
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:余丽华,李秀梅主编
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787811123999
  • 页数:219 页

Part Ⅰ Testing Skills(应试指南) 1

How to Use the SKills for Reading Tests(如何使用阅读技巧) 1

Part Ⅱ Reading Skills(阅读指南) 15

How to Read a Passage(如何阅读短文) 15

How to Guess the Word Meaning by the Context(如何根据上下文猜词义) 19

How to Guess the Word Meaning by Word-building(如何利用构词法猜词义) 22

How to Read for the Main Idea(如何确定文章的中心思想) 33

How to Recognize Important Facts or Details(如何识别重要事实或细节) 37

How to Find the Topic Sentence(如何确定主题句) 42

How to Make Inferences and Judgements While Reading(如何从阅读中进行推理和判断) 45

How to Draw Conclusions While Reading(如何从阅读中得出结论) 49

How to Understand Figurative Language(如何理解修辞性语言) 53

Part Ⅲ Reading Tests(阅读测试模拟题) 56

Section A Skimming and Scanning(略读与查读) 56

Section B Multiple Choice and Short Answer Question(选择题与简短问答题) 90

Section C Multiple Choice and Translation(选择题与翻译) 142

Part Ⅳ Key to Reading Tests(参考答案) 211