国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 3
国内生产总值构成 Composition of GDP 4
国内生产总值发展速度 Indices of Real GDP(Preceding Year=100) 5
国内生产总值指数 Indices of Real GDP(Year of 1978=100) 6
国内生产总值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GDP over Period 7
第三产业增加值 Gross Value Added of the Tertiary Industry 8
第三产业增加值构成 Composition of GVA of the Tertiary Industry 9
第三产业增加值发展速度 Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry(Preceding Year=100) 10
第三产业增加值指数 Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry(Year of 1978=100) 11
第三产业增加值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry over Period 12
三次产业贡献率 Share of the Three Industries to the Increase of GDP 13
三次产业对国内生产总值增长的拉动 Contribution of the Three Industries to GDP Growth 14
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)分行业增加值及构成 Gross Value Added and Composition of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Sector 15
支出法国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach 18
支出法国内生产总值构成 Composition of GDP by Expenditure Approach 19
最终消费支出 Final Consumption Expenditure 20
最终消费支出构成 Composition of Final Consumption Expenditure 21
最终消费支出发展速度 Indices of Final Consumption Expenditure(Preceding Year=100) 22
最终消费支出指数 Indices of Final Consumption Expenditure(Year of 1978=100) 23
最终消费支出分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Final Consumption Expenditure over Period 24
资本形成总额及构成 Gross Capital Formation And Its Composition 25
资本形成总额发展速度 Indices of Gross Capital Formation(Preceding Year=100) 26
资本形成总额指数 Indices of Gross Capital Formation(Year of 1978=100) 27
资本形成总额分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Gross Capital Formation over Period 28
居民消费水平 Household Consumption Per Capita 29
居民消费水平指数 Indices of Household Consumption Per Capita(Year of 1978=100) 30
居民消费水平分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Household Consumption Per Capita over Period 31
各地区总产出 Gross Output by Region 35
各地区第一产业总产出 Gross Output of the Primary Industry by Region 36
各地区第二产业总产出 Gross Output of the Secondary Industry by Region 37
各地区第三产业总产出 Gross Output of the Tertiary Industry by Region 38
各地区总产出发展速度 Indices of Gross Output by Region(Preceding Year=100) 39
各地区第一产业总产出发展速度 Indices of Gross Output of the Primary Industry by Region(Preceding Year=100) 40
各地区第二产业总产出发展速度 Indices of Gross Output of the Secondary Industry by Region(Preceding Year=100) 41
各地区第三产业总产出发展速度 Indices of Gross Output of the Tertiary Industry by Region(Preceding Year=100) 42
各地区总产出分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Gross Output over Period by Region 43
各地区第一产业总产出分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Gross Output of the Primary Industry over Period by Region 44
各地区第二产业总产出分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Gross Output of the Secondary Industry over Period by Region 45
各地区第三产业总产出分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of Gross Output of the Tertiary Industry over Period by Region 46
各地区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Region 47
各地区第一产业增加值 Gross Value Added of the Primary Industry by Region 48
各地区第二产业增加值 Gross Value Added of the Secondary Industry by Region 49
各地区第三产业增加值 Gross Value Added of the Tertiary Industry by Region 50
各地区生产总值发展速度 Indices of Real GDP by Region(Preceding Year=100) 51
各地区第一产业增加值发展速度 Indices of GVA of the Primary Industry by Region(Preceding Year=100) 52
各地区第二产业增加值发展速度 Indices of GVA of the Secondary Industry by Region(Preceding Year=100) 53
各地区第三产业增加值发展速度 Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry by Region (Preceding Year=100) 54
各地区生产总值指数 Indices of Real GDP by Region(Year of 1978=100) 55
各地区第一产业增加值指数 Indices of GVA of the Primary Industry by Region(Year of 1978=100) 56
各地区第二产业增加值指数 Indices of GVA of the Secondary Industry by Region(Year of 1978=100) 57
各地区第三产业增加值指数 Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry by Region(Year of 1978=100) 58
各地区生产总值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GDP over Period by Region 59
各地区第一产业增加值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GVA of the Primary Industry over Period by Region 60
各地区第二产业增加值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GVA of the Secondary Industry over Period by Region 61
各地区第三产业增加值分时期年均发展速度 Average Annual Indices of GVA of the Tertiary Industry over Period by Region 62
各地区收入法生产总值构成项目 Components of GDP by Income Approach by Region 63
各地区收入法第一产业增加值构成项目 Components of GVA in the Primary Industry by Income Approach by Region 69
各地区收入法第二产业增加值构成项目 Components of GVA in the Secondary Industry by Income Approach by Region 75
各地区收入法第三产业增加值构成项目 Components of GVA in the Tertiary Industry by Income Approach by Region 81
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区总产出 Gross Output of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 87
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 88
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区收入法生产总值构成项目 Components of Income-Approach GDP of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 89
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区第一产业收入法增加值构成项目 Components of Income-Approach GVA in Primary Industry of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 90
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区第二产业收入法增加值构成项目 Components of Income-Approach GVA in Secondary Industry of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 91
第一次全国经济普查年度(2004年)各地区第三产业收入法增加值构成项目 Components of Income-Approach GVA in Tertiary Industry of the First National Economic Census Year(2004)by Region 92
各地区支出法生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach by Region 93
各地区最终消费支出 Final Consumption Expenditure by Region 94
各地区最终消费率 Final Consumption Rate by Region 95
各地区最终消费支出发展速度 Indices of Final Consumption Expenditure by Region(Preceding Year=100) 96
各地区居民消费支出 Household Consumption Expenditure by Region 97
各地区居民消费支出发展速度 Indices of Household Consumption Expenditure by Region(Preceding Year=100) 98
各地区农村居民消费支出 Rural Household Consumption Expenditure by Region 99
各地区农村居民消费支出发展速度 Indices of Rural Household Consumption Expenditure by Region(Preceding Year=100) 100
各地区城镇居民消费支出 Urban Household Consumption Expenditure by Region 101
各地区城镇居民消费支出发展速度 Indices ofUrban Household Consumption Expenditure by Region(Preceding Year=100) 102
各地区政府消费支出 Government Consumption Expenditure by Region 103
各地区政府消费支出发展速度 Indices of Government Consumption Expenditure by Region(Preceding Year=100) 104
各地区资本形成总额 Gross Capital Formation by Region 105
各地区资本形成率 Capital Formation Rate by Region 106
各地区资本形成总额发展速度 Indices of Gross Capital Formation by Region(Preceding Year=100) 107
各地区固定资本形成总额 Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Region 108
各地区固定资本形成总额发展速度 Indices of Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Region(Preceding Year=100) 109
各地区存货增加 Changes in Inventories by Region 110
各地区货物和服务净流出 Net Outflow of Goods and Services by Region 111
各地区居民消费水平 Household Consumption Per Capital by Region 112
各地区居民消费水平发展速度 Indices of Household Consumption Per Capital by Region(Preceding Year=100) 113
各地区农村居民消费水平 Rural Household Consumption Per Capital by Region 114
各地区农村居民消费水平发展速度 Indices of Rural Household Consumption Per Capital by Region(Preceding Year=100) 115
各地区城镇居民消费水平 Urban Household Consumption Per Capital by Region 116
各地区城镇居民消费水平发展速度 Indices of Urban Household Consumption Per Capital by Region(Preceding Year=100) 117
北京 Beijing 121
天津 Tianjing 131
河北 Hebei 141
山西 Shanxi 151
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 161
辽宁 Liaoning 171
吉林 Jilin 181
黑龙江 Heilongjiang 191
上海 Shanghai 201
江苏 Jiangsu 211
浙江 Zhejiang 221
安徽 Anhui 231
福建 Fujian 241
江西 Jiangxi 251
山东 Shandong 261
河南 Henan 271
湖北 Hubei 281
湖南 Hunan 291
广东 Guangdong 301
广西 Guangxi 311
海南 Hainan 321
重庆 Chongqing 331
四川 Sichuan 341
贵州 Guizhou 351
云南 Yunnan 361
西藏 Tibet 371
陕西 Shaanxi 381
甘肃 Gansu 391
青海 Qinghai 401
宁夏 Ningxia 411
新疆 Xinjiang 421