《新世纪基础英语 4 学生用书》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张伯香,张福林总主编;刘红卫主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810952854
  • 页数:295 页

Unit 1 Love 1

Text A On the shoulders of a hero 4

Dialogue The Godfather 11

Text B Return to paradise 13

Guided writing Introduction to narrative writing 18

Grammar Subjunctive mood 1 20

Unit 2 Nature 24

Text A Thepond in winter 26

Dialogue Vacation plans 34

Text B An experiment in living 36

Guided writing Introduction to descriptive writing 41

Grammar Subjunctive mood 2 44

Unit 3 Public speeches 48

Text A Two truths to live by—hold fast,and let go 50

Dialogue Let yourself go 58

Text B Princess Diana's eulogy 59

Guided writing Introduction to argumentative writing 66

Grammar Subject-verb concord 1 70

Unit 4 Sports 74

Text A Athletes should be role models 76

Dialogue Little league 83

Text B An interview with Michael Jordan 85

Guided writing Introduction to expository writing 89

Grammar Subject-verb concord 2 92

Unit 5 Success 96

Text A The winner's guide to success 98

Dialogue A national figure—Winston Churchill 105

Text B How to spell success 107

Guided writing Notices 112

Grammar As-clauses 114

Unit 6 Legend and mythology 118

Text A Mulan 120

Dialogue About literature 128

Text B Turtle and the sky bowl 129

Guided writing Note writing 1 133

Grammar Relative clause 1 135

Unit 7 Genetic engineering 140

Text A Science has spoiled my supper 142

Dialogue A self-service market 150

Text B Genetically engineered foods—risk to humanity 151

Guided writing Note writing 2 157

Grammar Relative clause 2 160

Unit 8 Information technology 162

Text A Internet:Savior or murderer? 164

Dialogue The information superhighway 172

Text B I'd rather you called 174

Guided writing Note writing 3 179

Grammar Negative sentence 182

Unit 9 Law and life 188

Text A A brush with the law 190

Dialogue Speeding doesn't pay 199

Text B Mobile phone companies sued 201

Guided writing Letter writing 1 208

Grammar Inversion 210

Unit 10 The aims of education 214

Text A Lives on the boundary 216

Dialogue Back to school 224

Text B Can a former dropout save New York's schools? 226

Guided writing Letter writing 2 232

Grammar Emphatic construction 234

Unit 11 The outer space 238

Text A Is there life elsewhere in the universe 240

Dialogue Global positioning system(GPS) 248

Text B Voyager I:Now the most distant human-made object in space 250

Guided writing Letter writing 3 256

Grammar Modification 1 258

Unit 12 Ethnic Americans 262

Text A Chinese-American women in American culture 264

Dialogue Enjoy learning from a new culture 272

Text B Freedom's woman 274

Guided writing Letter and resume writing 279

Grammar Modification 2 280

Appendix Glossary 285