《牛津英语教师宝库》合作版前言 1
The authors and series editor 4
导读 前言 5
Foreword 6
导读 引论 7
Introduction 10
导读 使用建议 15
How to use this book 16
导读一 识别具有文化特征的形象和标志 19
1 Recognizing cultural images and symbols 23
1.1 All about culture 24
1.2 Background noise 26
1.3 Brainstorming 27
1.4 Culture match 28
1.5 Culture wallchart 29
1.6 Exploring song lyrics 31
1.7 Guess who?Guess what? 34
1.8 Odd one out 35
1.9 Postcard match 35
1.10 Rogues'gallery 37
1.11 Ten-word story 39
1.12 Where in the world? 40
1.13 Word chase 42
1.14 Words and images 43
导读二 利用具有文化特色的实物开展活动 45
2 Working with cultural products 49
2.1 Among my souvenirs 50
2.2 Cartoon categories 51
2.3 Culture composition 52
2.4 Currency deals 53
2.5 Front-page features 54
2.6 Headlines 56
2.7 In my country 57
2.8 Meet the press 58
2.9 Poems 59
2.10 Radio news role-plays 60
2.11 Show and tell 61
2.12 Stamp detectives 62
2.13 Today's TV schedule 63
2.14 Topics in the news 65
导读三 深入了解日常生活模式 67
3 Examining patterns of everyday life 71
3.1 Agony aunt 72
3.2 Dating customs 73
3.3 Early,on time,or late? 76
3.4 Family trees 77
3.5 Help wanted 79
3.6 Holiday photographs 83
3.7 Housing available 84
3.8 Is it true that...? 87
3.9 Shopping habits 88
3.10 Same or different? 91
3.11 The house I grew up in 92
3.12 What would you like to do? 93
导读四 深入了解文化行为 96
4 Examining cultural behaviour 99
4.1 Answering real questions 100
4.2 Critical incidents 101
4.3 Cross-cultural role-plays 105
4.4 Culture assimilators 106
4.5 Cultural commentary 111
4.6 Mini-surveys 112
4.7 News photo search 114
4.8 Observation and judgement 116
4.9 Social behaviour 117
4.10 Video observation 119
4.11 What did he do?What did she say? 120
导读五 深入了解交际功能模式 122
5 Examining patterns of communication 125
5.1 Analysing TV conversations 126
5.2 Answer,add,and ask 128
5.3 Cross-cultural introductions 129
5.4 Cross-cultural rhetoric 130
5.5 Minimal responses 132
5.6 Multilingual role-plays 134
5.7 Non-verbal signals 135
5.8 Role-playing emotions 136
5.9 What's the message? 137
5.10 Whisperound 139
导读六 深入探讨价值观及对事物的看法 141
6 Exploring values and attitudes 145
6.1 Agree or disagree? 146
6.2 Commercial values 147
6.3 Connotations 149
6.4 Encounter 150
6.5 Examining stereotypes 151
6.6 Lost and found 152
6.7 Proverbial values 154
6.8 Stereotypes I have heard 156
6.9 Superior attitudes 157
6.10 The people speak 158
6.11 'Trap'words 159
6.12 Values clarification:global problems 161
6.13 Word associations 162
导读七 探讨和归纳对文化的感受 163
7 Exploring and extending cultural experiences 166
7.1 Cultural identity 167
7.2 Culture flowchart 168
7.3 Culture mini-lectures 170
7.4 Curriculum links 172
7.5 Intercultural crisis 173
7.6 Just a(cultural)minute 175
7.7 Question wheel 176
7.8 Real interviews 177
Bibliography 179
Appendix 182
Language focus index 184