第一部分 社会教育与传媒教育 1
MED and Media Education in Italy&Roberto Giannatelli 1
Media Education:Perspective-Training of Professors and Educators&Pier Cesare Rivoltella 17
The History of Salesian Education in China&C.Socol 26
The Reality in Don Bosco's Education Proposal&Jacques Schepens 36
Social Educators&Carlo Nanni 52
Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism:Dynamic Paradox at Christian Colleges in China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century&Jinghuan Shi 60
Social Development of Youths and the Efficacy of School and Nonformal Education&Leslie N.K.Lo 92
Community Education in China&Xueping Wu 101
A Good Practice of Promoting Community Education through Lifelong Learning Coupon&Changsheng Zhou 106
Media Education in China:What Can Educational Technologists Do?&Min Shi 111
第二部分 学校管理与教学改革 119
The School Reform in Italy:Problems and Perspectives&Guglielmo Malizia 119
Education for Sustainable Development in the Process of China's Modernization&Huaixin Zhu 139
Pedagogy of Play&Roberto Farné 147
Influence of Self-Reflection on Achievement&Kathleen A.Shoop 155
学校管理创新——应用企业精神于学校管理实践&赵中建 158
走向教育公平理想的现实之路&杨孔炽 164
当前韩国课程改革的动向&金福永 169
韩国学校心理咨询服务及生活指导的现状和展望&千成文 176
韩国青少年培训活动的现状与改革&金昌铉 182
韩国中小学道德教育&具滋亿 190
第三部分 高等教育与教师教育 201
Common Challenges,Similar Solutions:Changing Higher Education Governance and Prospects for Education Reforms in East Asia&Ka-ho Mok 201
Market Forces and Higher Education—Backgrounds,Trends and Problems&Motohisa KANEKO 230
Case Studies of Transnational Higher Education Policy in Asia-Pacific Countries&Xiaozhou Xu 254
Comparative Perspectives in Transnational Higher Education:Case Studies of China and Japan&Futao Huang 270
Current Status of Human Resources Development and Improvement Challenges in Korea&Chang Hwan Kim 286
Reconstruction of the Teacher Education System in the Era of Post-Shifan&Xudong Zhu 302
Perspectives of the Initial Preparation of the Primary School Teachers in Italy&Cesare Scurati 315
Exploring the Way to Develop Educational Technology Competence of Preservice Teachers&Jianping Zhang,Hui Peng 322
Building the Foundations for A Community of Learners:A Research-Based Approach&Arthur K.Ellis 327
韩国高等教育改革动向&安炳焕 337
韩国教师考核改革动向&安室根 346
关于教师培养模式改革若干问题的思考&张斌贤 355
利益相关者共同治理的大学模式&胡赤弟 364