《交际英语口语句典 第2版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:常骏跃主编;李燕飞,黄洁芳,唐莹,程丽霞,付琼编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7561131550
  • 页数:594 页

第一章 交际技巧 1

1.问候Greeting Someone 3

2.询问姓名Asking Someone's Name 6

3.见面介绍Making an Introduction 8

4.开始交谈Starting Up a Conversation 11

5.接谈话题Taking Up a Point 14

6.改换话题Changing a Topic 18

7.吸引注意Drawing Attention 21

8.谈论天气Talking about the Weather 22

9.谈论时间Talking about Time and Date 37

10.肯定回答Affirmative Response 44

11.否定回答Negative Response 46

12.表达感激Expressing Gratitude 49

13.表达歉意Making an Apology 54

14.结束谈话Closing a Conversation 62

15.道别与送行Taking Leave and Seeing Off 67

第二章 思想沟通 71

16.能力Ability 73

17.劝告Advice 80

18.同意Agreement 89

19.约会Appointment 105

20.争辩Argument 111

21.相信Belief 113

22.确定Certainty 119

23.比较Comparison 130

24.理解Comprehension 135

25.正确与否Correctness 142

26.推论Deduction 152

27.描述Description 154

28.欲求Desire 155

29.概括Generalization 158

30.举例Examples 160

31.指示Instructions 164

32.信息Information 166

33.意图Intention 177

34.邀请Invitation 183

35.判断Judgement 190

36.记忆Memory 193

37.义务Obligation 201

38.提供Offer 202

39.意见Opinion 211

40.准许Permission 219

41.劝说Persuasion 226

42.原因Reason 228

43.重复Repetition 232

44.请求Request 238

45.建议Suggestion 244

46.催促Urging 251

第三章 积极交往 255

47.欣赏Appreciation 257

48.赞成Approval 258

49.恭维Expressing Compliment 265

50.祝贺Congratulation 273

51.好奇Curiosity 277

52.欣喜Delight 280

53.容易Ease 282

54.鼓励Encouragement 284

55.激动Excitement 287

56.祝愿Good Wishes 290

57.愉快期待Happy Anticipation 294

58.希望Hope 297

59.兴趣Interest 298

60.喜好Like 302

61.乐观Optimism 306

62.偏爱Preference 307

63.安慰Reassurance 311

64.宽慰Relief 316

65.满意Satisfaction 318

66.惊奇Surprise 320

67.同情Sympathy 324

68.意愿Willingness 327

第四章 消极流露 333

69.不喜欢Dislike 335

70.沮丧Dismay 337

71.不满意Dissatisfaction 341

72.说闲话Gossip 342

73.犹豫Hesitation 346

74.冷漠Indifference 350

75.悲观Pessimism 353

76.争吵Quarrel 356

77.责备Reproach 360

78.无奈Resignation 364

79.威胁Threat 366

80.疲劳Tiredness 370

81.不确定Uncertainty 372

82.警告Warning 375

83.担忧与恐惧Worry and Fear 378

第五章 特别时刻 381

84.生日晚会At a Birthday Party 383

85.舞会At a Dance 384

86.宴请At a Dinner 387

87.复活节On Easter 390

88.圣诞节On Christmas 391

89.新年On New Year's Day 392

90.其他重要节日Other Important Days 393

第六章 商务沟通 395

91.办公室接待Office Reception 397

92.商谈Business Discussion 409

93.麻烦和事故Troubles and Accidents 444

第七章 海外生活 461

94.在海关At the Customs 463

95.找路Finding the Way 471

96.乘公共汽车Taking a Bus 474

97.乘出租车Taking a Taxi 478

98.乘火车Taking a Train 481

99.在旅馆At the Hotel 489

100.邮寄物品At the Post Office 498

101.在银行At the Bank 505

102.在影院At the Cinema 512

103.餐馆就餐At the Restaurant 514

104.医院就医At the Hospital 526

105.校园就读On Campus 535

106.在图书馆At the Library 541

107.在理发店At the Barber's and Hairdresser's 545

108.在加油站At the Filling Station 550

109.在裁缝店At the Tailor's 553

110.外出购物Shopping 559

111.观光旅游Sightseeing 568

112.吸烟Smoking 571

113.谈论体育运动Talking about Sports 573

114.谈论电视及电视节目Talking about TV or TV Programs 577

115.求职面试Having a Job Interview 582

116.电话通话Talking on the Telephone 587