
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:甘耀进,董志平等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:703019263X
  • 页数:126 页

一、粟芒蝇的寄主范围、地理分布及危害 1

1.粟芒蝇的寄主范围 1

2.粟芒蝇的地理分布 1

3.粟芒蝇的危害 1

二、我国芒蝇属各种成虫检索表 2

三、粟芒蝇的形态特征 6

1.成虫 7

2.卵 10

3.幼虫 11

4.蛹 13

四、粟芒蝇危害谷子(粟)的症状类型和对产量的影响 13

1.枯心苗 13

2.畸形株 14

3.死穗(白穗) 14

4.粟芒蝇危害谷子(粟)对产量的影响 15

五、粟芒蝇的人工饲养 16

1.人工饲养的目的 16

2.养虫室的设备 17

3.采集虫源 19

4.蛹的饲养 19

5.成虫的饲养 20

6.卵的饲养 21

7.幼虫的饲养 22

六、粟芒蝇的生活史 24

1.粟芒蝇在春谷(粟)生态区的生活史 24

2.粟芒蝇在夏谷(粟)生态区的生活史 25

七、粟芒蝇的生活习性 27

1.成虫趋性 27

2.成虫取食活动习性 28

3.成虫交尾习性 29

4.成虫产卵习性 29

5.卵孵化习性 29

6.幼虫危害习性 30

7.幼虫离株入土越冬习性 31

八、粟芒蝇的发生与生态环境的关系 32

1.气象条件与粟芒蝇发生的关系 32

2.谷子(粟)播期与粟芒蝇发生的关系 34

3.环境条件与粟芒蝇发生的关系 35

九、粟芒蝇的天敌种类 36

1.芒蝇赘须金小蜂 36

2.Neotrichoporoides sp.小蜂 40

3.小茧蜂Bracon sp. 42

十、谷子(粟)品种对粟芒蝇的抗虫性鉴定研究 43

1.田间自然感虫鉴定 43

2.室内人工接虫鉴定 45

3.快速鉴定技术 47

4.我国谷子(粟)品种对粟芒蝇的抗虫性鉴定研究概况 47

5.谷子(粟)抗病虫新品种的选育 49

十一、粟芒蝇的防治 50

1.农业防治 50

2.人工防治 52

3.生物防治 52

4.化学防治 52

参考文献 58

附录 粟芒蝇抗性品种 60

Ⅰ.Host Scale,Geographical Distribution and Damage of the Millet Stem Fly 62

1.Host scale 62

2.Geographical distribution 62

3.Damage 62

Ⅱ.Identification Key to Adults of Genus Atherigona in China 63

Ⅲ.Morphological Features of the Millet Stem Fly 69

1.Adults 70

2.Ova 71

3.Larvae 72

4.Pupae 73

Ⅳ.Damage Symptom Types of the Millet and the Yield Loss 73

1.Seedling with dead hearts 74

2.Deformed stems 74

3.Dead head(White head) 75

4.Influence of the damage rates on the output 75

Ⅴ.Artificial Rearing of the Millet Stem Fly 76

1.Purpose 76

2.Apparatus of the insectarium 76

3.Insect collecting 77

4.Pupa rearing 78

5.Adult rearing 78

6.Ova rearing 80

7.Larva rearing 81

Ⅵ.Life Cycles of the Millet Stem Fly 81

1.Life cycles of the millet stem fly in the spring-sown millet ecotope 81

2.Life cycle of the millet stem fly in the summer-sown millet ecotope 84

Ⅶ.Life Behaviors 86

1.Adult's taxis 86

2.Feeding and hunting of the adults 88

3.Mating of the adults 88

4.Egg deposition of the adults 89

5.Ova incubation 89

6.Larva's damage 90

7.Wintering after larva's leaving the stem and crawling into the earth 92

Ⅷ.Relation between the Hit of the Millet Stem Fly and its Ecological Environment 93

1.Relation between the hit of the millet stem fly and the weather conditions 93

2.Relation between the hit of the millet stem fly and the sowing time 96

3.Relation between the hit of the millet stem fly and the environmental conditions 97

Ⅸ.Varieties of the Millet Stem Fly's Natural Enemies 98

1.Halticoptera atherigona Huang 99

2.Neotrichoporoides sp. 104

3.Bracon sp. 105

Ⅹ.Identification of Millet Varieties'Resistance to the Millet Stem Fly 105

1.Identification of natural field infestation 106

2.Identification of indoors artificial infestation 108

3.Technologies of fast identification 112

4.Survey of the identification of millet varieties'resistance to the millet stem fly 113

5.Developing of new Varieties of the millet resistant to pests and diseases 114

Ⅺ.Control of the Millet Stem Fly 116

1.Agricultural control 116

2.Artificial control 118

3.Biological control 118

4.Chemical control 118

Appendix Millet varieties with resistance to the millet stem fly 125