semi-block Style 23

2.3.3 Modified Block Style 23

2.3.4 Full Block Style 24

2.4 The Spacing and the Margin and Envelop Addressing 26

2.4.1 The Spacing 26

2.4.2 The Margin 26

2.4.3 Envelop Addressing 26

Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations 32

3.1 Introduction 32

3.2 Letter Samples 33

Unit 4 Inquiries and Replies 47

4.1 Inquiry 47

4.1.1 Introduction 47

4.1.2 Letter Samples 48

4.2 Reply 53

4.2.1 Introduction 53

4.2.2 Letter Samples 54

Unit 5 Quotations,Offers and Counter Offers 67

5.1 Quotations and Offers 67

5.1.1 Introduction 67

5.1.2 Letter Samples 68

5.2 Counter Offers 74

5.2.1 Introduction 74

5.2.2 Letter Samples 75

Unit 6 Orders and Acknowledgements 88

6.1 Introduction 88

6.2 Letter Samples 89

Unit 7 Payment by Letter of Credit 105

7.1 Introduction 105

7.2 Letter Samples 106

Unit 8 Other Methods of Payment 120

8.1 Introduction of Other Methods of Payment 120

8.1.1 Bill of Exchange 120

8.1.2 Collection 120

8.1.3 Remittance 121

8.2 Writing for Other Methods of Payment 121

8.3 Letter Samples 121

Unit9 Collection Letters 135

9.1 Introduction 135

9.1.1 Collection Appeals 135

9.1.2 Collection Series 137

9.2 Letter Samples 138

Unit 10 Packing 151

10.1 Introduction 151

10.2 Letter Samples 152

Unit 11 Shipping 163

11.1 Introduction 163

11.2 Letter samples 164

Unit 12 Insurance 177

12.1 Introduction 177

12.2 Letter Samples 178

Unit 13 Complaints and Claims 190

13.1 Introduction 190

13.2 Letter Samples 191

Unit 14 Agency 206

14.1 Introduction 206

14.2 Letter Samples 207

Appendix A Useful Abbreviations in International Trade 222

Appendix B INCOTERMS 2000,the Relevant Documents and Other Useful Expressions 228

Appendix C The Comparison of the Old and New Language Styles 242

参考文献 246