
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(宋)李清照著;许渊冲译
  • 出 版 社:石家庄:河北人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7202037653
  • 页数:121 页

点绛唇 2

Tune:"Rouged Lips" 3

如梦令 4

Tune:"Like a Dream" 5

怨王孙 6

Tune:"Sympathy with the Prince" 7

减字木兰花 8

Tune:"Magnolia Flowers" 9

一剪梅 10

Tune:"A Twig of Mume Blossoms" 11

醉花阴 12

Tune:"Tipsy in the Shade of Flowers" 13

凤凰台上忆吹箫 14

Tune:"Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Tower” 15

小重山 16

Tune:"Hill on Hill" 17

鹧鸪天 18

Tune:"the Partridge in the Sky" 19

蝶恋花 20

Tune:"Butterflies in Love with Flowers" 21

浣溪沙 22

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 23

怨王孙 24

Tune:"Sympathy with the Prince" 25

浣溪沙 26

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 27

浣溪沙 28

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 29

菩萨蛮 30

Tune:"Buddhist Dancers" 31

点绛唇 32

Tune:"Rouged Lips" 33

念奴娇 34

Tune:"Charm of a Maiden Singer" 35

庆清朝慢 36

Tune:"Congratulations for Clear Morning" 37

摊破浣溪沙 38

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 39

蝶恋花 40

Tune:"Butterflies in Love with Flowers" 41

怨王孙 42

Tune:"Sympathy with the Prince" 43

蝶恋花 44

Tune:"Butterflies in Love with Flowers" 45

青玉案 46

Tune:"Green Jade Cup" 47

菩萨蛮 48

Tune:"Buddhist Dancers" 49

鹧鸪天 50

Tune:"The Partridge in the Sky" 51

渔家傲 52

Tune:"Pride of Fishermen" 53

临江仙 54

Tune:"Goddess at the River" 55

如梦令 56

Tune:"Like a Dream" 57

行香子 58

Tune:"Song of Wafting Fragrance" 59

渔家傲 60

Tune:"Pride of Fishermen" 61

浪淘沙 62

Tune:"Ripples Sifting Sand" 63

孤雁儿 64

Tune:"A Lonely Swan" 65

诉衷情 66

Tune:"Telling of Innermost Feeling" 67

清平乐 68

Tune:"Pure,Serene Music" 69

满庭芳 70

Tune:"Courtyard Full of Fragrance" 71

玉楼春 72

Tune:"Spring in Jade Pavilion" 73

多丽 74

Tune:"Rich in Beauty" 75

瑞鹧鸪 76

Tune:"Auspicious Partridge" 77

鹧鸪天 78

Tune:"Partridge in the Sky" 79

南歌子 80

Tune:"A Southern Song" 81

添字采桑子 82

Tune:"Picking Mulberries" 83

忆秦娥 84

Tune:"A Maiden's Dream" 85

摊破浣溪沙 86

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 87

好事近 88

Tune:"Song of Good Things" 89

永遇乐 90

Tune:"Joy of Eternal Union" 91

武陵春 92

Tune:"Spring in Peach Blossom Land" 93

声声慢 94

Tune:"Slow,Slow Song" 95

生查子 96

Tune:"Mountain Hawthorn" 97

殢人娇 98

Tune:"Weary Beauty" 99

临江仙 100

Tune:"Goddess at the River" 101

青玉案 102

Tune:"Green Jade Cup" 103

采桑子 104

Tune:"Song of Picking Mulberries" 105

浣溪沙 106

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 107

浪淘沙 108

Tune:"Ripples Sifting Sand" 109

浣溪沙 110

Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 111

转调满庭芳 112

Tune:"Courtyard Full of Fragrance" 113

行香子 114

Tune:"Song of Wafting Fragrance" 115

二色宫桃 116

Tune:"Bicolor Palace Peach" 117

如梦令 118

Tune:"Like a Dream" 119

菩萨蛮 120

Tune:"Buddhist Dancers" 121