
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:河北省旅游局编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国旅游出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7503229578
  • 页数:218 页

Part Ⅰ Daily English日常用语 1

1.Greetings问候语 2

2.Self-introduction自我介绍 4

3.Asking the Way问路 6

4.Making a Phone Call打电话 8

5.Making an Apology致歉 11

6.Saying Good-bye道别 14

Exercise Ⅰ(习题一) 16

PartⅡ In the Hotel在饭店 19

Lesson One第一课 20

(1)Making a Reservation through A Long Distance Call长途电话预订 20

(2)At the Hotel Entrance在饭店门口 21

(3)The Registration登记处 22

Lesson Two第二课 25

(1)Welcoming the Guests迎接客人 25

(2)Tidying up the Room收拾房间 26

(3)Laundry Service洗衣服务 27

Lesson Three第三课 30

(1)Reservation Telephone订餐电话 30

(2)Helping to Order Dishes帮助点菜 31

(3)Signing the Bill签账单 32

Exercise Ⅱ(习题二) 34

Part Ⅲ Sightseeing and Visits in Hebei(Ⅰ)河北参观和游览(一) 37

Lesson Four第四课 38

A Rising City of Tourism—Shijiazhuang 38

新兴旅游城市——石家庄 40

Oral English(口语练习) 41

(1)A Trip to Zhengding City正定古城一日游 41

(2)Traveling at Zhangshiyan游览嶂石岩 43

(3)Visiting Hebei Provincial Museum参观河北省博物馆 44

Lesson Five第五课 47

Beautiful Seaside City—Qinhuangdao 47

美丽的海滨城市——秦皇岛 50

Oral English(口语练习) 51

(1)At Nandaihe International Amusement Center在南戴河国际娱乐中心 51

(2)Sightseeing at Seashore海滩观光 53

(3)Taking Pictures拍照 54

Lesson Six第六课 56

Summer Resort City—Chengde 56

避暑胜地——承德 59

Oral English(口语练习) 60

(1)Introducing the Journey介绍行程 60

(2)Introducing the Mulan Hunting Ground介绍木兰围场 62

(3)Introducing the Eight Outer Temples介绍外八庙 63

ExerciseⅢ(习题三) 65

PartⅣ Sightseeing and Visits in Hebei(Ⅱ)河北参观和游览(二) 69

Lesson Seven第七课 70

The Historical Cultural City—Baoding 70

历史文化名城——保定 73

Oral English(口语练习) 74

(1)Traveling by Train乘火车旅行 74

(2)On the Trip to the Langya Mountains去狼牙山的途中 76

(3)Visiting in the Ruins of the Latter Capital of Yan参观燕下都遗址 78

Lesson Eight第八课 81

The North Fortress Mountain City—Zhangjiakou 81

塞外山城——张家口 84

Oral English(口语练习) 85

(1)Visiting Jiming Mountain参观鸡鸣山 85

(2)Visiting Chicheng County参观赤城县 86

(3)Skiing in Chongli Skiing Ground在崇礼滑雪场滑雪 88

Lesson Nine第九课 90

The Museum of the Ancient Culture—Handan 90

古代文化的博物馆——邯郸 93

Oral English(口语练习) 94

(1)Introducing the Journey介绍行程 94

(2)Introduction to Jingniang Lake京娘湖介绍 95

(3)On the Taxi乘坐出租车 96

ExerciseⅣ(习题四) 99

Part Ⅴ Sightseeing and Visits in Hebei(Ⅲ)河北参观和游览(三) 101

Lesson Ten第十课 102

A Rising City On The Ruins—Tangshan 102

废墟中站起的新兴城市——唐山 104

Oral English(口语练习) 105

(1)Visiting Tangshan Earthquake Remains参观唐山地震遗址 105

(2)A Tour to the Eastern Imperial Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty游览清东陵 107

(3)Do You Have Any City Tours有市内旅游吗? 108

Lesson Eleven第十一课 111

Langfang and Cangzhou 111

廊坊和沧州 114

Oral English(口语练习) 115

(1)Discussing the Tour Itinerary商讨旅游计划 115

(2)Visiting the No.1 City Under the Heaven参观天下第一城 116

(3)Visiting the Great North Mosque参观清真北大寺 118

Lesson Twelve第十二课 120

Hengshui and Xingtai 120

衡水和邢台 123

Oral English(口语练习) 124

(1)Suffering a Heart-attack While Climbing a Mountain爬山时突发心脏病 124

(2)The History of the“Ox City”牛城的历史 126

(3)Boating on Hengshui Lake荡舟衡水湖 128

Part Ⅵ Shopping and Entertainment购物和娱乐 131

Lesson Thirteen第十三课 132

The Arts and Crafts in Hebei Province 132

河北手工艺品 135

Oral English(口语练习) 136

(1)At the Arts and Crafts Store在工艺品店 136

(2)Recommending Souvenirs to Tourists向游客推荐纪念品 138

(3)Bargaining with Customers与顾客议价 140

Lesson Fourteen第十四课 143

The Specialties in Hebei Province 143

河北地方特产 146

Oral English(口语练习) 147

(1)At the Specialty Store在特产店 147

(2)Recommending Special Foods推荐特色食品 148

(3)Describing Specialty to Tourists向游客介绍特产 149

Lesson Fifteen第十五课 152

The Entertainment in Hebei 152

河北娱乐 155

Oral English(口语练习) 156

(1)Introducing Hebei Opera介绍河北梆子 156

(2)Watching“Balance Act on Plank”观看“晃板顶技” 158

(3)The Opening and Closing Ceremony表演的开幕与谢幕 159

A.The Opening Ceremony开幕式 159

B.The Closing Ceremony闭幕式 160

Part Ⅶ Olympic English奥运英语 163

Lesson Sixteen第十六课 164

Olympic Knowledge 164

奥运知识 167

Oral English(口语练习) 168

(1)Welcome to Beijing欢迎到北京来 168

(2)Introducing Olympic Mottos介绍奥运座右铭 170

(3)Offering Help to a Foreigner为外国友人提供帮助 172

(4)Knowledge of Table Tennis关于乒乓球的一些知识 173

(5)Watching Football Game观看足球比赛 175

Appendix附录 180

Glossary总词汇表 180

The Name of the Main Hotels,Travel Services,Places of Interest in Hebei Province河北省的主要饭店、旅行社、旅游名胜名称 204

Reference参考书目 217

后记 218