
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:金焕荣主编
  • 出 版 社:苏州:苏州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:781090020X
  • 页数:172 页
图书介绍:本书以开拓视野、扩充科技信息、提高英语阅读能力为宗旨,力求做到以下几点:   内容新颖——本书在内容上尽量选用反映最新的先进科技成果、富有当代生活气息的材料。   知识面广——本书在选材上涉及尽可能多的科学技术门类,如物理、化学、生物、医药、宇航、心理学等方面的内容均有所反映。   趣味性强——材料力求做到幽默风趣、生动活泼、引人入胜。通过趣味性强的材料,激发学生的学习兴趣。   提高英语水平——本书是一本英语读物,提高读者的英语阅读水平是编写本书的主要目的。为此,在每课之后都安排了翔实的注释和一定量的练习,以帮助读者抓住重点,一步一个脚印,学得更加扎实。

Lesson 1 A Big Mystery:Why Do We Laugh? 1

Lesson 2 America on Wheels 8

Lesson 3 A Warmer or a Colder Earth? 15

Lesson 4 Bill Gates—Microsoft chairman and chief software architect 20

Lesson 5 Cancer Causes Founded in Lifestyle 26

Lesson 6 Cars Drive Themselves 31

Lesson 7 Clone:The Road to Dolly,and the Path Ahead 36

Lesson 8 Coca-Cola,Chocolate Chip Cookies,and Yellow Sticky Notes 43

Lesson 9 Gene Map Brings Hope 48

Lesson 10 How Nature Breaks Rocks 53

Lesson 11 Inside the World of Dreams 58

Lesson 12 Internal Combustion Engines 71

Lesson 13 Is a Cure for Cancer on the Horizon? 77

Lesson 14 Jupiter and the Outer Planets 83

Lesson 15 Man's Abilities 88

Lesson 16 Mending Faces 94

Lesson 17 Move the Earth—It's No Science Fiction 99

Lesson 18 Neil Alden Armstrong 104

Lesson 19 Science Hero:Philo Taylor Farnsworth 109

Lesson 20 Smart Phones to Emerge 116

Lesson 21 The Migration of Birds 121

Lesson 22 The Pleasure of Books 126

Lesson 23 The Ultimate Machine:The Electronic Computer 132

Lesson 24 Time and the Stars 139

Lesson 25 Why Do We Blink? 144

Lesson 26 Why Is There No Cure for the Cold? 149

Lesson 27 YAHOO!—The history of Yahoo!—how it all started 154

Lesson 28 Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 161

Keys to the Exercises 168