
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:尹康敏主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:郑州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787811066869
  • 页数:221 页

A 1

Ability-Capacity-Competence-Capability-Proficiency-Faculty 诸“能力” 1

Abnormal-Subnormal 非正常的 1

Abolish-Cancel-Repeal “取消、废除”的内容不同 2

Above-Over-Beyond 在……上面 2

Absolutely-Positively 绝对地 2

Absorb-Suck-Digest-Incorporate “吸收”些什么? 3

Absurd-Ridiculous 荒谬的 3

Accelerate-Exhilarate “使(某事物)加快”和“使(某人)愉快或活跃” 3

Accept-Except “接受”和“除外” 3

Acceptance-Acceptation “接受”和“字义” 4

Access-Excess “通路”和“过分” 4

Accessary-Accessory “从犯,附加品” 4

Accident-Incident-Event-Occurrence-Happening 各种“事故、事件” 4

Accomplish-Attain 将事情“做成功”才能“达到”目的 5

Accountable-Cause of 谁来“负责”? 5

Acquirement-Acquisition 努力达到,获取 5

Across-Over-Through 穿,越 5

Act-Action 采取何种“行动”? 6

Act as-Act for “充当”“代理” 6

Adapt-Adept-Adopt “使适合”,“熟练的”和“采用” 6

Addicted-Devoted 要“专心致志”于……,不要“沉迷于” 7

Adhesion-Adherence 相形易混词“粘连”,“坚持” 7

Admit of-Permit of-Allow of 同义的不同词组“容许有”,“有余地” 7

Advent-Arrival 到来 7

Advert-Avert “注意”和“避开” 8

Advise-Advice 动词和名词“劝” 8

Aesthetic-Beautiful “美的”和“有美感的” 8

Affect-Effect 相形易混词“影响”“效果” 8

Affection-Affectation “爱”“矫揉造作” 9

Afterwards-Afterward-Later 然后,以后 9

Aim at-Aim to 英美人的不同用法“目的在于……” 9

Alibi-Excuse 不同的“借口” 9

Alien-Foreigner “外国人”和“侨民” 9

All-Whole 全部 10

"All-around"-"All-round" 英美用法不同“全面的” 10

Allege-Assert “宣称”和“断言” 10

Allude-Refer 如何“提及”某事? 10

Allure-Lure 吸引,诱惑 11

Allusion-Illusion “暗指”和“错觉” 11

Almost-Nearly “几乎”“差不多” 11

Altercation-Fight “口角”有时会引起“打架” 11

Alternate-Alternative “交替的”和“选择” 12

Alternative-Choice “二选一”还是“多选一”? 12

Altogether-All together “总共”和“每一个” 12

Amateur-Novice “业余爱好者”并不是“新手” 12

Amaze-Astonish-Surprise 惊讶 13

Amiable-Amicable “和”为贵 13

Amoral-Immoral 与“道德”相有(无)关? 13

Amphibian-Amphibion 同义词 水陆两栖 14

Amuck-Amok 同义词 狂暴地 14

Amused-Bemused “被逗乐的”和“困惑的” 14

Analyst-Annalist 同音异义词 “分析家”和“编年史作者” 14

Ancient-Old-Antiquated “古”,“老”的并不一定是“过时的” 14

命令式+and-命令式+or 意思相反 14

And-Or 和(或) 15

Anent-About 同义词 关于 15

Annex-Add “加”和“附加” 15

Annal-Annual 年鉴,年报,编年史 15

Annul-Annual 相形词“废止”和“年度的” 15

Anonymous-Anomalous “匿名的”和“异常的” 16

Another-The other 另一个 16

Anticipate-Expect 不同的“预”“期” 16

Anxious-Eager-Keen “急切的,渴望的”的心情 16

Apathetic-Epithetic 相形词一个“缺乏感情的”人的“绰号” 17

Apiece-A piece “各个”和“一块” 17

Apposite-Opposite “适当的”和“对面的” 17

Appraise-Praise “评价”和“赞扬” 17

Appreciate-Enjoy 欣赏 17

Apprise-Apprize “通知”和“鉴赏” 18

Approaches-Efforts “尝试”的意味 18

Appropriate-Take 为我所“用” 18

Argentina-Argentine 词性不同 阿根廷 18

Around-Round-About 周围,大约 18

Arouse-Rouse 唤醒,激起 19

Arrogate-Arrogant 易混淆词“妄取”和“傲慢的” 19

Art-Artifice “技巧”还是“巧计”? 19

Artist-Artisan “艺术家”还是“工匠”? 19

Artless-Ignorant “单纯的”不等于“无知的”! 20

As-Because-Since-For 如何引导不同的原因从句? 20

As-When-While-During “当……”和“在……期间”的差别 20

As far as-So far as 哪个词组意味更强? 21

As follow-As follows 单复数之差 21

As per-In accordance with “依照……” 21

As for-As to “关于”哪一方面? 21

Ashamed-Shameful 指人还是指物?羞愧的,羞耻的 22

Aside-Apart 除了(某事物)以外……也 22

Assembly-Assemblage 指人还是指物?“聚集” 22

Associate-Colleague 同事,伙伴 22

Assume-Presume “推测、预想”的差异 23

Assurance-Insurance “保证”和“保险” 23

Astray-Estray “迷途地”“漫游” 23

Astronaut-Pilot 不同飞行器的“驾驶员” 23

Athletics-Sport 何种“体育运动”? 24

At last-At length-Eventually-Finally-In the End-Lastly “最后,终于” 24

At peace-In peace 和和平平安安稳稳 25

At school-In school 都是在学校里 25

Atmosphere-Air-Gas 与“气”有关 25

Atrocious-Bad “坏的”和“恶的” 25

Attorney-Lawyer 律师 25

Attribute-Ascribe 主客观地“把……归于” 26

Averse-Adverse “逆”“反”的 26

Avocation-Vocation “职业”和“副业” 26

B 26

Backward-Backwards 副词和形容词“向后的” 26

Badly-Very much Badly的用法“非常的” 27

Baggage-Luggage 英式英语和美式英语“行李” 27

Barn-Stable “谷仓”和“马厩” 27

Base-Basis “基础”的不同含义 27

Base-Bass 不要用错大“贝司” 28

Be about-Be to-Be going to 即将,就要 28

Beastly-Detestable 凶残的,可恶的 28

Beat-Hit-Strike-Knock 打;击;敲 28

Beat-Win-Defeat 赢、获胜 29

Before-In front of 在……之前 29

Before long-Long before 顺序颠倒,含义不同“很快,不久”和“很久以前” 29

Beg to-Beg leave to 表示“不同意” 30

Begin by-Begin with-To begin with “先”从何“开始”? 30

Believe-Believe in “相信”还是“信奉” 30

Belly-Abdomen-Intestine-Stomach-Tummy “腹部,肚子”的各种说法 30

Below-Beneath-Under 在……下面 31

Beside-Besides 同是介词,多一个s,意义相差甚远“在……旁边”和“此外” 31

Between-Among 在……之中“两者之间”还是“多者之间”? 31

Blow up-Blow out 易混淆的词组“爆炸”与“吹灭” 32

Born-Borne-Bourne 相形词“生产”,“生孩子”和“目的” 32

Borrow-Lend-Loan “借”和“贷” 32

Bourgeois-Bourgeoise-Bourgeoisie 资产阶级,中产阶级,小资 33

Break into-Break in 易混淆的词组“破门而入”和“打断(话)” 33

Breath-Breathe 词性不同“呼吸” 33

Brief-Short 简短的 34

Briefly-Shortly 副词的用法“短暂地”,“立刻” 34

Bring-Take-Fetch-Carry 拿、带、取 34

Burn out-Burn up 烧尽,烧光 34

But do-But to do 不定式何时用“to” 35

But for-But that “要不是”和“除非” 35

By-Beside “在……旁边”——人还是物? 35

By chance-By any chance “偶然地”和“万一” 35

By heart-At heart “用心”不同 35

By-Near 哪个更近? 36

By-With “用”什么 36

By turns-In turn “交替地”还是“依次地”? 36

C 36

Cabin-Cottage-Hut-Shed 不同的小屋 36

Cable-Telegram-Telegraph 何种“电报”? 37

Calculate-Count-Compute-Reckon-Estimate 如何“计算”? 37

Call on-Visit-Drop in 不同的“拜访” 37

Can-Be able to “能、能力”用法有别 38

Can-May 助动词“能,可能,可以” 38

Candy-Sweets-Sugar “糖”的种类 38

Cane-Stick-Staff 手杖 39

Cap-Hat 不同的“帽子” 39

Care about-Care for 动介型短语动词“为……担忧”和“照顾” 39

Carpet-Blanket-Rug 不同的“毯子” 40

Carry on-Carry out “开展”和“实行” 40

Catch up with-Keep up with “赶上”和“不掉队” 40

Cause-Reason “原因”和“理由” 40

Cease-Pause-Stop-Halt-Quit “停止、中止”什么? 41

Centre-Middle “中心”和“中间” 41

Certain-Sure 肯定,确信,有把握 41

Chance-Opportunity “机会”不均等! 42

Change-Alter-Vary-Convert-Modify-Transform “变化”就是多 42

Channel-Strait 海峡 43

Chief-Main 主要的 43

Choose-Select 如何“挑选,选择”? 43

Cigar-Cigarette-Tobacco 各种“香烟” 44

Climate-Weather “天气”大不同! 44

Clothes-Clothing-Cloth 与“衣”有关 44

Coloured-Colourful “有某种颜色的”和“鲜艳的” 45

Come to one's help-Come for one's help “来帮某人的忙”和“来求某人帮助” 45

Compare...to-Compare...with “跟谁比”? 45

Compute-Computerize “计算”与“计算机化” 45

Concept-Conception-Notion “概念”不同 45

Consider-Regard as-Treat as 认为……是 46

Continual-Continuous 继续不停的,连续不断的 46

D 47

Damage-Harm-Hurt-Injure-Spoil-Wound “损害,伤害,破坏”的区分 47

Dangerous-In danger 危险! 47

Dare not-Don't dare 动词和情态动词的用法 48

Date-Day “年月日”和“星期x”的表达 48

Dead-Died 不同的“死法” 48

Deadly-Deathly “死一般的”和“致命的” 48

Deal in-Deal with 不同的介词搭配“做……买卖”和“对付,处理” 49

Deep-Deeply 同为副词时“深深地”和“极大地” 49

Delay-Postpone-Put off 推迟,延期 49

Demand-Request-Require 要求,请求 50

Despair-Desperation-Depression-Disappointment-Hopeless 绝望,沮丧 50

Despite-In spite of “尽管、虽然” 51

Destiny-Fate “命运”不同 51

Die from-Die of “因何而死” 51

Discover-Find-Invent “发现”了不同 51

Display-Exhibit-Expose 如何“表现,展示”? 52

Distinguished-Outstanding 杰出的 52

Due to-Owing to-Because of 表示原因 52

Dumb-Mute “不说话”不等于“哑的” 53

Duty-Obligation-Responsibility “责任,义务”要分清 53

Dwell-Reside-Live-Lodge-Inhabit-Settle 在哪儿“居住”? 53

E 54

Each-Every 每个 54

Each other-One another 互相,彼此 54

Ear-Ears 单复数的差异 “听”和“很忙” 55

Easy-Easily 都是副词 容易地,舒适地 55

Economic-Economical “经济的”和“节约的” 55

Economics-Economy “经济学”和“经济” 55

Effective-Effectual-Efficient “有效率的”不等于“有效的” 56

Elder-Older “老”有所别 56

Electric-Electrical “电的”正确用法 57

Eligible-Illegible 拼法和读音相近 “合格的”和“潦草的” 57

Emend-Amend 57

Emerge-Immerge 意义恰好相反“浮现”和“沉入” 57

Empty-Vacant-Hollow “空空”如也 58

Energy-Strength-Power 是什么“力量”? 58

Engaged in-Engaged to “忙”着“订婚” 59

English-The English 都是“英国的”,为什么加个“the”? 59

Ensure-Insure-Assure-Reassure 尽是“-sure”“保证”,“投保”,“使其安心” 59

Enter-Enter into “及物”和“不及物的区别”“进入”和“加入” 60

Entrance-Entry 通过“入口”可进入更多领域 60

Especial(ly)-Special(ly) “尤其是”和“专门的” 61

Etc.-And so forth 如此“等等” 61

Even-Even though-Though 单词和组合 “甚至”,“即使”和“虽然” 61

Everyone-Every one 一个词和两个词的区别 “每个人” 61

Evidence-Testimony-Proof “证据”的种类 62

Except-Except for-Excepting 除……之外 62

Excuse-Forgive-Pardon-Apologize 如何表示“歉意”? 62

Exhibit-Exhibition-Fair 不同的“展览,展览会” 63

F 64

Face-Confront-Meet-Encounter 勇于“面对” 64

Fairly-Quite-Rather-Pretty 语气的轻重 “相当地” 64

Faithful-Loyal 对谁“忠诚,忠实”? 65

Fall-Drop 掉下、落下、下降 65

Fame-Reputation 注重“声誉” 66

Familiar to-Familiar with “熟”能生巧 66

Famous for-Famous as 为“何”而“出名” 66

Fancy-Fantasy “幻想”并非总是美好的 67

Far too-Too far “过分”了 67

Fare-Fee 各种“费用” 67

Farewell-"Good-bye" 暂时的分离还是永别? 67

Farmer-Peasant 不同的“务农的人” 67

Farther-Further 更远地 68

Fast-Quick-Rapid-Swift 迅速的 68

Fasten-Tie-Bind 系,结 69

Fault-Mistake-Error-Shortcoming “短处,错误”比一比 69

Favourable-Favoured-Favourite 有利的,优惠的,优先的 70

Feasible-Practicable-Practical 选择“可行的” 70

Female-Feminine-Womanly-Womanish 复杂的“女性” 70

Festival-Holiday-Vacation 节假日 71

Find-Find out “找到”啦 71

Fine-Good-Well “好”什么“好”? 72

First-Firstly-At first 第一,首先 72

For a moment-For the moment-In a moment-At the moment 片刻,一会儿,目前 72

Free-Freely 同为副词 “自由地” 73

Fun-Joke 开玩笑 73

G 73

Game-Match 哪类“比赛”? 73

Gather-Assemble-Collect 收集,聚集 74

Gaze-Glare-Stare-Peer-Glance “看”法不同 74

Genuine-Real-True 都是“真的” 75

Germ-Bacteria-Virus-Microbe-Bug 小心“细菌”和“病毒”! 75

Get in-Get on “上车” 76

Get into trouble-Go to the trouble “遇到麻烦”和“不辞辛苦” 76

Gift-Present-Souvenir “礼物”和“纪念品” 76

Give away-Give way “分发,失去,泄露”与“让路,让步” 77

Give in-Give up “投降”,“屈服”,“让步”,“放弃” 77

Give off-Give out “散发,发出”什么? 77

Glad-Happy-Pleased “幸福的,高兴的” 77

Glove-Mitten 手套 78

Go on doing-Go on to do-Go on with “继续” 78

Gold-Golden “金制的”还是“金色的”? 78

Good at-Good with “擅长于”和“善于” 78

Gone-Lost-Missing “丢了”还是“失踪了” 78

Grand-Magnificent-Majestic-Splendid “宏伟壮丽的” 79

H 79

Habit-Custom “风俗”和“习惯” 79

Half a-A half “一半” 80

Hand in hand-Hand to hand “手拉手”和“逼近的” 80

Hand on-On hand “传下去”和“在近处” 80

Hang-Suspend “悬挂”在不同地方 80

Hanged-Hung 不同的过去分词 “绞杀,吊死”和“悬、挂” 80

Happen-Happen to “发生”和“降临到” 81

Happen-Occur-Chance-Take place “发生” 81

Hard-Hardly “勤奋的;困难的”和“几乎不,简直不” 82

Hardly-Scarcely “几乎不”、“几乎没有”各有侧重 82

Hate-Detest-Dislike-Abhor-Loathe “厌恶”的程度 82

Have-There be 谁“有”?哪儿“有”? 83

Have a word with-Have words with “与人谈话”还是“吵架”? 83

Have been in/at-Have been to 如何表示“曾经去过的地方”? 83

Have sth.Done-Have sb.do-Have sb.doing “使某事被做”,“让某人做某事” 83

Have to-Must 必须 84

Healthy-Healthful “健康的”和“有益于健康的” 84

Hear-Listen “听”和“听到” 84

Hide-Conceal-Dissemble 如何“隐藏”? 84

High-Tall-Lofty “高” 85

Hire-Rent “租用”、“租借” 85

Historic-Historical 不太一样的“历史” 86

Home-Homely 副词的“家” 86

Honesty-Integrity 正直 86

Hope-Expect “希望”和“期望” 87

Humane-Human “人类的”和“人道的” 87

Humoristic-Humorous 幽默的,滑稽的 87

I 88

Identify-Recognize “认”出来了! 88

Idle-Lazy “闲”人和“懒”人 88

If-Whether “是否”用得对? 88

If only-Only if 引导的条件从句 89

Ignorant-Illiterate “文盲”不一定“愚蠢” 89

Ill-Sick 各种“病”,英美各有说法 89

In a word-In word-In words 相形易混词组 “总而言之”“口头上”“用语言” 90

In case-In case of-In the case of 相形易混词组 “万一,倘若,如果” 90

In charge-In charge of-In the charge of 相形易混词组 负责 90

In time-On time 哪个更“准时”? 91

Indispensable-Essential-Necessary-Requisite 都是“需要”,程度不同 91

Indorse/Endorse-Approve “赞成”和“支持” 92

Induce-Persuade-Convince-Coax “劝”的方式 92

Induction-Inference “推理、推论”的方法 92

In favour of-In favour with 介词不同,意思就不同 “赞成”和“受到……宠爱” 93

Information-Intelligence 公开的“消息、信息”和秘密的“情报” 93

Inhabitant-Resident 居民 93

In one's mind-On one's mind 相形易混词组 “想着,考虑”和“惦记,操心,焦虑” 93

Intend-Propose-Mean 如何“打算”? 94

Isolate-Separate-Segregate-Seclude 分开 94

J 95

Jail-Prison-Cell 不同的“牢房” 95

Jewel-Jewellery-Stone-Gem 喜欢哪一种“宝石、珠宝”? 95

Job-Occupation-Vocation-Career-Profession 什么“工作”最适合? 96

Join-Join in-Take part in-Participate in “参加”什么? 96

Journey-Tour-Trip-Travel-Voyage-Excursion-Expedition 从“远足”、“旅行”到“探险” 97

Joyful-Joyous-Happy-Cheerful-Glad “快乐的”心情 98

Jump-Leap-Spring-Hop-Bound-Skip 都是“跳” 99

Justify-Warrant 证明,为……提供理由或根据 99

Judge-Arbiter-Arbitrator-Umpire-Referee 不同的“裁判” 100

Just-Justly-Just now 易混淆词“刚刚”,“公平地” 101

K 101

Keep-Retain-Withhold 继续拥有 101

Keep doing-Keep on doing “不断做” 101

Keep sb.from doing sth.-Keep sth.from sb. “阻止”和“瞒着” 102

Keep up-Keep up with “维持,继续”和“跟上,与……同步前进” 102

Kill-Assassinate-Butcher-Slaughter-Execute 不同的“杀” 102

Killed with-Killed by “用工具使人或物致死”和“因为某个行为而被杀死” 103

Kind-kindly “和蔼的”和“愉悦的” 103

Kind-Sort-Category-Class-Type “种类” 103

Kindle-Fire-Ignite-Inflame-Light 哪一种才是我要的“燃烧”? 104

Knock down-Knock out 打倒 104

Know-Know of-Know about-Recognize 认识,熟悉 105

Know-Understand 理解,熟知 105

Known to-Known for-Known as “闻名于” 106

L 106

Label-Tag 帖上不同的“标签” 106

Last-Final-Ultimate-Latest “最后”的用法 106

Last year-The last year “去年”还是“过去的一年” 107

Late-Lately “最近”要用哪一种? 107

Latent-Potential 潜在的 107

Later-Latter 哪一个“后者”“比较晚”? 107

Laugh-Smile-Grin-Beam-Sneer 笑 108

Law-Constitution-Regulation-Code-Rule-Act 法律,法规 108

Lay-Lie 哪个“放置”最恰当? 109

Learn-Study “学”到什么了? 109

Leave out-Leave off “忽略”和“停止” 110

Less-Fewer-Least-Fewest 可数还是不可数?“更少的”到“最少的”差别 110

Liable-Apt-Likely-Prone-Inclined-Subject 倾向于……的;易于……的 111

Lifelong-Livelong “终生的”和“完整的” 112

Like-Alike-As-Similar “相象、相似”的不同说法 112

Likely-Possible-Probable 可能不可能? 113

Limit-Confine-Restrict 限制,限定 113

Little-A little 少归少,可数不可数最重要 113

Little-Small 小的 114

Live on-Live by 靠什么“生活”? 114

Living-Alive-Live-Lively 都是“活生生的”,差别在哪里? 114

Location-Position-Situation-Spot 不同的“位置,地点” 115

Lodging-Accommodation-Apartment-Flat-Suite 住处 116

Lonely-Lone-Lonesome-Alone-Solitary 孤独的,寂寞的 117

Long for-For long “渴望”和“很久,长久” 117

Loose-Loosen 放松 118

Lumber-Timber-Wood-Log 各种“木材、木”的称呼 118

M 118

Machine-Machinery-Mechanism “机器、机械”的使用方法 118

Madam-Mrs.-Lady-Miss 女性的尊称 119

Magazine-Journal-Periodical 哪一类“刊物” 119

Mail-Post 英美两国的“邮政” 120

Make-Manufacture-Produce 如此“制造、生产” 120

Make...from-Make...of “用物制成”? 121

Man-Men-Mankind-Human being-Humanity 大家都是“人”吧 121

Manage-Try “设法”去做吧! 122

Manufacture-Produce-Product-Production 何种“产品、制品”? 122

Mark-Sign-Signal-Symbol “标记,标志”种种 122

Marvel-Miracle-Wonder “奇迹”出现了! 123

Material-Matter-Substance-Stuff 用哪种“物质,材料”? 124

Mature-Ripe-"Grown-up"-Adult 不同的“成熟” 124

Meat-Flesh 肉 125

Meet-Meet with 遇见 125

Memorize-Remember 记忆 126

Mend-Repair-Patch-Fix “修理”的方式很多 126

Merchant-Businessman-Trader-Tradesman-Dealer 什么样的人是“商人”? 127

Mercy-Sympathy-Compassion-Petty 如何表达你的“同情和怜悯”心? 127

Method-Mode-Manner-Way-Means-Approach “方式、方法”很重要! 128

Mix-Blend-Merge-Mingle 怎么“混和”才对? 129

Momentary-Momentous 意义大相径庭的相形易混淆词 “瞬刻的”和“重大的” 129

Murmur-Mutter-Mumble-Whisper 声音太小,听不清 130

Mystery-Puzzle-Riddle 神秘难懂的“秘密” 130

N 130

Nation-State-Country “国家” 130

Near to-Next to “接近” 131

Neat-Tidy-Trim-Orderly “整齐的,整洁的” 131

Necessary-Necessity 必需品 132

Neglect-Ignore-Overlook-Slight 不能“忽视”差别 132

Neighbourhood-Vicinity “邻近,附近” 132

New-Fresh-Modern-Novel-"Up-to-date" “新”与“新颖”、“新奇” 133

No less than-Not less than “多过……”和“不少于……;至少有……” 133

No more...than-Not more...than “同……一样不”和“不超过……” 134

Noise-Sound-Voice 不同的“声响” 134

Nonsense-Rubbish “废话,胡说” 135

Normal-Ordinary-Regular-Natural-Typical “规则的,正常的,正规的” 135

Notable-Noteworthy 引人注意的 135

Notice-Note-Mind-Attend-Remark “注意”! 136

Noticeable-Outstanding-Remarkable-Striking 不一样的“优秀” 136

Nourish-Feed-Graze “提供所需食物,喂养” 137

Novel-Fiction-Romance-Story-Fable-Tale “小说,故事”的类型 137

Number-Amount-Quantity-Sum 总数、总量,量 138

Nurse-Tend-Foster-Cultivate-Cherish 照料、培育 138

O 139

Oath-Pledge-Promise-Vow 不同的“誓约,许诺” 139

Obey-Comply-Submit “服从、听从”什么? 140

Object-Oppose-Resist-Protest 适当地表达“反对”意见 140

Obstacle-Barrier-Obstruction-Bar-Hindrance 克服这些“障碍(物)” 140

Obstinate-Stubborn 固执的,顽固的 141

Offer-Provide-Supply “提供”最佳的选择 142

Officer-Official 哪一个部门的“官员? 142

On board-On the board-On the boards “在交通工具上”和“在舞台上” 143

One day-Some day “总有一天”要搞明白 143

Open-Unfold “打开”和“展开” 143

Opponent-Competitor-Rival-Antagonist 不同的“敌手、对手” 143

Opposite-Contradictory-Contrary 对立的,相反的 144

Ox-Bull-Cow-Buffalo “牛”的种类 145

P 145

Pack-Package-Packet-Parcel 各种“包” 145

Parade-Demonstration-Procession “游行” 146

Part of-A part of “部分” 146

Partially-Partly 部分地、不完全地 146

Passed-Past 词性不同! “通过”和“过去的” 147

Passion-Enthusiasm-Zeal “激情,热情”要适度 147

Patience-Endurance-Forbearance “忍耐,耐心”的限度 147

Percent-Percentage 正确使用“百分比” 148

Permanent-Eternal-Perpetual 但愿人“长久” 148

Permit-Allow 许可,允许 149

Persist-Persevere-Insist 正确的就要“坚持” 149

Personal-Private-Individual “个人的,私人的”事也是重要的 149

Personnel-Personal 有关“人”事 150

Play-Play with 怎么个“玩”法? 150

Pleasant-Pleasing-Pleased-Pleasure 寻求“乐趣” 151

Poem-Poetry-Verse “诗”意 151

Politician-Statesman 何谓“政治家” 152

Pool-Pond-Puddle 池塘 152

Precede-Proceed 相形词 在……之前 152

Precipitate-Precipitous “悬”崖勒马 152

Prejudice-Bias 偏见 153

Prepare-Prepare for-Prepared for 准备 153

Previous-Foregoing-Preceding-Prior-Former 在……之前的 154

Price-Cost-Expense 价钱,花费 154

Principal-Principle 易混淆词 “主要的”和“原则” 155

Prisoner-Captive-Convict 囚犯和俘虏有别 155

Problem-Question-Issue-Matter “问题”知多少? 156

Propaganda-Publicity “宣传”的内容不同 156

Prudent-Prudential “明智的”选择 156

Punishment-Penalty 小心被“惩罚” 157

Pupil-Student 你是哪类学校的“学生”? 157

Puzzle-Bewilder-Confuse-Perplex 解“惑” 157

Q 158

Quaint-Odd-Queer “奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的” 158

Quality-Property-Feature-Characteristic-Trait-Attribute-Character 特征,特点 158

Query-Inquiry “问题”和“询问” 159

Question-Questionnaire “问题”和“问卷” 160

Quicken-Accelerate-Hasten-Hurry-Speed up “加快”速度 160

Quiet-Still-Silent-Peaceful 安静的 161

Quotation-Extract “引文、引语” 161

Quote-Cite 如何“引用”?“间引”还是“直引”? 161

R 162

Railroad-Railway 英美人所说的“铁路” 162

Rare-Scarce 物以“稀”为贵 162

Rather than-Other than-Would rather(...than) 与“than”组合的不同词组 162

Reach at-Reach for 伸手去拿(取) 163

Refer to-Refer...to 词组的“分”与“合”“指……而言”和“把……归功于” 163

Refute-Dispute “辩”与“驳” 163

Regards-Regard 单复数之差异 “关于……”和“致意,问候” 164

Regret doing-Regret to do 动名词与不定式 “遗憾,后悔” 164

Renascence-Renaissance 文艺复兴 164

Replace-Displace-Substitute-Supplant-Supersede “取代”并不容易 164

Reply-Answer-Respond-Retort “回复,回答”的方法各异 165

Reserve-Conserve-Preserve “保留,保有,保存”最好的 166

Respective-Respectful-Respectable Respect的后缀派生词的辨析,“各自的”,“恭敬的”和“体面的” 166

Responsible for-Responsible to 向谁“负责”?“负责”什么? 167

Reward-Award “奖”与“酬” 167

Revenge-Avenge 复仇,报仇 168

Rise-Raise-Arise 提(及物动词),升(不及物动词),产生 168

Rob-Steal “偷”与“抢” 168

S 169

Sacred-Holy 神圣的 169

Satisfactory-Satisfied 令人满意的,使……感到满意的 169

Scenery-Scene-View-Landscape 景色 169

Scheme-Plot-Conspire 密谋 170

Scope-Range 范围 170

Scorn-Contempt-Disdain 瞧不起 170

Scrutiny-Inspection-Examination “检查”的内容和程度的不同 171

Seasonable-Seasonal 有关“季节的” 171

Secure-Safe 安全的 171

Sensation-Emotion-Sentiment 细微观察人的“感情,情绪” 172

Sensible-Sentimental-Sensitive-Sensational “明智的”,“多愁善感的”,“敏感的”和“耸人听闻的” 172

Shallow-Superficial 浅薄的,肤浅的 173

Shiver-Shudder-Tremble-Shake 颤抖,战栗 173

Slack-Loose 松弛的 174

Slide-Slip-Glide 在一平滑表面上滑动 174

Slope-Slant 倾斜 174

Slumber-Drowse-Doze-Nap 注重“睡眠”的质量 174

Smell-Scent-Odour-Flavour “气味”不相投 175

Sob-Weep-Wail “哭,泣” 175

Specialist-Expert 各类“专家” 175

Specie-Species “s”不是复数!“硬币”和“物种” 176

Spectator-Audience 不同的“观众” 176

Speech-Address-Lecture 演说 176

Spell-Period 期间 177

Sprain-Strain 身体的“扭伤、损伤” 177

Stable-Firm-Steady 牢固的,坚固的,稳定的 177

Stale-Trite-Stereotyped-Cliché 陈腐的,陈旧的 178

Stimulate-Stir-Encourage-Excite-Inspire-Motivate 鼓励、刺激、激发 178

Stroll-Walk-Stride 与步态有关 179

Subject to-Addicted to “易受”外界影响还是“沉湎于……” 179

Submit-Yield 让步,屈服 179

Succession-Series-Sequence 依次排列的一连串事物 180

Sufficient-Enough-Adequate-Ample 足够的 180

Summit-Peak “顶点、巅峰”不胜寒 180

Supplement-Complement 补充(物) 181

Suspect-Doubt 疑心,怀疑 181

T 181

Take a chair-Take the chair “主席”“请坐下” 181

Talk over-Talk about-Talk of-Talk to-Talk into-Talk out of “谈”什么啊? 182

Team-Group-Set 不同的“组”合! 182

Technique-Technology-Skill 技术 182

Though-Although “虽然”长得相似 183

Thoughtful-Considerate 考虑“周到的” 183

Till-Until “到……为止” 183

Tiresome-Tiring-Tired-Exhausted-Fatigue 疲劳,疲倦 184

Title-Topic-Subject-Theme “题目”要选好 184

Type-Style-Sort-Genre “种类”何其多! 185

Triumphant-Victorious-Successful “成功”的差别! 186

Troubled-Troublesome “不安的”和“令人烦恼的” 186

The reason why-The reason that 表示……的理由(或原因) 186

Try-Attempt-Strive 试图,努力,力图 187

Technological-Technical 形近易混词“技术的” 187

Transaction-Transition-Transmission-Transformation-Transfer 形近易混词“交易”,“过渡”,“传送”和“改变” 187

U 188

Uninterested-Disinterested 不感兴趣 188

Unique-Unusual “独一无二的”和“不平常的” 188

Universal-General 有多“普遍”? 189

University-College-Institute 各类“大学” 189

Use-Utilize-Employ 不同的“使用”方法? 189

Used to-Be used to(v-ing)-Be used to 易混的三种“使用”词组 190

V 190

Vague-Ambiguous-Obscure 决不能“含糊” 190

Valuable-Valued 宝贵的,珍贵的 191

Various-Varied-Variable-Different 各有“不同” 191

Venture-Adventure-Risk 激动人心的“冒险”! 192

Vice-Deputy-Assistant “副”职的各种称呼 192

View-Sight-Vision “视野”、“视力”与“远见” 193

W 193

Wait-Await 及物和不及物动词“等待” 193

War-Battle-Fight-Campaign “战争”中有许多“战役”和“战斗” 194

Watch-See-Look 怎么“看”才正确? 194

Will-Would 助动词用法 195

Without question-Without the question 毫无疑问地 195

Worth-Worthy-Worthwhile 怎么样才“值得”? 195

Writer-Author-Composer-Compiler “作(曲)家”大不相同 196

Would rather-Prefer 词组和单词,“更喜欢”哪一个? 196

X 197

Xerox-Copy-Duplicate “复印、复制” 197

Xmas-Christmas 圣诞节 197

Y 198

Yacht-Ship-Boat-Vessel 各种船、舰、艇的差别 198

Yard-Court-Field-Ground “院子、法庭、球场、场地”的差异 198

Yearn for-Long for-Desire for-Hunger for-Thirst for 不同的“热切渴望” 199

Yet-However-Otherwise “然而、尽管如此”的区别 199

Yield-Churn out-Bear-Produce 如何“产生、制造、生产”? 200

Young-Youthful-Juvenile-Adolescent “年轻的” 201

Z 201

Zap-Zip “杀死、摧毁”和“迅速地做” 201

Zest-Fervor “热忱、兴趣”的不同程度 201

索引 203