
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王江扬绘
  • 出 版 社:成都:四川美术出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7541033421
  • 页数:103 页

春晨/Spring Morning 1

余光/Split Vision 2

七里香/Seven-Mile Fragance 3

写生/Sketch 3

老林口/Mouthe of Old Forest 4

根/Roots 6

死灰堆/Ash Dump 7

交粮Ⅱ/Grain Delivery Ⅱ 8

交粮(初稿)/Grain Delivery(first draft) 10

耕月/Farming Month 11

打秧/Seedling Transplanting 12

大锅饭/A Gigantic Pot of Rice 13

大碗饭/Big Bowls of Rice 14

昼夜/Day and Night 15

抢收/Harvest Rush 16

风谷/Wind Valley 17

深深的夜/Deep Night 18

残阳/Remnants of the Sun 19

西出阳关/Going Westwards out of Yangguan 20

开山/Mountain Cutting 21

火烧云之一/Evening Glow Ⅰ 22

火烧云之二/Evening Glow Ⅱ 23

菜花黄/Yellowness of Cauliflower 24

落日/The Setting Sun 25

高高的山/Lofty Mountains 26

长长的水/Long River 27

写生/Sketch 28

头像习作/Practice of Portrait 28

钢笔母子像/Portraits of Mother and Son in Pen 29

写生/Sketch 30

狼/Wolf 31

地光/Earth Light 32

回家/Going Home 34

荒原/Desert 35

清明/Qingming 36

赶场/Going to Fair 37

王家垭/Wangjiaya 38

母亲/Mother 39

人像写生Ⅰ/Figure Sketch Ⅰ 40

人像写生Ⅱ/Figure Sketch Ⅱ 41

地久天长/Everlasting 42

冬梨/Winter Pear 43

出殡/Funera! 44

苦渡/River Crossing 46

夜郎之歌/Song of Yelang 47

岔路口/Turning 48

茶山春/Spring of Tea Mountain 49

归途/Way Home 50

童年/Childhood 51

惊蛰/Insects Awaken 52

永定河的春天/Spring of the Yongding River 53

秦川牛/Cows of Qinchuan 54

寒冬/Cold Winter 56

上广元/To Guangyuan 57

竹林Ⅰ/Bamboo Forest Ⅰ 58

竹林Ⅱ/Bamboo Forest Ⅱ 59

安息地/Place of Peace 60

牧/Herding 61

写生/Sketch 61

老房子/Old House 62

大地/Land 63

老屋/Old House 64

上山云/Uphill Cloud 65

物体运动/Movement of Objects 66

风/Wind 68

父与子/Father and Son 69

别离/Farewell 70

斜阳/The Declining Sun 71

铲草皮/Screefing 72

山凹/Cove 73

情侣/Lovers 74

勾践/Goujian 75

黑洞/Black Hole 76

搏斗/Fight 77

奔逐/Chase 78

山腰有棵青杠树/Childhood of Son 79

春草/Spring Grass 80

回归/Return 81

晨曦/Morning Ray 82

朝山/Morning Homage to Mountain 84

朋友/Friends 85

瞎子阿炳/The Blind Abing 86

雪原/Snow Field 88

母与子/Mother and Son 89

川西的田野/Field in the West of Sichuan 90

古蜀道/Ancient Sichuan Road 91

白夜/White Night 92

月下/Under the Moon 92

生命之光/Light of Life 93

年表/Chronology 95

自述/Narration 96