第一部分 自然科学论文 3
LCAO-MO Treatment for Deep Levels Produced by Ion Implantation of Oxygen in Gallium Arsenide 3
群分解EHMO计算机程序的编制及GaN晶体能谱的计算 9
The Average Radiative Lifetime of the a3 π State of CO by the Double Perturbation Method 18
A Comparative Study of Three-Body Terms in Ozone and Thiozone 28
Multibody Analysis of Potential Energy Surfaces for First-and Second-Row Tetramers.Ⅱ.The Cases of O4 and S4 38
Study of Collective Effects in the Stability and Chemisorption Properties of Finite Lithium Clusters 52
Theoretical Study of the Li(2s1 2S)+H2?LiH2 Reaction 76
Importance of Nonadditive Collective Effects on Chemisorption and Catalysis.Part Ⅰ.Interactions of Lithium Atom Clusters with Hydrogen 87
溴化银晶体(110)表面上银原子簇的理论研究 102
在结构化学教学中要注意阐明体系的状态与单电子态的区别和联系 112
MCSCF Studies of Some Low-Lying States of PS.Radical and its Electronic Transitions 119
Quantum Chemical Study on Transition States:Intermediates of the Unimolecular Decomposition of Acetic Acid 123
Quantum Chemical Study on Reaction Mechanism of Alkyl Alcoholwith Thionyl Chloride 131
Theoretical Investigation of the Photoelectron Spectra of ClPS and the Photo-unimolecular Rearrangement of ClPS to ClSP 137
乙醛-乙烯醇、乙烯酮-乙炔醇异构化研究 140
甲酸甲酯正离子单分子分解反应的态相关与反应机理的理论研究 146
丙酮光解离机制的理论研究——激发三重态位能面上的解离途径及乙酰基的热解离反应 154
RC(O)OONO2热消除反应的理论研究 160
Theoretical Study on Excited State SO2+ Ion 164
含隧道效应校正和曲率校正的单分子正则速率常数计算及应用 168
Comparison between Hydrogen-transfer and Fluoro-transfer Reactions on the Microcanonical Unimolecular Rate Constants 175
单分子微正则系综振动选模反应速率常数的计算 181
FC≡CF→F2C?C:重排反应的动态学理论研究 185
H2+NO→+HNO(3A″)选态反应动力学理论研究 191
Theoretical Study of the Mechanism and Rate Constant of the Dimerization of Isocyanic Acid 200
Theoretical Study on Mechanism and Rate Constants for HCO+HNO2→HCHO+NO2 207
Theoretical Studies on the Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate of theReaction HCO+HNO2→HCHO+NO2 212
Ab Initio Study on the Thermal Isomerization from 1,2-Butadiene to 1,3-Butadiene 215
Theoretical Study on the Pyrolysis Mechanism and Kinetics of β-Hydroxyketones 218
Theoretical Investigation of the Mechanism and Kinetics for HCO+HCN?HCHO+CN 227
Theoretical Investigation on Mechanism of Dissociation of Furan 233
Theoretical Study on the Pyrolysis Mechanism andKinetics of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-2-Butanone 239
1,3-环己二烯与丙烯反应exo和endo机理的理论研究 242
Calculation of the Canonical Rate Constant for the Nonadiabatic Trapping Model Based on Unified Statistical Theory:A Test on the Exchange Reaction H2+H 250
3-羟基-3-甲基-2-丁酮和苯甲酰甲酸甲酯热分解反应的理论研究 253
Ab Initio Method Study on the Isomerization of 3-Amino-2-Pyridone 261
CH2O+H→CHO+H2反应途径和变分速率常数计算研究 268
甲醇羰基化制乙酸反应的理论研究 276
Ab Initio Study on the Mechanism of Reaction HNCO+NH2 284
Systematic Investigation of Electronic and Molecular Structures for the First Transition Metal Series Metallocenes M(C5H5)2(M=V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co and Ni) 294
HNCO+HCO→CO+CH2O氢转移反应的从头算及动力学研究 329
Implementation of a Microcanonical Variational Transition State Theory for Direct Dynamics Calculations of Rate Constants 337
IRC Analysis of Methanol Carbonylation Reaction Catalyzed by Rhodium Complex 348
甲醇与O[3P]反应机理的从头算及动力学 361
H+CH2CO反应机理的G2计算 369
附录 冯文林先生全部自然科学论文目录 377
第二部分 社会科学论文 387
走出高校当前教育教学改革的误区 387
全面体现“三个面向”的21世纪教育 393
强化制度建设与机制创新 力促教育教学质量提高 397
面向新世纪 深化学校改革 建设一支高素质的师资队伍 401
高度重视高校党的学风建设 404
第三部分 亲友、同事、学生心中的先生 413
毛秀琴:生命不息 学习不止 413
毛秀琴:清正廉洁 永葆本色 417
于建国:忆文林老师 420
王艳:忆恩师二三事 422
席宏伟:师门求学二三事 424
雷鸣:追忆冯文林先生 428
殷淑霞:怀念恩师冯文林 430
陈界豪:纪念恩师冯文林 432
郝茂荣:亦师亦友亦兄长 434
冀永强:怀念恩师冯文林先生 436
李会英:怀念恩师冯文林先生 438
张欣庄:永远和我们相伴 440
糜骏:怀念敬爱的导师冯文林教授 441
刘坤辉:无尽的思念 443
附录 历届学生名单 446