
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林扬主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7563715177
  • 页数:109 页

Unit 1 Telephone Booking Service电话订票服务 1

1.1 Warm-up 1

1.2 Dialogues 1

(1)Booking an Economy Flight by Telephone电话预订经济舱 1

(2)Booking a Nonstop Flight预订直航班机 2

(3)Putting a Passenger on a Waiting List将乘客列入等候名单 2

(4)Booking for a Vegetarian Passenger为素食者订票 3

1.3 Language Points 4

1.4 Sentence Patterns 5

Greeting问候 5

Offering Help提供帮助 5

Saying Goodbye告别 6

Expressing and Answering Gratitude表达与回应感激 6

1.5 Language Practice 6

1.6 Backgrounds 7

How to Buy Air Tickets?如何购买机票 7

1.7 Exercises 8

1.8 Supplementary Reading 9

A Flight Attendant,To Be or Not to Be?是否做个空中乘务人员 9

Unit 2 Departure(Ⅰ)准备起飞(一) 11

2.1 Warm-up 11

2.2 Dialogues 11

(1)Arranging Check-in for Unaccompanied Children为无人陪伴儿童办理登机手续 12

(2)Arranging Check-in for a Disabled Person为残障人士办理登机手续 13

(3)Attending to a Passenger with Lost Property为丢失物品的乘客提供服务 13

(4)Offering Help to Passengers Who Missed Their Flight为误机的乘客提供帮助 14

2.3 Language Points 15

2.4 Sentence Patterns 16

Giving Directions and Positions指引方向与位置 16

Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty表达确定与不确定 16

Expressing Disappointment表达失望 16

2.5 Language Practice 17

2.6 Backgrounds 18

(1)Checking in Animals and Items为动物和物品办理登机手续 18

(2)New EU Aviation Security Regulations欧盟航空安全新规定 18

2.7 Exercises 19

2.8 Supplementary Reading 20

Baggage Tips行李小贴示 20

Unit 3 Departure(Ⅱ)准备起飞(二) 22

3.1 Warm-up 22

3.2 Dialogues 22

(1)Travelling with an Infant带婴儿旅行 22

(2)Paying for Extra Weight Luggage为超重行李付费 23

(3)Food Voucher食品餐券 24

(4)Losing the Boarding Card丢失登机牌 25

3.3 Language Points 26

3.4 Sentence Patterns 26

Expressing Happiness表达快乐 26

Expressing Unhappiness表达不快 27

Making Complaints抱怨 27

3.5 Language Practice 27

3.6 Backgrounds 28

Airline Delays and Cancellations飞机延误及取消 28

3.7 Exercises 29

3.8 Supplementary Reading 30

What Can Be Brought on Board?什么物品可以带上飞机 30

Unit 4 Welcome Aboard欢迎登机 32

4.1 Warm-up 32

4.2 Dialogues 32

(1)Welcoming Passengers Aboard欢迎乘客登机 33

(2)Seat Arrangement安排座位 33

(3)Baggage Arrangement安排行李 34

(4)Pre-takeoff Checking起飞前检查 34

4.3 Language Points 35

4.4 Sentence Patterns 35

Expressing Prohibition表达禁止 35

Expressing Request表达请求 36

Asking for Permission请求允许 36

4.5 Language Practice 37

4.6 Backgrounds 38

The Crew and Their Duties机组人员及其责任 38

4.7 Exercises 40

4.8 Supplementary Reading 40

For the Comfort of Passengers为了乘客的舒适 40

Unit 5 In-flight Service(Ⅰ)飞行中的服务(一) 42

5.1 Warm-up 42

5.2 Dialogues 42

(1)Serving Food供餐 42

(2)Serving Food to a Vegetarian为素食者供餐 43

(3)Offering Newspapers and Magazines提供报纸和杂志 44

(4)Helping a Passenger Adjust Headsets帮助乘客调整耳机 44

5.3 Language Points 45

5.4 Sentence Patterns 46

Asking for Agreement or Approval请求同意或批准 46

Showing Agreement and Disagreement表示同意或不同意 46

Making Suggestions提出建议 46

5.5 Language Practice 47

5.6 Backgrounds 48

In-flight Meal Service飞行中的餐饮服务 48

5.7 Exercises 50

5.8 Supplementary Reading 51

Food and Culture饮食与文化 51

Unit 6 In-flight Service(Ⅱ)飞行中的服务(二) 53

6.1 Warm-up 53

6.2 Dialogues 53

(1)Attending to a Passenger with a Headache帮助头痛的乘客 53

(2)Getting Milk for a Baby Passenger为婴幼儿乘客提供牛奶 54

(3)Serving a Passenger with a Baby为带婴幼儿的乘客提供服务 55

(4)Helping a Sick Passenger帮助生病的乘客 55

6.3 Language Points 56

6.4 Sentence Patterns 56

Showing Concern表示关心 56

Expressing Reassurance表达确认 57

Expressing Relief表达放心 57

6.5 Language Practice 57

6.6 Backgrounds 58

Children Traveling Unaccompanied无人陪伴儿童 58

6.7 Exercises 59

6.8 Supplementary Reading 60

Serving a Special Passenger为特殊乘客提供服务 60

Unit 7 Special Service特殊服务 61

7.1 Warm-up 61

7.2 Dialogues 61

(1)Talking with an Unruly Passenger与不遵守规定的乘客交谈 61

(2)Providing Information about Hotels in Flight飞行中提供酒店信息 62

(3)Taking Care of a Passenger's Pet照顾乘客的宠物 63

(4)Passengers Losing Property on Board乘客在机上丢失财物 63

7.3 Language Points 64

7.4 Sentence Patterns 65

Expressing Refusal表达拒绝 65

Interrupting One's Conversation打断他人谈话 65

Making an Apology表示抱歉 65

7.5 Language Practice 66

7.6 Backgrounds 67

(1)Disorderly Behavior不守秩序的行为 67

(2)Pets in the Aircraft Cabin客舱内的宠物 67

7.7 Exercises 68

7.8 Supplementary Reading 69

A Letter of Complaint一封投诉信 69

Unit 8 Pre-Landing准备降落 71

8.1 Warm-up 71

8.2 Dialogues 71

(1)Helping with Completing a Disembarka-tion Card帮助填写入境卡 71

(2)A Reminder about Fastening Seat Belts关于系紧安全带的提示 72

(3)Introducing a City to a Foreign Passenger向外国乘客介绍某一城市 73

(4)Reassuring Passengers Who Feel Unsafe安抚感觉不安全的乘客 73

8.3 Language Points 74

8.4 Sentence Patterns 75

Expressing“Idon't know”表达不知道 75

Expressing Possibility表达可能性 75

Expressing Doubt表达怀疑 75

8.5 Language Practice 76

8.6 Backgrounds 77

Forms to Fill in Prior to Landing着陆前需要填写的表格 77

8.7 Exercises 80

8.8 Supplementary Reading 81

The Reunion重聚 81

Unit 9 Arrival(Ⅰ)到达(一) 83

9.1 Warm-up 83

9.2 Dialogues 83

(1)Helping a Minor Get Off the Airplane帮助年幼者下飞机 84

(2)Helping Disabled and Elderly Passengers帮助残障人士及年长者 84

(3)Seeing Passengers Off at the Cabin Door在舱门处送别乘客 85

(4)Helping a Passenger Fill Out Unfinished Forms帮助乘客填写未完成的表格 85

9.3 Language Points 86

9.4 Sentence Patterns 87

Offering/Asking for Help主动提供/请求帮助 87

Expressing Wishes表达愿望 87

Expressing Hopes表达希望 87

9.5 Language Practice 88

9.6 Backgrounds 89

Arriving Passengers到达的乘客 89

9.7 Exercises 90

9.8 Supplementary Reading 90

Crossing the Time Zones跨越时区 90

Unit 10 Arrival(Ⅱ)到达(二) 93

10.1 Warm-up 93

10.2 Dialogues 93

(1)Finding Lost Items寻找丢失的物品 93

(2)Airport Shuttle Bus Service机场往返巴士服务 94

(3)Providing Information about Connecting Flights提供有关中转联程的信息 95

(4)Answering Passengers'Questions回答乘客的问题 95

10.3 Language Points 96

10.4 Sentence Patterns 97

Asking for Opinions征询意见 97

Showing Likes and Dislikes表达喜欢和不喜欢 97

Expressing Instructions指示说明 98

10.5 Language Practice 98

10.6 Backgrounds 99

Flight Transfer转机 99

10.7 Exercises 100

10.8 Supplementary Reading 100

London Heathrow Airport伦敦希思罗机场 100

Appendix:Interview Techniques面试技巧 102

Interview for Potential Cabin Attendants 102

Interview Questions for Cabin Attendants 103

The Scenario Interview Questions 104

Be Prepared for the Interview 105

The Interview 106

Tips and Advice for the Interview 106

Little Things that Make a Difference 107

References参考书目 109