《大学实用英语综合教程:走出牛津 第4册 学生用书》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:施志渝,吴云主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:学林出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7807302410
  • 页数:265 页

1 好戏上演疯狂粉丝  1

Talking about music流行偶像  4

Zed should behave better 4

2 未解之谜人类之谜  12

Little is known about dinosaurs神秘幽浮  17

A talk about UFOs 17

3 通关海关服务  26

At Customs货物通关  29

Commodity insuranceDelivery of products 29

4 终生教育远程教育  41

School of distance educationcelebrates its 40th anniversaryAn e-learning program学习型社区  44

Learning communityPerformers and artists learningcommunity 44

5 善待健康健身强体  50

Challenge my limits瑜伽有益  54

The benefits of yoga6 智在生活宜家有方  61

A simple way to keep food cool美化生活  65

The Farmer's Almanac7 理财投机投资  74

I just lost a ton of money保险投资  77

Insurance company to kill customers 77

8 职业道德忠于职守  84

Trainings in small businesses设身处地  88

Complaints from employees 88

9 挑战吉尼斯吉尼斯世界纪录1  93

Guinness World RecordsNew Guinness records吉尼斯世界纪录2  97

Guilin man-made waterfall 97

10 科学之路发明创造1  104

An interview with an inventor发明创造2  108

An interview with an inventor 108

11 商务谈判谈判技巧  115

A structured deal货物买卖谈判  119

Price negotiation 119

12 罪与罚少年犯罪  127

Lead exposure and juvenile delinquency防止犯罪  130

How New York got safer schools 130

13 新闻真相大白  137

How the public views local newsKids+Too Much TV=Less Ability to Learn新闻与记者  141

Who told you that 141

14 探秘克隆动物克隆 147

A history of cloning克隆人类 150

A street poll 150

15 商务讲座就业培训  156

Company orientation speech产品发布会  160

At a shoes exhibition 160

16 宗教宗教教义  166

Talking about religion宗教的本质  169

I want to go the way Jesus did 169

17 自己动手营造生活  175

Cleaning and salting fish工艺美术制作  179

A lecture on Chinese arts and crafts 179

18 宇宙与探索宇宙  186

Pluto loses"Battle of the Planets"太空探索  190

Exploration of Mars 190

19 和谐世界人人平等  196

We've never had a woman president珍爱和平  200

Joining the Peace Corps 200

20 留学海外申请留学  207

How to apply for admission to univer-sity studies异国求学  212

Applying for a Student Oyster CardOpening a bank account总词汇表 219

专有名词 252

短语 257

不规则动词表 267